
Hair-O-Logy 06 : Keiskei Indonesia (SPONSORED)

5:21:00 PM

Hello hellooo ^^.

#Pink is back, all rejuvenated after my very satisfying Japan trip (where we did mostly nothing yet soak in so much of Japanese goodness at the same time) and ready to start real life again-although i would not say no to prolonged holiday, ofc :))-but at least i am not as jaded as i was before the trip).

Today i have a hair care (that specifically focus on treating hair loss problems) products from Keiskei Indonesia 's review for you, hubby and i have been using them for about 3 weeks now and i am very ready to share my thoughts and experiences with them ^^
Keiskei Indonesia's Hair Tonic and Hair Perfume Conditioner
So honestly, i've never heard of Keiskei before but i am always interested in hair loss preventing product, not because i am losing hair (although lately i've been so stressed out that i notice that i did suffer from increasing amount of hair fall!) but because my husband has that very problem so it's been my personal mission to find products that can help him prevent further hair loss and promote regrowth at the same time - so when Surabaya Beauty Blogger team up with them, i did not hesitate to sign up for the campaign.

There are a few things that can cause hair loss problems : it can be genetics, age (especially when you reach 45), stress, drugs and medications. A few of these causes basically are due to hormones' level in our body. The hormone that influence hair's strength and loss is DHT (Dyhidrotestoteron), the higher your DHT hormones level are, the more likely you are to suffer from hair loss. DHT increase also more prone for men (90%) compared to women (40%), that's why men are also more likely to suffer from hair loss than women.

Have you ever used a supposedly good, famous hair loss preventing product brand that's super expensive but doesn't really work to help you with your hair loss? It might not be the brand's fault you know, it might not work because the product's not made for tropical climate like the one we have in Indonesia - and yes, that is a factor! Tropical countries typically have higher temperature all year long compared to four seasoned counties, the higher temperature cause higher oil secretion on your scalp - which in turn, can also cause the increase in the DHT hormones in our system. This is why our hair and scalp's needs are different from our friends who live in four seasoned country and we cannot use the same exact products with them because they will not be as effective for us. That's where Keiskei products come in. Keiskei's hair tonic, for instant, is very suitable for tropical countries because the ingredients and compositions are made specifically for our needs.

Ofc, Keiskei also has other products than the hair tonic, all made to complement and further help to prevent hair loss and promote new, healthier hair growth. I get to try out two of their products and i talk more about them in a moment!
Keiskei Indonesia Hair Tonic and Hair Perfume Conditioner
Keiskei Indonesia Hair Tonic, 100 ml - IDR 350,000
Both their hair tonic and hair perfume conditioner come in a simple, generic looking plastic bottle with spray mechanism (which i really appreciate because it makes usage super simple and easy!). The design is very simple and quite medical looking IMO.

It is super easy to you, after washing your hair you dry towel your hair and then spray the hair tonic to your scalp, focusing on parts where your hair is thinning. Then you just need to give yourself a simple and brief massage on your scalp, in circular movement. Keiskei's hair tonic gives me a very cooling sensation, which i enjoy but be careful not to accidentally spray your eyes! It has a refreshing scent that i also appreciate because i used some hair tonics in the past that has harsh, strong scent that i cannot stand. 

One thing that really makes Keiskei Hair Tonic stands out compared to other products is mainly because of the technology that they use, one of which is the Nano technology that can perfectly change active ingredients to be the smallest particle so Keiskei's active ingredients will 10x faster processing. Some of Keiskei hair tonic's active ingredients are : grape seed oil, candlenut oil, olive oil,  hydrolize wheat protein, centella asiatica extract, ashitaba kesikei extract, Vitamin 6 and B12 - all derived using the latest technology as not to reduce any of their benefits.

I do use this hair tonic from time to time, but since my hair is pretty thick (i have a lot of hair, you might think that i have thin hair but in reality i have think HAIR STRANDS. That means i actually have a LOT of hair, but they are all super thin so in the end my hair looks like they are thin and limp T.T) i can't see too much difference before and after. My husband, however, has been suffering from early age hair loss (he started losing his hair in his late 20s) and in attempt to prevent him from balding, i made him use all kinds of hair growing shampoo and hair tonics for the past few years. He has used so much that he now knows which hair tonics are good and which are not. He told me he likes this Keiskei hair tonics a lot, it's easy to use, smells and feels pleasant - PLUS we can actually see that he is not losing a lot of hair anymore and his hair is thicker than it has been in a the past few years.

Thumbs up!
Keiskei Indonesia Hair Perfume Conditioner, 100ml - IDR 270,000
Keiskei Hair Perfume Conditioner is Indonesia's first leave on hair conditioner, it promises to make your hair shiny, healthy, strong and black. The high protein ingredient in this Hair Perfume Conditioner Vitamin functions to repair damaged hair, stop hair fall, darkened hair, repair hair pigments to prevent grey hair, make your hair shiny an also protecting your hair from UV that can damage hair cells.

The grapeseed oil in HPC Vitamin is clinically proven and FDA approved to be able to slow down DHT level from climbing up in your hair's roots. 

Now, i was actually a bit scared of leave on conditioner or hair perfumes, both are notorious to make your hair limp. I was also skeptical when i see the liquid form (all you need to do is spray the HPC to your hair whenever you need. I personally use it every time i wash my hair and before i start brushing) because i am used to thicker, more solid types of conditioner.

But i can tell you honestly that Keiskei HPC Vitamin really works because this is the only hair conditioner and care that i use in the past three weeks and my hair is healthy, smooth and silky now! Normally i would use in-shower conditioner and then some hair serum - without conditioner and serum my hair ends can be very tangled and hard to comb through because i do color my hair a lot so it is quite damaged, but with just a few spritzes of Kesikei HPC Vitamin, it is super easy to comb through my hair and it also maintain's my hair's health, smoothness, shininess and silkiness perfectly.

Honestly, i do think that Keiskei's price range is a bit steep, but as they work so well then i think that the price tag is something that is justifiable for its benefits. For the HPC, for instant, with IDR 270,000 you only need one product to replace all those hair conditioners, hair masks and hair serum (yes, i do use all three of them before) and you also need to use only a few spritzes on your hair to make it work so it'll last pretty long!

I am also glad because the HPC doesn't make my hair limp of more oily than usual, it has a pretty soft and pleasant scent that won't bother you . You can also use this HPC anytime you feel like your hair needs a little boost/a little refreshment, like after a Korean BBQ haha.
In conclusion, i really enjoyed my experience with Keiskei Indonesia's products and won't hesitate to recommend them to all of you who needs them. Whether you are already showing signs of hair loss or just want to start preventing it from happening, Keiskei Indonesia is a brand that i would strongly suggest you to check out ^^.

Thank you Keiskei Indonesia for the chance to try out your lovely products, and special thanks to Surabaya Beauty Blogger too!

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