
Review : Dermal Sheet Masks

12:26:00 PM

Holla evereee bodeeee D!

Gonna review sheet masks from the brand Dermal for today :)! 
They certainly has a staggering number of variants!

I first got to know this brand from Sasa.com during my crazy Sasa.com haul days. I was starting to take an interest on sheet masks and happened to see it on Sasa, and you can guess the strongest attraction point of this brand : the price! It was USD 0.90 each, which is crazily cheap even compared to the sheet masks readily available in local supermarkets/drugstores (even though USD is going nutz right now, USD 0.90 is still very cheap for imported sheet masks).  

I went on and purchased five packs, two in Aloe, two in Coenzyme Q10 and one in Apricot (read the haul here). Then just recently, i received another Dermal sheet mask in Pomegranate from NailBar2013's goodie bag. I have used all six masks and now i am going to write a collective review on every variant :D.

First up : Aloe!
Picture courtesy of Google
First of all, notice that they named their masks Collagen Essence Mask, and we all know that collagen's super good for your skin, especially for maturing skin like mine *sob sob, i cannot believe i am so old already zzzz* so that made their masks became even more attractive for me hehe. This is my own Dermal Aloe masks :
Silly thing is, somehow i always thought the girl in the mask's package was Caucasian, i just didn't pay attention i guess even when i was taking pictures. Just now when i look for the official image i was like "How come the model was different" when she's clearly the exact same person hahahaha
Since in my head i always thought the girl was Caucasian i thought this brand came from Europe/USA LOLOLOL. It clearly stated to be made in Korea though. Dermal also number-coded their variants as well, so this is 012 Aloe
All of the Dermal masks that i've tried had the same shape, but differ in consistency. I found the aloe's liquid one to be the thickest, it hardly dripped when i took it out of its package. Because of the thick consistency however, it didn't stick to my face flatly like the usual, drenched in liquid sheet masks :
Look, it was really loose around my chin. Of of course, it wouldn't be an issue if i just lie down and relax while having my mask on, but i can hardly lie down doing nothing for a full 30 minutes (it stated to leave the mask on for 20 minutes, but i like to leave them longer if they were still wet)! I always move around and that's a bit troublesome because of that.

As you can also see from the photo above, the sheet was also quite big that it surpassed my whole face haha. Every Dermal masks has flaps on their eye holes, that way you can open or close them as you see fit. I think it's a good idea to relax and close your eye with the sheet while letting the mask doing its job, sadly that's just not something i am able to do haha. I become restless if i have my eyes covered in a long period of time when i am not asleep.

As the liquid this Aloe masks were soaked in was quite thick, it also dried faster than the usual sheet masks, but that doesn't mean it's didn't have enough juice because when i squeezed it (i always squeeze out every single drop of liquid of sheet masks and use it to rub around hunny's arms and legs like a serum hehehe) there were still some (thick) liquid left. 

Dermal Aloe mask had a pretty pleasant smell, it wasn't too overpowering (like how i found several of their masks to be, mostly the fruity variants). It however was very sticky and left a greasy residue afterward. I woke up the next morning to a greasy wok's butt kind of face haha. 

It claims to be "soothing+convergence+nutrition" *LOL*. I didn't find it too soothing to be honest (i found this one to be the least soothing out of the four variants i've tried), i have no idea what convergence is, and nutrition? Well, i'm pretty sure they meant "nutritious" and that at least was a based claim. 

I find the Aloe variant to be okay, probably more suitable for people with normal to dry skin because it was too heavy and greasy for my oily skin.

Second variant : Coenzyme Q10.
I had no idea what coenzyme was (before i googled it to link it here hahaha) but i was pretty sure it was some sort of vitamin/good chemicals for your skin :p. I just took a blind leap of faith and purchased this variant, and it paid off! This variant is my favorite out of all of the Dermal sheet masks i've tried!
First of all, the liquid was more watery (but still it didn't drip when i took it out from its package, i think Dermal masks were the least drippy of all the sheet masks i've tried before) and has a cooling sensation (therefore somehow more soothing for me), the scent was very soft and subtle-almost unnoticeable for me so it couldn't be a bother. Since it was more watery, it stuck to my face better :
Hehe, two scary mask-clad pics in one post :p
Once you're done with the mask, the residue would dry up very quickly (unlike the Aloe one) and it didn't make my skin greasy at all! But since it's very moisturizing on me, it did make my skin a bit greasy later on, but not in a crazy way like Aloe did. 

I dunno if it's something in this mask's ingredient or it was a coincidence, but i had lots of white heads on my chin at that time, it wasn't very visible but totally annoying and disturbing especially when i touch my chin *because they made my skin felt bumpy*, and after i had this mask on i just rub my chin casually and all of the white heads fell off! How could i not fall in love with this variant right away? LOL. 

