
#Pink Ghost Stories (Part 2)

Heyllowww ma dahlings! How's everybody's Saturday nitezzz??? I gotta be honest and tell you that the start of my Saturday wasn't good, everything that could go wrong, DID (all first world problems though, so minor they don't even deserve sharing *LOL*). I am also severely PMS-ing and extremely irritable, but i am in MUCHHH better mood right now woohooo *God, i feel so...

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LL Birthday Party : Moschino Barbie

Hai haiii ^^ After a few days of delays, finally imma blog about my gorgeous friend's birthday party, LL's... should i reveal her age here? I don't think she minds lah, it's her 35th bday but trust me, she looks not a day over 20-or even 15 when she's dressing down and sans makeup hahaha. It was a super fun and fabulous thematic...

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I'm A Moschino Barbie, Baby!

Because even though i never have any desire to be Princess, being a plastic doll once in a while is fun!I've always loved Barbie and i had hundreds of them growing up, i obviously have no desire to what Meghan Trainor called "Stick figure silicone Barbie Doll" because 1. I am super flat and 2. I love food too much to be a...

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