
Review : Browhaus Grand Indonesia, Jakarta

10:48:00 PM

Hellow hellow...

I promised to review Browhaus' services more properly (i mentioned them before here) and i finally got the chance to visit them again (the Grand Indonesia branch) last July so i snapped some pics.
I didn't snap A LOT of pics though, because... well, like most salons and stores in Indonesia, they didn't exactly let us take pics. I nonchalantly snapped some, when the staffs started looking at me-of course i started to feel self-conscious even though they didn't say anything (the... errrr i'm not even sure what to call the person who's doing the services-should i just call them beauticians?-yeah she told me that i cannot take pictures during the process. Which i find a bit stupid. Why would any company refuse a free advert? I'm spreading their names, for goodness sake! They should at least ask the purpose and be more lenient towards bloggers, i'm not even asking for a free treatment :p!) so...I'm borrowing a few pics that i found in the internet.
Both pictures taken from Plaza Indonesia's website (it's a different branch but they look pretty similar :p, so sorry i couldn't find the Grand Indonesia's one). I like their simple, modern and quirky decor.
Apparently Browhaus originated from Singapore and now have 28 outlets in 8 major cities across the globe, wow!

Anyway, this was my second time visiting this branch and obviously i was very satisfied with the result or i wouldn't bother coming the second time-right? I got my eyebrows tweezed (i am used to eyebrow plucking but threading looks a bit more painful and i am a chicken *___* obviously they're not that different *LOL* but the heart believes what the heart wants to believe!)  last time and i tried maintaining the shape myself (not very successfully because i'm hopeless when it comes to eyebrows!)-but i let it grew the last few months before going to Jakarta because i wanted them to shape it again haha *kiasu*. 

I went there without making any appointment before so i was told that i had to wait for a while (an hour? I can't remember) until there's a beautician that can attend to me, i expected this (because they told me the same thing on my previous visit, even though back then turned out there's a free beautician and i was then attended right away) and had no problem with it because i already planned on doing some shopping at Forever 21 while waiting, but those of you who doesn't have the luxury of time to do so might want to make a prior appointment before patronizing their salons.

They have this reclining sofa and it was very comfortable even though i felt a bit weird laying down like this hehe :

That's the beautician that attended to me
It's been a while so i kinda forgot the details, but i believe she cleaned my eyebrow areas before start the tweezing process
Even though i'm a bit annoyed that she told me no pictures were allowed during the treatment (i'm just a bit confused, are they scared that we might try to steal their method or something? Coz i obviously cannot copy a threading/tweezing method just by looking at the pictures @__@) but i'm glad she was nice enough to let us snap some pictures before she actually began so at least i have some pictures of the treatment area to show you!

In both visits, i found the beauticians to be moderately friendly (not super friendly *but the reception staffs are very friendly though!* or anything, but still totally acceptable and not annoying at all), professional and work really really swift. 

I asked for another Modern Tweezing and she worked really fast, and she also didn't forget to ask me if i was in pain-which i was *LOL*. I'm not gonna sugar coat and say that it's completely painless, i pluck my own stray eyebrows regularly and cannot find a method to make it painless and i'm used to tweezing since i was a teenager so i expected the pain. Very tolerable (and worth ever single pluck for the end result hahaha) and nothing anyone can't handle.
This is my eyebrow before the tweezing
And after (taken the next day)
Super neat
And they actually managed to make my eyebrows look fuller somehow! Amazing method hahaha
I spent years over-plucking my eyebrows (because it was the "in" look back then) and now i am trying to grow back my naturally thick eyebrows (they're jet black, very thick and long that both times the beauticians had to trim them >.< i feel like some grandpa with his overgrown eyebrows needing trimming!)  so i am left with some empty spaces where they hairs refused to grow back :(. After doing a Modern Tweezing in Browhaus, they managed to minimize the bald spots and makes my eyebrows look much better! Totally love the end result.

Modern Tweezing costed IDR 125.000 and like i said, it's worth every penny.

Other than eyebrows, i've also always wanted to do my slight mustache that i didn't pay much attention to until my last visit to Browhaus (when the beautician asked me if i want them removed, then i was shocked into the reality that i have a mustache and they're very visible!)-then i began feeling over-sensitive about them particularly after i start taking close up pics of my FOTD, especially when i'm doing reviews of lip products where i have to snap pics of my lip area! The overly blown pics of my 'stache really start to bother me then!

