
July Movies

Writing July movies review in the last day of August... Coz i am awesome liddat! LOL! 1. 47 Meters Down For some reasons i thought the title was 47 Meters Deep (in fact, i was so sure about it) and i really thought i've reviewed this movie. Hm... I think it intrigued me so much (not in a good way btw) that i...

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Jerawat yang disebabkan Hiperandrogen dan Cara Mengatasinya

Halo semuanya! Kalau ngomongin problematika kulit, salah satu yang paling utama akan muncul pasti jerawat donk ya? Aku pribadi meskipun jarang banget jerawatan, pastilah pernah mengalami break out-terutama menjelang haid- yang artinya jerawat aku banyak di sebabkan dan dipengaruhi oleh perubahan hormon di dalam tubuh. Memang yang namanya jerawat itu sebabnya bisa macam-macam, salah satunya ada hiperandrogen (atau kelebihan hormon androgen. Btw Androgen adalah...

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The White Vampire Slayer

LOLOLOLOL. How d'ya like the title??? I dunno, i seriously put on my whole makeup and outfit, look at the mirror and i decided that my look that day really channeled a vampire slayer, but normally vampire slayers wear black right? Hence the title. Bringing out my vampire slayer side, who wanna be slayed? Some of you might think, a fashion post? Another...

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Lip-Talk 25 : Mukka Lip Cream Matte (SPONSORED)

Helloooo!!! If you follow my IG (which if you haven't i must say that i'm severely disappointed in you tsk tsk tsk) then you must know that i've been testing Mukka Lip Cream Matte for the past month. I've been posting a few pics of myewearing some colors and i Instastoried whenever i use a shade (so it's pretty much everyday with different...

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