
Review : Diva Beauty Drink (SPONSORED)

9:02:00 PM

Hey guysss!!!

Today imma share a product review that is still beauty related but not exactly makeup/skin care because it's a beauty drink that i've been really loving lately!
It's Diva Beauty Drink!
So i think the name beauty drink or collagen drink is something that is quite common in the beauty world (especially if you are a fan of Japanese beauty! For Japanese ladies, taking daily consumption of collagen drink is pretty much an essential already). We all know that collagen is pretty much the one thing that can help our skin stays supple and young-looking, that's why in all anti-aging products you'd almost certainly find collagen as one of the main ingredients , and the best way to consume it is orally (with the help of your normal skin care, of course).

I am in my mid 30s (although many people thinks that i am in my mid 20s *ahem* :p) already so naturally i am very concerned about my skin and it's aging process. I do use a full set of skin care every single day without fail, but at this age i do need all the help that i can find to keep my skin baby-like. In fact, you should start early and care for your skin inside out (i would highly suggest caring for your skin as early as you can. A lot of people do admire my skin's conditon, and let me tell you that i started the whole cleansing-toning-moisturizing ritual since i was in junior high school, so pretty early in my teenage-hood).

Collagen or beauty drinks used to be a rare product to find locally, you probably would have to purchase it overseas or order it online before - but now we have Diva Beauty Drink that you can easily find at local mini/supermarket or drugstores, they are pretty affordable too!
Diva Beauty Drinks are available in single bottles that contains 80ml of drink, also in packs of 8 and 16
Why Diva Beauty Drink? Well, for various reasons! One, it contains 1000mg of active collagen that functions to increase skin's suppleness, reduce wrinkles, helps dead skin regeneration and makes skin silky smooth. It also contains superfruits (pomegranate, acai, arecola and grape seed) that are rich in antioxidant to protect skin from free radicals and prevent the formation of dark spots on your skin. Diva Beauty Drink also contains a high dosage of Vitamin E to help increase the speed of new skin's growth - and it's also enriched with Vitamin A to maintain the condition of skin's surface layer.
I went to Diva Beauty Festival last week and received this box of 6 to try 
Nutrition facts
They suggested 2 bottles a day (the bottle is quite small btw) for the optimum result - i personally really enjoy the mixed berries taste (slightly sweet, slightly sour and a whole lotta fresh!) so having 2 or more bottles a day would not be a problem for me at all, in fact i always look forward for my daily dose of collagen!

If you read the ingredient list, you can see that (pretty high up) one of their main ingredient is Fish Collagen and Elastin. I tried other collagen drinks that's made of fish collagen in the past and i could taste the unmistakable fishy taste that i had to drink it with thick yogurts to mask the taste. With Diva, i don't need to bother since unlike that previous collagen supplement (that is in powder form), it is ready to drink and it taste and smell super fruity - no fishiness whatsoever detected. 2 thumbs up for taste - plus it doesn't contain preservatives or artificial sweetened so it's very safe and healthy for us!

Ofc, if you want to see a real, significant result then you should take two bottles of Diva Beauty Drink everyday for two weeks. I personally took one per day for a week straight, and although it is not following the recommended serving i actually do see some results already! My skin is probably in the best shape in years (of course, this is also supported with good skin care routine), very supple, mochi-like and youthful! I like the result so much i would definitely purchase it with my own money and take it regularly now.

Diva Beauty Drink is not going to break your bank either (most collagen drinks/supplements are super expensive!), i found the single bottle at Indomaret for IDR 11.800, or you can get it at Kalbe Store (yes, Diva is part of Kalbe, which is one of the leading pharmaceutical company in Indonesia so you can rest easy about it's quality and safety) for lower price (i think you need to pay for shipping tho so personally i would just buy at the supermarket) : IDR 60.000 for a box of 6 or IDR 145.000 for a box of 16.

I definitely would recommend this drink to everybody, let's keep our skin as healthy and young as possible ^^!
Don't forget to follow Diva's Instagram @divabeautyid for the latest news, event and promotions!

Until next time!

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