
Eye Stories 30 : Popsynote Shine Lasting Glitter Gel

12:56:00 PM

Hi y'all!

I'm about to be super busy in the weekend (offline events, first full blown one in 2 years, woohooo) so i figured while i still have the time and energy to blog... Better do it now.

I always have a thing for glitters, like cats and crows - i'm attracted to all things shiny *LOL*. So other than blings *ahem*, i am also naturally drawn to glittery makeups and lately i've been receiving the prettiest glitters ever so obviously i want to yak about them and not be constricted to Instragram's max number of photos for carousel and caption limit.

I have quite a few different one to review (i tend to post a reel of them first because i really take my time when it comes to blog post) but strangely (for someone as OCD as me, it's even stranger because normally i'd insist on reviewing them according to the date of receiving hahaha!) i feel like reviewing the latest glittery beauty thing i received : Popsynote Shine Lasting Glitter Gel (Charis listed it as Shining Glitter Gel, but i decided to go with the name stated in the packaging).

As you can see, it has a unique design and it was confusing to hold when i took the cover pics :p.

Popsynote Shine Lasting Glitter Gel 
Simple white and muted holo design for the box
Unique and kinda futuristic looking design

And lettering that challenges my aging, badly myopic eyes T.T

Must admit that the packaging is fun tho, i love the silver with holo bias as well

It built like that to accomodate the built in little brush!

The brush has soft bristles but firm (as in not fluffy), perfect to pick up and apply the chunky glitters as a fluffier brush might disperse the glitters and make it look too blended, which we don't want when it comes to chunky glitters 

Available in three shades, L-R : #01 Moonstone Splinter, #02 Peach Diamond, #03 Starry Midnight
As their name suggested , these are gel eyeshadows - but i'd categorized them more as eyeshadow toppers because even though you CAN use them on their own (especially Starry Midnight), but as they are glitters suspended in clear gel - i personally feel like it's a little bit weird to wear on their own. I just don't like wearing chunky glitters on blank lids, but if that works for you then ofc you can wear them however you want.

They are gel based, so they do feel wet and cold when applied. It doesn't take long to dry and once they set- then the glitters really are set in place, i wore them all day long and by the time i wanted to remove them, they still look the same - so they are very long lasting and won't flake off/smudge/gets everywhere like non gel-based glitters can. 
Arm swatches, it's really hard to capture glitters on still photography and give them justice T.T

So i tried my best to move around and find the angle that gives your glimpses of their glories in real life

From top to bottom (shite, my dirty bl infected mind immediately goes into that direction when i typed top and bottom -___-, i won't explain this because if you know, you know. Otherwise... You don't have to!) :  #01 Moonstone Splinter, #02 Peach Diamond, #03 Starry Midnight

Now let's talk about the shades one by one

Popsynote Shine Lasting Glitter Gel in #01 Moonstone Splinter
Moonstone Splinter, true to its name, is a white and silver chunky glitter (it has different glitter sizes in it, from the micro ones to the chunky ones). It is very pretty, and when i posted a reel for this product most people commented on this shade. I do like it a lot, especially for kawaii eye makeups but i personally won't use it on its own as i think it would look bare and strange.
#01 Moonstone Splinter on the eyes

There's just something magical about white glitters on the eyes... I was wary of matching it with wamn shades (because it has some silver micro glitters in it) but turned out it's pretty neutral and looks pretty with both warm and cold toned eyeshadows

It would look so good in a mermaid inspired look, i should give it a try soon

You can see how chunky some of the glitters are here, it's definitely eye catching but pretty loud so i don't think it's for everybody, but if you love chunky glitters, you'd love this. Ofc they are all eye safe, very soft and you can't feel it on your lids, they also don't scrape or fall into your eyes when you remove them, I'd give it to Koreans when it comes to beauty safety, they always take it seriously. They are also not hard to remove, just use a proper eye makeup remover and they would be pretty easily removed (i know most cheap chunky glitters are super hard to remove, i would usually use duck tape to remove them first, it's a very tedious job!)

Popsynote Shine Lasting Glitter Gel in #02 Peach Diamond.
Like Moonstone Splinter, Peach Diamond's name also sums up the shade as it is a peachy shade of glitters, i feel like the glitters are combination of peachy/brassy and champagne colored micro glitters. It is a lot more muted and subtle compared to Moonstone Splinter although it also has chunky glitters in it, but it's definitely not as in-your-face as Moonstone Splinter. If you usually shies away from glitters and want to venture out of your comfort zone but still be a little on the subtle side, i'd suggest to try Peachy Diamond

It's my least favorite of the three, but still very pretty

When used with warm, peach toned eyeshadow base, Peachy Diamond almost blends in with the base and only the large chunks are visible

You see what i mean? The micro glitters are so soft and subtle, you barely see it

Popsynote Shine Lasting Glitter Gel in #03 Starry Midnight.
Starry Midnight is very different than the previous two as it is more of a fine glitter type with no large chunks. This shade is very smooth and out of the 3, the only one that can be worn on its own without looking slightly weird

