
Body-Tale 07 : Be Gorgeous Body Lotion

12:01:00 AM


Have you guys missed me??? I am currently on a family vacation, we went to Bandung for four days and now we're in Jakarta for about two weeks (i post random pictures almost everyday in my Instagram now that i have one *LOL*, follow our vacay in real time by following my IG, my id's MGirl83 :D). I got sick (pretty horribly) about 2 days before our flight to Bandung (bad enough that i actually relented and got an injection willingly for the very first time in my entire 30 years WTF) and i was still recovering+felt so tired every night when we get back to the hotel that i couldn't update my blog at all!

Not only that, i know myself really well so i know i'd at least leave one items at home and only realized it at my destinations-this time's no exception, in fact it's probably the worst because i left a severely crucial item behind-my glasses!!! My myopia's super bad so i am practically blind once i showered and take off my contacts T.T... So stupid, leaving my glasses is like leaving half of my vision home zzzzz....

We recently got a new Ipad mini (didn't buy it coz i'm not into gadgets, instead we joined a UOB Bank's saving program with a bonus, and we chose this Ipad mini!) and hunny bought me a keyboard for it so i can blog in easily when we travel so whenever i have free time (like right now!) and my eyes are not too dry from wearing too much contacts, i will blog! This blog post however, i've written a few weeks ago (as usual haha, hoarder forever!), let's start!
Like i said, while the mood is here (to write a review) i must grab it by the ball and milk it dry!!! LOL.

Another body lotion today!

Be Gorgeous Body Lotion
No professional picture stolen grabbed from Mr. Google's finds coz... I can't find any! I can't even find any mention of this body lotion at all! So so weird *___*. Again, it's probably no longer available? (LOL, trust me to keep on reviewing discontinued products) But i think i saw this body lotion not too long ago in Watson's Singapore or Malaysia. Hmph. I dunno.

Anyway, at the back there's a writing stating that this lotion is made in Thailand and exclusively for Watsons. So i'm guessing this is Watsons' house brand!

Made with Bee's milk? I don't think bees secrete milk though??? LOL, my science grade's obviously gotten from plenty of acting like i know what i was talking about instead of actually knowing it. Nevertheless, i find it to be oh so cute hehehe (Oh, i just googled, apparently the royal jelly's also known as bee's milk! LOL, stupid stupid me :p)
To be completely honest the thing that attracted me to this body lotion was this cute little cardboard bee attached to the bottle's neck... It doesn't take a lot for me to buy something, eh?
I bought this body lotion in Singapore's Watsons a while back (can't expect me to remember the exact time, can you?), i am always randomly attracted to unknown brands/products whenever i enter any Watsons/Guardian/Sasa so it's not a surprise that i reached for this. Again, i cannot recall the exact price, but i don't think it was very cheap at all. Weird considering most house brands are very affordable (if you don't want to use the word "cheap" :p), i remember thinking that this was not cheap enough for an unknown brand, but in the end i still got it because : a) The cute little bee and b) the word bee's milk. LOLOLOL, i have the weirdest logic ever! But i am definitely glad i bought it anyway, coz i ended up LOVING it!!!

Be Gorgeous body lotion comes in a nice quality plastic bottle (not the super flimsy, cheap looking ones), it is light weighed but feels solid and sturdy-creamy yellow in color and opaque (so you can't really gauge how much product you still have). The bottle has a nice and simple pump dispenser, very convenient (no need to pour or stuck your fingers into a tub), mess-free and germ-free as well :D.

I can vouch that their claim of a soft, smooth and younger looking skin has a base! It worked on mine!
Hmm yeah, reading the lines now i remember they also have (or had, i dunno) shower gel, etc but i decided to just try the body lotion out first since i didn't know whether or not i was going to like it.

The ingredients, for those of you who actually cares *i'm horrible, i don't...*
One pump
The consistency of this lotion was fla-like (even the color reminds me of fla sauce...), or very watery and soft pudding (OMG, i'm making myself hungry describing it WTH), very pale yellow in color with very soft and subtle powdery honey smell (probably royal jelly scent, also reminds me of a bee pollen's scent). I find the scent to be quite pleasant (even though i prefer fruity/very honey scent), organic and natural-it did take awhile for me to get used to the scent, but it definitely grew on me so towards the end of the bottle, i actually liked the scent.

The lotion's super light (and fluffyyy), it got absorbed immediately on my skin but managed to keep it super smooth and moisturized the whole day without any icky, greasy or oily feeling at all! It works like a dream on my normal skin, but sadly it works just so so on my hunny's super dry and sensitive skin. I used this lotion on him for a period of time but when i saw it not really working wonderfully for him, i stopped. Better let him stick to boring Vaseline lotions and save the varieties of lotions for my own skin, right?

It's super light but also very dense-as in it's not watery. I put my hand on its side like this for a few seconds and they lotion stayed put
This lotion in the long run, it makes my skin super smooth, softer than ever! And that's really something because my skin's normally *ahem* pretty soft already :D. I love love love this lotion and can safely say that this is one of my most favorite body lotion that i've tried. I tend to like most body lotions and trust me when i said i've tried a TON of them, so... Yeah, i think Be Gorgeous body lotion is really awesome! 

Not only it keeps my skin super soft and hydrated, but it actually helped calm my eczema down! I have problems with most shower gel/cream (like, 8 out of 10 products. ZZZ), most of them would aggravate eczema on my fingers (it'll be very itchy and rough, with water bubbles forming in my fingers and palms! Disgusting WTF. A more stripping shower products would even leave my elbow feeling dry) and i just had a particularly bad episode with an Etude House shower cream, after using this body lotion regularly my eczema actually soothed and subsided without any added topical ointments! I have not found any other body lotion that works like this! I believe the royal jelly (which i heard good for easing allergies) in the ingredients must be the main reason for this to happen!

I would definitely recommend this for people with normal skin who wants a soft, hydrated skin that is fast absorbing, doesn't leave a greasy trail and smells soft and organic.

Not recommending it for people with very dry skin (not that it'd do anything bad, it's just not working as wonderfully on a dry skin) who needs more concentrated body cares (go for body butters instead!) or those who cannot stand organic, royal jelly scent.

I would 100% repurchase this if it's still avaible! Will be keeping an eye for this product the next time i stumble into Watsons (which might never make it to Surabaya, no thanks to Guardian *sulk*)!

Have you ever heard of this product before? If not, did i manage to tempt to to try it out?

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  1. Hai Mindy salam kenal yah . Nice review . Mindy dr surabaya ya?? mampir ke blog aku yaa


    1. Haii, salam kenal juga :). Iya aq dr Surabaya :). Okayyy nanti aq mampir hehe

  2. The packaging and the lotion looks all so pretty.. great review xoxo

  3. Ohh wow so lucky you have the bonus from the bank's savings program. I wish we have that one too as a promotion here. :)

    That body lotion looks really good and promising for a smoother, baby-like skin. I'm a sucker for things that smell nice!

    1. We have lots of promotions like that here, it's unheard of in the Philippines? They do lock the money for a pretty long period of time though...
      Yes, it's a very nice lotion, sadly i can't find it in Indonesia :(

  4. You just made a very good review here,the lotion seems a great one as per your review.

    1. Thank you :), i genuinely think that it's a great product :D!
