
MUC : Blooming Spring with Beauty Korea (2nd Look)

Hi guys!So... I don't know if recreating looks are addictive or i am simply OCD, but i decided to do another K-Pop inspired look *LOL*. Bolder and edgier this time round The focus of this look is obviously the eye makeup (Btw, did you notice my new colorful streaks? I had them done yesterday! It's not as noticeable as i hoped it would...

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MUC : Blooming Spring with Beauty Korea

Hiiii! It's been awhile since the last time i joined a Make Up Challenge, i usually have a specific reason on why i would join an MUC (why? I'm just too lazy to be bothered to most of the time >.<), usually because i really like the theme. However this MUC hosted by my fellow blogger, Winda, actually has a theme that i...

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Event Report : Estee Lauder High Touch Luxury Counter Design & Environment Experience

Hi everybody! Did everybody had a great weekend? Mine was very mixed-feeling (i will elaborate a little bit later on...), but one thing for sure is : i'm very tired! LOL. My social life is super busy lately (not to mention helping Baby Boy study for his final tests... His nanny's back at her home town and all), but i am definitely not...

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