
Flight of Fancy

10:10:00 PM

Heyylooowww everybody!

Been having a great weekend so far? I'm having a wonderful Saturday (it's still Saturday when i am writing this but it's almost midnite hahaha. Going to post this on Sunday anyway) but i actually am sulking just a tiny little bit. Why? Because i am dying to go watch Insidious 2 (i loved the first one!)-as you know, i am a die hard horror movie lover! 

Thing is... Nowadays midnite show (Insidious 2 is not playing on regular hours yet) in Surabaya really starts at midnight and i am way too old for that *LOL*. No lah, but i do have a son and of course i can't bring him to watch Insidious 2 (are you insane?) or leave him at the arcade, it'll be long closed by then! But that's not really the main reason (for we can always drop him off at home and go back to watch the movie if we want to), i just don't want to watch a movie at 12 PM lah, that's the time to relax, stick on collagen eye masks and blog! Hehe. 

I long for the days when midnite show starts at 10 or 11 at the latest pffffftttt. Plus i am not feeling my best right now zzzz, tired, bloated and sluggish, i always feel horrible around my period. My skin's been suffering too zzzz. Okay, i really didn't mean to complain so much hahahaha... I just really want to watch Insidious 2 okay, but i can wait until it's showing at more reasonable hours.

I still had a great Saturday *even minus the horror movie* though! As you can probably guess by the title now, i am posting a OOTD and FOTD-from earlier today! That's got to be the fastest so far, usually my OOTDs and FOTDs tend to be very backdated hahaha. But that's not all, i'm also gonna show you some stuffs i got from the mall today *heehee...*. I know i haven't posted a proper weekly haul post this week, but i've been unboxing two beauty boxes and that should count as haul posts, yes?

More about that later, lemme show you the OOTD first!
Calling this Flight of Fancy because somehow the dress reminded me of that Anna Sui perfume with peacock on the bottle. Of course, it's a huge flower that's on my dress but that's just what was on my mind when i put it on haha!
Dress : Zara, Inner Lacey Top : Online
There were pretty embellishment around the flower
The dress was from Zara that i bought, borrowing one of my fave blogger-Cheesie's words, a gazillion years ago. Worn it once before so this is kinda a proof that i do wear my clothes more than once! (yes, there are people out there who question this haha) Absolutely love the dress, it so pretty, feminine and i just feel super comfortable in it. One thing about me, the dress actually has a zipper on the side but i'd only buy the size that i can slip in without touching the zipper! LOL. Weird? Not if you've been flesh-zipped by your hunny a few times, you'd learn your lesson!
Colorful bag : Gobelini
And of course, the FOTD :
Excuse the kabuki-ish photo, it's really not that white IRL! See photos above
Yeah, i dunno why it translated kinda kabuki-ish on the close up picture *___*. As you can see, the facial skin color's no different than the skin on my chest *sorry, it's hard to show your neck when you're doing selcas like this, especially if you don't have a long one to begin with*. My facial skin did turn lighter since i began using Clarins whitening range *the samples i got from beauty boxes before*, wonder if i should stop using because my skin's already so pale, it makes my made up face look kabuki-ish!!!! *freaking out*. Isn't whitening ranges supposed to brighten your skin rather than making it whiter? I seriously do not need to be whiter zzzz.

Anyway, i put on some green and turquoise eyeshadow to match my dress (and because i miss playing with color, been wearing one color neutral eyeshadow too much lately-due to laziness haha) and don an orange lips *which actually was a Red Earth cream eye shadow that i can never pull of as its original purpose hahaha* out for the very first time ever (i only worn orange lips for a make up challenge once but it was more golden than orange since i topped it off with a gold lip gloss). It's kinda pale on me, i think a corally orange would look nicer on me *more excuse to buy new lippies*.

The stuffs that i got today :
Guess, what? I decided to be all out kiasu and not waste the vouchers i got lately from beauty boxes! First up, Optik Seis to exchange the voucher with a FresKon Mosaic contact lenses with the voucher i got from September BTI, of course!
They had four color choices for this variant, and since it's only a month worth of usage i decided to pick a louder color that my usual brown/grey (i used to wear blue/green/violet contact lenses for years, but then i discovered how pretty brown/grey enlarging contact lenses are and bought the yearly ones so i haven't been wearing anything too loud for far too long) and went with blue.

I mentioned how i was worried the SA might be difficult (or doubting the authenticity of the voucher, yes i am a bag of worries), but that didn't happen at all! All of the SAs were mad kind and friendly, they even asked me where i got the voucher (they thought it was from a magazine) from and we chatted quite a bit. They were quite confused when i told them i got it from BTI *LOL*, they didn't even know what a beauty box was. I apparently was the first ever person to exchange the voucher from BTI in Optik Seis Galaxy Mall branch hehee.

If you live in Surabaya and want to exchange the same voucher, the GM branch's highly recommended! One of the SA even told me about a fashion show on Sunday (today, as i post this) at CW and how i can get the invitation at CW's Optik Seis hehe, thank you mbak but i'm not really into fashion shows (but covering a fashion show as a blogger would be a lot of fun! I aspire to work in journalistic, if you can't guess yet hahaha...)

Next, i wanted to use the Skin Food's voucher from Lola Box and it must've been one of my lucky days because the BA in GM's Skin Food was also very nice and friendly! I do encounter a lot of annoying and rude BAs a few times, the last time was sometime last week when i purchased a liquid eyeliner in Maybelline's stall in Matahari TP. ZZZZ. The BA was snotty and annoying and not at all friendly. Those kind of BAs are precisely why i prefer to shop online for my cosmetics rather than at the counters.  

