
Unboxing : 2nd Customized Vanity Trove

11:44:00 PM

Heyllow world!!!

And hellow weekend! How's yours so far? Mine's pretty fun! Will blog about it soon, but in the meantime...

Yes, i did it again, another Beauty Box for me-i guess my infatuation with them has really come back on zzz. And yes, i did say i wasn't really about to subscribe to Vanity Trove again after that last disaster except if they have really good stuffs to offer... Guess what? That GOOD stuffs appeared faster than i expected *sigh*. Yep, just about a month later *sigh*. I wasn't even spying on their website or whatever, i just saw Phanie posted a photo of her newest customized box full of deluxe Avene samples and i just got super curious. And when i saw what they had to offer, well... I automatically clicked them FTL into my shopping cart *double sigh*. Here's a peek into the goodies that i couldn't passed on :

I guess that first glance doesn't seem very appealing if you're a pastel and bright color, super cute packaging fan like me-but read on why i think this is probably my favorite Vanity Trove to date!

This is a first! VT came with a brown paper bag outer
I should tell you that i love their brown paper bag's design, looks very exclusive and luxe! I love the square sticker they used to seal the bag with, i actually just realized that i snapped the back of the paper bag instead of the front after i tore into it hehe
Here it is again, the pretty sticker! LOL. I like how carefully they wrapped their box now, complete with the bubble wrap and all! I guess they're really learning from past mistakes, kudos for them!
They also came up with a new, more luxurious designed box! I was getting bored of their old white and hot pink box anyway, but even if i didn't-i'd still like this new super luxe box better!
And yes, the box' still the pull out drawer type. I admit my heart skipped a beat (not in a good way) when i see the wrapping paper all crumpled up like that. Can't blame me for being worried!
Thankfully everything was in a perfect condition!

Luxola voucher worth IDR 100.000 (with minimum purchase of IDR 400.000) and Ishine booklet
I'm not gonna use that Luxola voucher, i told you before that i won't shop there unless i get the same deal as the last one that expired before i even used them (IDR 200.000 off with minimum purchase of IDR 400.000). Since i do not (and probably never would) NEED anything from them just yet, i guess i can wait! 

And for the Ishine (i can't really find too much information about them yet, i think it's a local brand? They are sold exclusively in C&F Perfumery) booklet, i thought it was just a regular booklet at first but turned out it was full of vouchers for many of Ishine's products! The deals are so tempting (Buy 1 Get 1 for lipsticks, IDR 75.000 off for powder foundie, IDR 50.000 off for blush on and eye shadow and 20% off for eye liner and eye brow pencils) i probably would pick up a few things in C&F >.< (stocking up for gifts, i swear!).

Now, the Ishine products itself were actually the sole reason why i freaked and ordered right away, i mean... a full size eye shadow and lipstick in one box? I'm SOLD!
Picked three full sized make up!
Ishine Moisturizing Lipstick (Full size 4.2g)
I find the little heart on the box super cute *dork* hehe
I kinda love their sleek packaging as well! The only complain would the super hard to open box, i totally tore the flap trying to open it :p
Ishine Moisturizing Lipstick in 07 Brun Cinnamon
It was a little hard to photograph because the bullet's quite shiny. It's creamy browniesh pink in real life (quite gorgeous but nothing spectacular for me, i don't think i have this kind of color much in my collection so it's all good. Oh, and it smells really good!)
Ishine Eye Shadow (Full size 6g)
Again, attracted to the little hearts on the box hehe
Ishine Eyeshadow in Smokey Diamond
It's darker in real life and the white one's actually a shimmery silver. Not exactly the kind of color i'd pick for myself, but i'll use it (i love the silver, would def use it a lot)
You should know by now if i like something i'd take a lot of (detailed) pictures of them, and very little one for the contrary, i think i haven't took so much pictures of products inside a beauty box in quite a while!
I know i also said that i already have two full size Sleek Makeup Eye Dust Eyeshadow Pot from previous beauty boxes and was afraid of getting the same color, but i dunno... Choosing between this and sample sized skin cares... It obviously won! hehe
Sleek Makeup Eye Dust Eyeshadow Pot in 679 Vintage
I am quite lucky that i got all different colors, three times! This one's gotta be my favorite so far! Golden, shimmery eyeshadow? Must have!
Then i chose all Avene samples for the rest of the items. Always heard great things about this brand, but i never tried them because i never had a reason to (i didn't really experiment with my skin care before i started subscribing to beauty boxes, i stuck to my dermatologist's creams but i always meant to mix them with non-prescribed products so my skin won't get used or addicted to the doctor's creams. Now i can try different brands and see what works for my skin since i receive a lot of different skin care brands from beauty boxes) so i was quite happy to see them on the list of products i could sampled for my VT. 

Other brands featured were Lioele (sachets. Errrghhh) and Clarins (got too much of them in my stash by now), also Issey Miyake Pleats Please EDP sample. Always one who seek for something that's the best value for money, i chose the biggest sized one *LOL*.
Avene products
Avene Skin Recovery Cream (5ml)
Avene Cleanance Gel Soapless Cleanser (25ml), it's a travel size and would be perfect for my travels!
Avene Extremely Gentle Cleanser For Intolerant Skin (25ml)-idem! Plus anything with the words "extremely gentle" on them are always good for me because they would be kind to my skin!
VT also featured Swanky Society's accessories again in their box, wonder if it's like a permanent thing for now?
Personally i like the accessories they featured in this box a lot more than the previous one, it's more suitable for my taste
I love large cuffs and am fascinated with animal prints/patterns so this huge-ass snakeskin cuff's right up my alley. I know some people (like my sis or even #Undecided *LOL*) might tell me i look like Wonder Woman or something, but i love it! It'd cool with some rock insipired outfit or something more androgynous
Love these unique orange tribal earrings as well! So striking!
As you probably can tell by now, i am in love with this box! Everything seems to please me, from the packaging, the new designed box, the products (well, i did chose them all myself so i should be satisfied or i don't have anyone else to blame but myself) to the extra accessories! Hands down my fave beauty box this month! I hope VT would feature awesome products (make ups!!! Love it! And nail polish pleaseee!!!) and brands (i really love how they featured Avene this time! Wonderful brand with wonderful resume!) like these for their next lists as well and i guarantee i cannot say no to them! 

Are you interested in trying out VT's customized trove as well? Do you think this box was worth (or even exceed) the price i paid (IDR 180.000) for it? Let me know what you think on the comment box below!
Airport Outfit for my recent Bali trip, i am preparing a blogpost dedicated for my OOTDs during the trip :D


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  1. Love the new packaging and the lipstick! :D

  2. Replies
    1. Banget Shel, kalo ga lumayan ga aq pesen dah hahahah *dah kapokkk*

  3. Do u buy ishine products via online order? Can i have the link please? Thank you.
