
Review : Althea X W.Lab Box (SPONSORED)

Hellow! It looks like there's not going to be a month goes by without me posting about Althea :)). My posts about Althea is always so well received tho so i think y'all enjoy them too, yes?  Anyway, i have another Althea Beauty Box review for ya! Third one so far :D! This time round, the box is catered for one brand only...

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Glam in Black N' Gold

Hello! It's been ages since my last fashion post... Oh wait, it's actually not that long ago, last month? Anyway, didn't even plan to make a blog post for this look (which i am totally loving!) but we took enough photos using Chelshea's magic camera so i decided... This look is totally worth having a blog post dedicated to it! I feel a...

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