
Food4Skin 23 : NY Glow (SPONSORED)

Hey guys!!! Do you crave that healthy, glowy glass skin that is trending now? If you do, then you have come to the right place because today i am going to share all about this brand new, fresh Indonesian skin care brand that's all about achieving those glow! I am super pleased to introduce you to this new star : NY Glow! NY...

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My Facial Cleansing Routine (featuring Bioderma Indonesia)

Hey guys! Today's post gonna be quite short but i would say pretty important nonetheless. As someone who is super addicted with everything beauty, i often forget that no, not everybody (in fact, most people aren't) is as crazy about skin care and beauty like me. But i honestly am quite shocked to know that many people doesn't even know (or care enough)...

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Food4Skin 22 : Lanore Skincare (SPONSORED)

Hey guys! If you follow me on Instagram then you'd probably remember me gushing about Lanore's DD Cushion that i love very much (this is important because i don't usually like cushion products). This makes me curious about Lanore as a brand so i am pretty excited when Clozette Indonesia sent me these products from Lanore as i really want to get to...

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