You see what i mean, it's pretty much looks like a regular glitter eyeshadow instead of chunky, glittery eyeshadow toppers like the other two

It's very very pretty tho

I really love how these Popsynote Shine Lasting Glitter looks and how they perform (their staying power and stuffs) but i must admit when it comes to application, i still struggle a bit. As they are more of an eyeshadow topper, i prefer to use them on top of powder eyeshadows to complete the look, problem is... The wet gel base kinda dissolve the eyeshadow underneath! It is very obvious  especially when i use Moonstone Splinter as i can see how the brush and glitter gel change color to the eyeshadow base. This is tricky when you do a more elaborate eye look as you already layer and blend so many colors painstakingly, it would give you a minor heart attack to see the glitter gel dissolve the base and possibly make the shades underneath bleed into each other T.T. My suggestion is to apply little by little and very carefully to make sure it's not too wet at one go.

I also thought, okay what if i use them on their own, will they blend? Will they work better on top of each other compared to powder base? The answer is, not really *LOL*. I gave it a try, using the only base-appropriate shade, Starry Midnight, as a base and apply the other two as a topper. It's quite hard to do as they are all gels and wet, even when i tried waiting until Starry Midnight set, once i add the other shade on top, it started to melt again >.<. But once they are all set and done, they still look pretty :
Using all three shades together
Even on top of Starry Midnight (which has a pretty subtle color), Peach Diamond pretty much disappear and leave you only the large chunks

I added a little darker brown on the corner as only the three didn't work and made my eyes look small haha
In conclusion, these glitter gels are super pretty but they are tricky to apply (i wouldn't go as far as them being a b**ch to apply, but it was close hahah). I would continue to use them tho, especially for days when i want a quick and simple makeup routine but still want to stand out (which happens more days than not, as i am always running late hahaha) but i'd make sure i'm being extra, extra careful when applying on top of my masterpiece eye makeup :p.
I know chunky glitters are not for everybody, heck even for me who are into bling eye makeup there are days when i would shudder at the thought of chunky glitters on my eyes. Do tell me if chunky glitter eyeshadows are for you or not?

Popsynote Shine Lasting Glitter Gel were available in Charis (they seem to be out of stock at the moment) but until now their Indonesian shop is still not operating so i'll update the links once they re-open (if they stills stock this).

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  1. omg cakep amatt glitternya bikin pgn beli😍🤣

  2. prettiest glitters ever??? Wow! Aku suka shade 3, soft 💘

  3. Packagingnya unikkk dan shadenya korean banget 🥰🤩

  4. All is perfect glitters ⭐✨

  5. Cantik banget Ci ✨ Gliternya best ✨

  6. Hasil nya jadi cantik banget gak sih😻😻😻😻😻

  7. Cantik bnget glitter😍😍 jadi racun buat kita2🥲

  8. Cantik - cantik banget warnanyaaa 🥰

  9. Ciyusss ini glitternya cantik banget bikin looks kaya peri gituuu cantik bangettt

  10. Bagus banget packingnya unik, teksturnya juga bagus dan kepincut pengen cobain 🤗

  11. Gliternya cakep semuanya❤️

  12. Waahh cakep bangeetttt

  13. Ringkes gitu kayak nya si produk nyakalo di bawa traveling juga masi ok

  14. semua shade gel gliter nya cantik2 ≡^ˇ^≡
    dan krna gliter ny jg gede jd klihatan memvah dan blinkeu ~\(≧▽≦)/~
    cucok buat korean look, dg meap basah ≧∇≦

  15. Ini cantik2 banget ce eyeshadow nya 😍 nuansanya kaya eonnie Korea bgt, cocok buat bikin makeup ala2 Korea deh

  16. Sukaaa bgt, packaging nya unique dan hasilnya pigmented bgt!

  17. Your review of the Popsynote Shine Lasting Eyeshadow provides a detailed and informative breakdown of the product's performance and overall quality. Did you experience any creasing, fading, or smudging after wearing it for an extended period of time? Tel U

  18. Promotional Notebooks, adorned with the glittering headline "Eye Stories 30: PopsyNote Shine Lasting Glitter Gel," became canvases for beauty enthusiasts' imaginations. Branded with the captivating title, these notebooks symbolized the allure of makeup storytelling and product exploration. As users filled the pages with notes and ideas, they delved into the sparkling world of PopsyNote's glitter gel. Each notebook became a repository of beauty inspiration, capturing the essence of shimmering eye tales and cosmetic creativity.

  19. Illuminate your look with PopsyNote Shine Lasting Glitter Gel, featured in Eye Stories 30 by Jumbo Electronics UAE. Experience the enchanting sparkle and long-lasting shimmer of this versatile cosmetic. Perfect for adding a touch of glamour to any occasion, this glitter gel captivates with its dazzling effect. Elevate your makeup collection with Eye Stories 30 and discover the magic of PopsyNote Shine Lasting Glitter Gel, available now at Jumbo Electronics Dubai .
