
Japan Trip Haul

Who ends the month with a haul post??? MEEEE *silent scream*.... Yeah, i haven't been doing haul posts for a while eh... Not gonna be blogging about our Japan Trip just yet (won't even be thinking about it before i clear out SG-Malay Trip!)but i figured i should just get the haul part out of the way first. I actually did pretty good...

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Singapore Trip 2015 (Part 3) : S.E.A Aquarium

Hey hey hey! Continuing my Singapore Trip post! Not bad right, compared to last time :p. Hope to be able to finish it soon so i can blog about Japan! Anyway... It's all about S.E.A Aquarium today! Lucky enough to met the mascot and took a pic with it! Is it just me but every time i see a mascot which is that...

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