
Shades of Red

Haiii :D!Hm... Not sure if the title is inspired by Fifty Shades of Gray. Probably, coz i'm pretty annoyed that it's not going to show in Indonesia (not that i expect it to. Pffffftttt). I know the world is divided in two, those who love Fifty Shades of Gray and those who detest it and think it's the worst book ever written. I...

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#Pink's Family's Chinese New Year's Eve 2015

Haii haiii :D! Finally got time to sit down and prepping the pics of our family Chinese New Year, thanks to hunny who suddenly got sick sometime in the dawn last Monday and make me stuck at home for two whole days (he is my driver, and i am his nurse *LOL*). It's boring as heck but i get to do a lot...

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