
May Movies

Hey y'all. Yes i know. June almost ended, where the hell is the May movies review? Sorry sorry, you know i was in Jakarta for a bit, it's always easier to post (beauty) reviews and the likes on the go, that's why this blog's been all about beauty for a bit. Plus advert/sponsored posts must be done first (for me at least. It's...

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Sponsored Review : Skin Life Facial Foam and Face Lotion

Hello everybody ^^! I don't know if it's normal, but weirdly (for me) although i'm already in my early 30s (soon imma have to say that i'm in mid-30s OMG T.T) one of my main concerns for my skin is definitely (hormonal) acne and not wrinkles! To be fair, i'm not actually acne prone. I probably get full blown, filled with puss kind...

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Lip-Talk 19 : Cathy Doll Petit Tint in #2 Orangi Orange

Hello peeps ^^. Yes yes, i have another Cathy Doll product to review, it's a totally different type than the last two so i hope nobody's getting bored! Btw you can read my review of the best skin whitening (pemutih kulit terbaik) Cathy Doll L-Glutathione Magic Creme here and Cathy Doll Magic Gluta Pack here.  So i personally knew Cathy Doll for their...

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One Brand Tutorial : Revlon

Hey guys ^^. So i've heard about those one brand tutorials that's been floating around lately (i guess like those 100, 150, 200k makeup challenge and the likes, it has been around practically forever, somehow it's been quite popular again recently)-i'm usually errr a bit lazy to do challenges (mostly coz i have so many things to blog about already without them) until...

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