
Unboxing : Beauty Treats Indonesia Special Box (All About Makeup)

Happy Chinese New Year!!! My Chinese zodiac was not under the luckiest star last year, and even though i do not actually believe in zodiac (Chinese or not) and/or fortune tellers, i did notice that i got sick a lot (for long periods of time) and i also spent a lot of money (even though we're super blessed and get a lot more...

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Scent-O-Logy 01 : Tony Moly Hello Bunny Perfume Bar in #3 Dodo Rose

Hello, dearies! Wah, i didn't expect to cause such a stir (and controversies) on my last post, after all it was just another unboxing hahaha. Anyway, let me make something clear (one more time) that i always write honestly (although i do try to point out all the positives that i can find even if i'm not exactly loving a brand/whatever, except when...

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Unboxing : IBB January VVIP Bag

Hellow hellow hellow! My mood just turned from completely rotten (because i was sleepy *Like a baby, i need my naps because i am very cranky without them. Ironically my 6-years-old son never naps-unless you take him riding in a car then he'll doze off FTL* and my hunny came home out-of-characterically early at around 3. I need the room to myself from...

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Shopping Queen is Back!

But then again she never really left, did she? LOL. How was your weekend? Mine was pretty nice even though i felt (and still do) a bit like a zombie (tired and a bit sleepy all the time, this also explained why i went missing from this blog for the entire weekend-which is almost unheard of), but i still had lots of fun....

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