
Eye Stories 02 : NewLook Wonder Contact Lenses in Brown

12:06:00 AM


This is my first contact lens review ever! The reason why i've never reviewed any contact lenses (so far) like a lot of other Asian beauty bloggers even though i'm totally as crazy about circle lenses as them is because i very seldom change up my lenses. I usually would open one and wear it until it expires/ruined/become uncomfortable then i move to another. There is a reason for this too, if a lot of other bloggers wear lenses purely for aesthetical reasons (i know there are a lot others who wears them for corective reasons, i'm just saying about the majority out there) like an added "cosmetic", for me it's actually a necessity.

I am practically *half* blind without my contacts (or glasses, which i wear every day except when i go out. Not because i hate the way i look in my glasses, but because glasses makes me groggy and a bit confused outside my house. I'd be tripping and stumbling everywhere. Is it just me?) so i see them as more of a commodity than an accessory. As with most commodities, you don't just play around with them, you treat them with care and be practical about it so i won't run out of them too soon.

Ever since we started this blog, i've only used two or so contact lenses, and the first one that i opened while this blog's already running is this NewLook Wonder Contact Lenses, which i am still using until now.
This is my first time trying out their Wonder line, which is their circle lens (the enlarging type of contact lenses) line and one of the newer (it's been available for almost two years though, so not exactly new) line. They have a few other lines (regular colored contact lenses) that i've been using once or twice before.
While i did not face any trouble using their regular colored lenses (which has no enlarging effect), they were nothing special either. I also felt weird seeing my irises looking so small (like they really are *LOL*) in normal sized lenses after using circle lenses for awhile :p. But the Wonder line is a different thing altogether, i love it!

It comes in a small simple box
Sadly the Wonder lenses only come in two colors so far, black and brown. For a softer look i prefer brown (but it's very dark too, you'll see it below). As you can see, my myopia's really bad, i have -6 sights on both eyes
TGA approved!
Price wise, NewLook contact lenses are one of the most affordable professional contact lenses that are available in optics (mostly in Melawai i think). It's only  IDR 80.000 (they might raise the price by now, i don't know... i bought it last year or the year before-but the price listed in the website's still the same) and i bought them while they were having a promotion, 10% off so i only paid IDR 72.000 for a pair of contact lenses that is good for at least 6 months! (UPDATE : i've just been informed by a blog reader that the life span on NewLook lenses are actually 3 months. I tend to keep on using my lenses until they become uncomfortable *LOL* but please do not copy me! I am not responsible for your eyes!)
The contacts are sealed in a blister pack type, which i always prefer than the glass bottle type  (Korean circle lenses usually come with)
It has a swirly, pretty and subtle design
I had a horrible experience with X2 Baby Eyes which is a very similar line with only black or brown enlarging lenses-not only it made me looked like an alien (but with lots of eye make up it does makes my eyes look very very dolly, i must admit), they also made my eyes turned red within 5 minutes of usage and very irritated whenever i used them. I had to throw the Baby Eyes out after three times of usage or so because they simply didn't work for me. I was a bit afraid this Wonder lenses would have the same effect on me (because of their very similar type), but they were the total opposite. It's one of the most comfortable contact lenses i've used in a long while, and it also looked really really natural. I can wear them without any eye make up at all and still look normal.

They do not have the most dramatic enlarging effect (remember, they're very very natural looking, so natural that people sometimes don't even realize i was wearing contacts!),  only 14.0 diameter, but if you compare them side by side with my contact-less eye, you can see the difference. Here's the details from Optik Melawai's website : 

Material : Hema
Diameter : 14.0
Base Curve : 8.6
Water Content : 35%
Spheric : Plan 0 to -8.00
CATEGORIES : Planned Replacement TYPES : Color Lenses Material : Hema Diameter : 14.0 Base Curve : 8.6 Water Content : 35% Spheric : Plan 0 to -8.00 Colors : Black, Brown Price : Rp. 80.000,-

Source: https://www.optikmelawai.com/products/eyewear/newlook/newlook-wonder/1936/
CATEGORIES : Planned Replacement TYPES : Color Lenses Material : Hema Diameter : 14.0 Base Curve : 8.6 Water Content : 35% Spheric : Plan 0 to -8.00 Colors : Black, Brown Price : Rp. 80.000,-

Source: https://www.optikmelawai.com/products/eyewear/newlook/newlook-wonder/1936/
CATEGORIES : Planned Replacement TYPES : Color Lenses Material : Hema Diameter : 14.0 Base Curve : 8.6 Water Content : 35% Spheric : Plan 0 to -8.00 Colors : Black, Brown Price : Rp. 80.000,-

Source: https://www.optikmelawai.com/products/eyewear/newlook/newlook-wonder/1936/
Left : Bare eyes, Right : Wonder Lens. Sorry for looking crossed eyed here, it's hard not to when you're staring at the camera's lens very closely!
With both contact lenses in, looking like a fish here hahaha
A close up look to the lens. Very natural, subtle but still pretty!

And here's me with very minimal make up (just powder and blush on), the enlarging effect helped me look more awake somehow :p
It's definitely my favorite lens for now! My ultimate favorite lenses will always be this super expensive one that i once got in Singapore (about a million rupiah a pair) many years ago that i unfortunately cannot recall the name AT ALL,  made my eyes looked super pretty and dolly. I never found anything that's even close to its pretty-ness ever since though :(. I will keep on searching though, meanwhile this Wonder lenses will do for now :p!