This one claims to be "Firming+Regeneration+Moisturizing" all three i believe were delivered by this variant. My skin was very soft and supple and felt firmer instantly. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Variant number three : Apricot
You know one of my favorite scents is fruity, but that mostly applies to perfumes, make up stuffs *lip balm, lip gloss, lipsticks* or bath and body cares *shower gel, body scrub, body lotions*, i don't mind my hair to smell like a fruit either but i am quite uncomfortable for face products to smell like a fruit somehow. I dunno why *LOL*.
So, i am not very comfortable with the scent (i was curious, that's why i got this variant, but i think i knew i wouldn't be too thrilled to smell apricot closely for 30 minutes-since a mask is attached to your face and is like an inch away from your nostrils, if you don't like the smell then it'd be quite torturous!-that's why i unconsciously bought only one), it has a strong (artificial) apricot (obviously!) smell. 

Some fruity smelling stuffs can turn a bit sour-ish in my experience, and this mask wasn't an exception. It was very sweet at first, but soon it turned sour smelling that it annoyed me a little bit.

The consistency was similar to Q10's (for me that's a good thing, i don't like my sheet masks to be drenched to the point that it's dripping like mad, but also not enjoying it to be too errr... un-wet? LOL. I like it just right, and this mask's delivered in the consistency part). It also had a cooling (probably a little too much, definitely stronger than Q10's) sensation that turns to almost an itchy feeling *LOL*. I didn't like the itchiness (who does??) so i couldn't wait to take it off!

After i took them off, the left over liquid on my skin dried off quickly and it wasn't too sticky. This one's definitely not my favorite, but i cannot pick if this one or the Aloe one was my least favorite. The Aloe didn't make my skin itch and the smell didn't drive me crazy, but i like the consistency and result of Apricot better.

Claims to be "Moisturizing+Firming+Brightening". All three also delivered from this variant.

And the last but not least : Pomegranate
This one i got from NailBar2013's goodie bag (thank you, NailBar :)). 
As i stated above, i don't really like fruity smells for my face products >.<, but this one smells great actually (for me it's not that fruity smells are not good, on the contrary, they're fantastic, but i just feel somewhat... wrong for them to be on my face, did i make any sense??) and thankfully didn't turn sour so it wasn't torturous like the Apricot one *LOL*.

Consistency wise, it was less thick than Aloe only, much thicker than Q10 and Apricot, so you know that's not my fave consistency. It also has the cooling (not as bad as Apricot, it was bearable) sensation like most of Dermal masks (that i've used) and it unfortunately also turns itchy like Apricot *sigh*. 

"Firming-Moisturizing-Mild"? I do find all of Dermal masks to be quite firming and absolutely moisturizing (sometimes TOO moisturizing like the Aloe one even though that one didn't even say that it was moisturizing hahaha), but mild? Errr... It wasn't mild when it itches, was it? Hahaha.

In conclusion, i LOVE Dermal sheet masks, they crazily have so many choices, all of them works really well as a mask, and they're as cheap as chips! I would definitely repurchase Q10 and try on every other variants! (Remember, i write this based on their performance on MY skin, results may differ in different skins) 

Am not crazy about some of the smells (Apricot!!!), how some of them made my skin itches (only when the mask was still on my face, it would go away once i take them off), or the consistency (of Aloe), but they are still pretty wonderful sheet masks! Worth every penny (And more)! I do find more things to love from their masks than to complain about hehe. 

If you're interested in trying on Dermal masks (you should! Highly recommending them especially the Q10! It's ironic because i had the most doubt about this variant due to not knowing what Coenzyme Q10 was haha) you can get them at NailBar2013's sister shop : BeautyBar2010 but unfortunately i have no idea how much they costs, you can ask them directly :).

Here is their Facebook and Twitter or you can contact (one of the) owner (s) : Sisca at 0821 4249 7799 (BB Pin 261D2FAD).

Have you ever tried Dermal masks? Do you like them as much as i do?

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  1. i love face sheets.
    i m an addict too :)


    1. They are very convenient, aren't they :).
      Thx for dropping by, sweetie :)

  2. Hi Mindy Pauline,

    I've nominated (passed on to you) The Versatile Blogger Award as I think your blog really interesting, unique and fun!


    1. Hi sweetie, thank you very much for nominating us, however we've received the award previously :), but we'll still answer the questions :)

      Thank you again!

  3. I never try brand dermal mask but i do love Q10 sheet mask, I forget the brand name (my mother send the mask from japan & it written in kanji..hahaha) I love the relaxing feeling & the result from Q10 <3

    1. Yes, those Q10 thingies are good stuffs, aren't they :)? I just love the result haham :D.
      Thanks for reading, dear ^^

  4. Hey I m curious about using dermal face mask as it included paraben.is it really safe ? Idk I have lots of packs in my house but I m little getting scared by parabens. .

    1. I am honestly not an expert, but i believe small doses of parabens wouldn't hurt, especially if your skin doesn't show any allergic reaction to it-but that's just me! If you are very concerned about this i'd suggest you to only use paraben free products instead ^^

  5. i never use it before. i think i should buy this. Usually, i use etude house.


    1. I'm not sure if we can get it easily in Indonesia tho?