So even though i was actually a bit scared (coz it must hurts! Plus my mum is the typical traditional Chinese lady with her millions of old wives' tales, always warning me against trying to pluck my hairs or else they'd grow back harsher and thicker. I have no idea why i believed her even though i pluck my eyebrows for years and nothing of the sorts ever happened! I feel silly thinking about it now) i gather up the courage to ask the beautician to do upper lip threading (coz i want to at least experience a threading and i have less hairs on my upper lips than my eyebrows so i figured at least she'd pull less hairs if it's in fact more painful than tweezing!) as well.

And holy anything that i shouldn't mention, does it HURT! LOL. It hurts probably 3x worse than eyebrow tweezing (again probably due to the fact that i am used to eyebrow plucking so i'm a little more desensitized to the sensation in those areas), i was quite shocked of the intensity of the pain that i felt my eyes quickly filled with tears *LOLOLOL* #wimp. Yep, it hurts alright, but i really love the results!!!

Didn't really plan to really do the upper lip before so i didn't take any pics (but you can see from old lip product reviews of FOTD posts) though, sorry! Here's the after :
Super smooth and clean!
Upper lip threading costs IDR 50.000 and it's super worth it too!

Both my eyebrows and especially my upper lips were kinda reddish and tender after the procedure, the beautician also told me not to put any makeup (powder, anything la) for at least 2-3 hours (i'm paranoid so i didn't touch the area for 24 hours except for cleaning and washing my face) to prevent any infection. But the redness and sensitivity diminished after a fer hours so there's nothing to worry about, really.
A selca taken right after the treatment, the lighting was a bit dim though so you can't really see the redness hehe
I asked the beautician if there's any ounce of truth in the hair growing back to be thicker and harsher and she said nonsense #relieved, she also told me they'd grow back softer and less instead-which is true. I now tweeze them myself every few weeks (they aren't as many of them as before even though they were never that scary in the first place, i am not Iis Dahlia alright...) to keep the area hair free and smooth (maybe i should consider SHR for that area, my upper lip's hairs are very fine anyway so probably one treatment would be enough hahaha).

I am very satisfied with the results and highly recommend Browhaus to anyone looking for a nice place (and reasonable pricing) to shape their eyebrow or remove unwanted facial hairs. My only negative feedback would be : why aren't you available in Surabaya??? There's no salons that specializes in eyebrows and does threading yet here, i have to wait until the next time i'm going to Jakarta for my next visit (and my eyebrow's going crazy again now)!

I would definitely return (they have three branches in Jakarta, but i'm a boring person-and i like to stick to what i know so imma return to the Grand Indo branch again most probably) for both eyebrow and upper lip procedure-already planning to do it next month when i'm in Jakarta!

I am in no way affiliated or sponsored by them, just a very satisfied customer spreading the love. Here's their contacts in case you're interested!

Grand Indonesia
West Mall, Lower Ground – 19
Jl. MH. Thamrin no.1
Jakarta Pusat 10310, Indonesia

Maybe mention to them that you know them from this blog so they'd consider sponsoring me? LOL. Kidding!


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  1. Ce seriously.. im afraid of upper lip hair removal *___* though my upper lip hair is quite visible, I definitely can't endure the pain! Lol
    Sayang bgt ga bs liat dgn jarak dgn diapain itu pas treatment XD smoga browhaus cpt buka di sby jg hahaha

    1. I was really afraid too, but i really want the hairs gone!!! LOL.
      Kalo aq malah ga brani waxing loh, hrsnya km tahan waxing tahan threading jg lo -__-.
      Iya pengen bgt mrk buka dsini...

  2. upper lip hair removal sounds painful~

  3. What, waiting time was that long? Whoa, apparently, there must be more women there in Jakarta that are aware of Browhaus and want to get their brows beautified than here. The pain is tolerable, yes, especially for those like you who have been tweezing ever since. I don't think anyone will go out of Browhaus not satisfied. You looked prettier! :)

    1. Honestly the place seemed to be pretty deserted >.<, i saw empty booths and free beauticians so i have no idea why they waiting time was so long, maybe there were a lot of people making appointment but not yet arrived? I dunno. They should've attended to me first since doing the whole thing was very fast anyway! Thank you Roch!
