
February and March Movies

Hey guys! I haven't been reviewing movies for awhile, now i have quite a pile to maybe help you choose what to stream/download/whatever next :)). 1. Black Panther Watched this back in February when it first showing (then i was forced to watch it the second time when my niece BB celebrated her bday with orphans, it was a whirlwind day full of...

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Food4Skin 06 : Avoskin (SPONSORED)

Hi my dears ^^ All skin care junkies (or anyone who cares about their skin's health) gather up, today i have a review for one of the "It" local skin care brand that is raved by many... Yes, i am going to review Avoskin products! Avoskin's latest campaign is #PesonaCantikAlami that encourages women to always spread positivity, confidence and bravery - is ofc...

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Japan Trip 2017 : Part 8 (Tokyo, Yokohama, Tokyo Disneyland Hotel, Disney Sea)

(Guys, this post is supposed to go up before i left for our KL trip (clearly i post all about the trip on my IG and post Instastories nonstop so you should already know where we went) but i forgot to publish it!!! Hence the confusing first paragraph, hope that clears it!) Helloooo!!! Yes yes, we are finally at the very last post...

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