Anyway, this Wonder lenses somehow are even more comfortable than their regular colored line (i think they were a bit too small for my irises therefore not as comfortable as this one that sits perfectly on my eyeballs hahaha) even though normally circle lenses can be a bit less comfortable than regular lenses. I wear them every time i go out, sometimes up to 14 hours with very minimal discomfort (i never bring eye drops with me, very bad i know...) at the end of the day.

I think this Wonder lenses are absolutely wonderful (pun intended...), they are safe (i believe in optics more than regular sellers when it comes to contact lenses), TGA approved, comfortable, natural but still has its impacts, very affordable (a lot cheaper than those Korean lenses you get on online shops!) and easily found in Indonesia.

Their comfort (seriously, the pair that i have now is nearing their expiration date-i've been using it since last August-but they are still super comfortable! Not something i can say about most of other contact lenses i've ever tried in the past, and i've been wearing contact lenses for more than half of my life!) makes me wonder if i can ever wear Geo lenses (that sometimes stings, very uncomfortable and drying, at least the ones that i've tried in the past, which were quite plenty) again? Geo lenses are much prettier in design and if you want a dramatic, more noticeable eyes of course these natural looking lenses aren't their match, but for every day use i'd go for Wonder lenses anytime.

I just wish they'd come up with more designs and colors, i like to change my lenses' color every time i get through one pair and with only 2 color choices (and the fact that the brown one's super dark and almost black anyway), i'd be itching to try out (and most probably regret it once i experience the first discomfort *LOL*) other lenses! 

I'm highly recommending them for people who are looking for subtly enlarging lenses that are very natural, comfortable and affordable. Especially for those with myopia like me. Those who has perfect sight but just want to slightly enlarge their irises can try this out as well.

Not recommending this for people who are looking for dramatic looking lenses and lenses with more design/color choices (yes, that's all!).

Will i repurchase this? Hell yea! Like i said, i got bored of the same eye color very fast, and i like to try out different brands all the time (bad habit, no loyalty you see...) but this Wonder Lens is one that i know i will keep on repurchasing! I'm pretty curious about the black one too, wonder if it's any different from the Brown one so i'll be getting them as soon as i finished my stack of brand new lenses (that'd be years, though. LOL).

Have you ever tried any lenses from New Look? Do you like them?
One of my looks while wearing Wonder lenses. Actually every looks you see after August 2013's are using the Wonder lenses!

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  1. Aku barusan beli yang Playful Ce, pas aku nanya ke masnya itu up to 3 bulan aja sih. Wonder smp 6 bulan yah? :O Harganya masih sama kok 80rb :)

    1. Eh, 3 bulan ya? Hahaha, aq salah inget mungkin krn sering beli softlens jd suka ketuker2 life span nya, ntar aq edit deh :p. Setauku sih life span itu biasanya mrk kasih worse case scenario, jd misalnya bisa utk 1 taon mrk bilang 6 bulan aja (baca dimana gitu), kalo aq sih... tp jangan di tiru deh,ntar ada apa2 hahaha

  2. u look like a doll in the pic.. thanks fr sharing xo
    My latest post: http://natashabhatt.blogspot.in/2014/04/miss-claire-kiss-proof-lipgloss-in.html

  3. Hi... First time main kesini sepertinya. hehehe.. Sudah setahun ga update blog euy...

    Aku suka produknya Softlensbutiq di twitter. They have a lots of preety good lenses. and comfortable too...

    Main-main ke blog aku yah. Baru aja share soal makeup dan tips saat travelling...


    thankyou cantik.

    1. Hallo, welcome to our blog :)...
      Thanks for the recommendation :)

  4. You look like a doll! I guess that's the contact lens design and color that some cool cosplayers use to make them look like anime characters! Thanks for sharing! You look really cute! ^^

    1. Aww thank you very much :). Actually i think cosplayers wears much more dramatic contact lenses, there are a lot of other more outrageous ones out there :)

  5. wah ci mindy, ini softlensnya natural banget yaaa..
    pdhl diameternya cm 14mm, tp enlargingnya lumayan yaa.. sukaa xD

    a HELLO from <a href="http://www.kawaiifuku.net/“>Kawaii Fuku </a> ❤

    1. Iyahhh, natural to berhasil enlarging yah :) i love it too :D

  6. eh eehhh itu seriusan 14mm doang ? kok enlarging effect nya ngena banget sih ?


    1. Iyah cuma 14 mm aja, efek nya lumayan ngena yah :)

  7. The brown contact lenses look almost natural, it's like not wearing lenses at all! I've just tried Geo lenses for a year now and they're fine. I'm thinking of trying other brands too.

    1. Yes you're right, i actually went to an optic to pick up some contact lenses and even the opticians thought i was not wearing any contacts!

  8. those are great contacts colors :]

    i also got a those colors so that it still looks pretty natural. Don't forget to take care of your eyes when putting the contact lenses and the cleaning part as well.

    good blog post.

    can you also visit my review? http://www.itsmejaymee.com/2013/11/thoughts-on-lightning-thief.html


  9. Hey, i nominated you for Liebster Award :D

  10. i think cosmetics contact lenses makes difference your eyes look bigger and brighter

  11. Great and a very useful blog for me. I like reading this blog. Thanks a lot for sharing.

  12. Thanks for the review! It's very informative~ Is baby eyes a name of a brand? I've been using New Look and I wonder about its life span. Some people say it's 6 months but others say it's only 3 so I'm not sure which one is right :/ and i've been using new look contacts (0) for a long time so now my eyes kind of get easily tired, is this some sort of side effects :/
