
Pink's #25

#Undecided got the idea for our #25 on our list, and that’s The Two Of Us Combined! I must admit I got really excited when I heard that LOL.. I mean, I read somewhere *most likely in one of the blogs I followed* that bloggers are the most narcissistic people, and well.. I guess that’s kinda true for two of us LOL! What...

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December Festivities Continue: #Undecided-style :D

Oh hi there loves! How are we doing today? I hope you’re having an awesome day, you know, considering that we’re so close to the year changing to 2013!!! I just love the holiday season, it’s so jolly and merry (okay stop me now before I get too cheesy LOLS) and I’m sitting here on a comfie couch with my hubby (who’s busy...

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Last Haul Post for December 2012 : Online Shopping! (+Little Tips Not to Get Scammed)

Hi guys! It’s #Pink again. Sorry I’ve been bombarding you with entries because tomorrow at three (!!!) AM I will be leaving Surabaya for our family Bali vacation, we’re gonna drive (well, the driver that is) because my mum is absolutely terrified of flying (FML) zzz. I have no idea whether or not I will have any time to write while I am...

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