
Casual in Black and White

Hey guys..!  I'm currently in Makassar to attend a cousin's wedding, we've been going out from early morning until late since yesterday (and we haven't even done anything wedding related yet LOL) and i'm ridiculously tired now T.T... I did drafted some filler posts to keep y'all entertained while i'm away, so enjoy! Time for another bakcdated outfit post hehehe... I know i...

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Batiste... We're in Love

It's very rare that #Pink and I (this is obvi #Undecided, HELLO!!) find ourselves in love with one particular thing, at the same time. You know, because our styles are very very different... But one of the things we do have in common is oily roots.  Hi guys! #Pink here! Yup, it's only the second time we're doing a double review and #Undecided's...

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Foodgams 01 : Steak Hotel by Holycow!

Hellowww :D... We've been doing some restaurant reviews for quite a bit and since i've been going to try out (mostly) new restaurants so much lately i decided that anything food/drink related deserves their own series, and i call them the Foodgasm :D! Now, let me remind you that i am NOT a food blogger, i am not even a foodie (i don't...

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