I went round and round the not-so-big store at least three or four times because i was super confused on what to get. You know, the prices are quite CRAZY in the counter so i made sure i skipped all the stuffs that you can get easily and much cheaper online! So i kiasu-ly scanned and took notes (mentally) of the prices. I certainly wasn't going to buy anything from their cosmetic line (i saw a honeypot lip gloss that costs around IDR 50.000 or so online and they were selling it at IDR 124.000 or something...) and concentrated on the hair/bath and body care ones that usually wouldn't be too much more expensive than online prices. All the while the BA gave me space and waited politely, not trying to hurried or sell anything to me. Bravo, Skin Food's BA!

Since i really didn't want or need anything (well, actually hunny and i were intrigued by the Omija Tea Bag Toner but it's sold at IDR 450.000 at the counter WTF, i googled and it's roughly around IDR 300.000 online so no, never!), i was trying to find stuffs for hunny. I was hoping that they'd have a hair styling line like The Face Shop, but they didn't. So this is what i ended up getting :
Yea, i bought them just because i didn't want to waste the voucher. How very kiasu of me. Paid IDR 265.000 after deducting IDR 50.000 from the voucher.
Grape Seed Oil (Dual Body Oil) 160 ml
It's IDR 223.000 or something (i just googled and online it's around the same price!), i wouldn't ever buy this normally hahaha. This is for hunny, i hate greasy feeling so body oil is a no no for me. His super dry skin however, hopefully would appreciate the richness of this oil.

I didn't know what else i could get to make it IDR 300.000 (the minimum amount to use the voucher), because everything's so expensive haha (seriously, i think Skin Food is like a middle classed Korean brand? The prices became so high end in Indonesia WTH, some even as expensive as half a million rupiahs. And the BB creams? They were 4x more expensive than online! Craziness!) so i ended up getting something i would definitely use (even though i don't need them at the moment as i still got some stocks...) : Top coats.
Flower Top Coat
Nail Vita Top Coat
It was around IDR 42.500 each? Wasn't too crazy because online it'd be around IDR 35.000? With the voucher i think it was okay lah. And i do want to test out more top coats than my usual Revlon Top Speed anyway. So, pretty satisfied with my not-important-and-definitely-do-not-need mini haul in Skin Shop!

Shopped a bit at Guardian too. I wanted to get this Pure Baby food graded mouth wipes for my Baby Boy (i know he's 6, but i'd rather play safe and have his face wiped with a food graded wipes in case it got into his mouth and all) because we're running low in stock, and Guardian was having a +1000 promo as usual then we got greedy i guess because... Well, i was having a doubt really because the packaging didn't look like the one we usually get but hunny convinced me they should be the same so we got like, four huge packs (paid for two) and when i read the instructions behind the package... It's a wipe specially designed for.... Baby bottoms. -____-. WTF. So now they are going to be used as normal wipes lah *anti bacterial and all, should be good enough for hands right!*.

The only thing worth showing from Guardian was this :
Old Spice Body Wash in Swagger
The super famous (and old) male grooming brand from USA. It just arrived in Indonesia, i believe (never seen it before in local stores). Loved the smell so i asked hunny if he wanted to try it out and he picked this Swagger variant that smells oh so sexy hahaha. It's on sale too, IDR 55.000 (usual price IDR 65.000 or something). I hope it'll perform well and not dry out his skin or else i might have to use it instead, and while i find it to be sexy on a male, i do not fancy smelling like one -___-.
Then we went to Centro and i got this cute thing :
OMG so cute!!!!

No, there's no (next) bun in the oven, don't lose your handle yet! Haha. One of hunny's friend's wife just gave birth to a baby boy and hunny wanted to get something to congratulate them. This is like, the first baby thing i saw and i was like "OMG so cuteeee, should we get this? Should we?? Should we????". 

Yea... It's been so long since my own Baby Boy was a real baby, and i do feel like having another one whenever i see something as cute as this. But no. Not yet. Gimmie a little bit more time *no talks about age please, i am only turning 30 not 40. And that's considered very young to have a kid still nowadays okay!*. Need to lose a lot of weight before i even consider gaining baby weights again. Just thinking about it makes me break out in cold sweats.

Oh, i finally am able to put the idea of re-using beauty boxes as a gift container! Yay!!! I love recycling/re-using stuffs like this, i really hate to waste stuffs and piling more trash in this over-populated earth! Take a look!
Um... i guess i should do something about the tear on the edge *lazy*....
Even the bow was recycled hehehehe...
Used the paper wrapper and ribbon *the whole nine yard actually* from September BTI to wrap the little jumper
I think it looked super nice! Hehehehe
Anddd... that's all for now, folks! What have you been doing this weekend? I'd love to know! And whatever you do... Don't forget to join my giveaway okay!
Our weekend ritual now...

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  1. itu weekend ritual nya lucu amat XD pake eye patch merk apa? :D
    btw ak biasa klo ke counter2 gitu ga pernah dpt BA yg baik, slalu pd nyebelin ._.

    1. Hehehe iya maskeran bersama ^.^... Errrr, merk apa ya??? Random aja sih beli di disdus atau groupbeli, sama dengan yg ada di hadiah giveaway juga :) (http://pinkandundecided.blogspot.com/2013/09/pinks-birthday-giveaway-d-open.html kalo mau liat close up nya)
      Duh, BA2 itu... gak banget deh ya, gmn kita mau belanja byk kalo mrk pd menyebalkan zzzz

  2. omg the last pict is super cute!!! wkwkwkwk
