
Food4Skin 02 : Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_EX

Hey guys ^^. My newest mantra is : write more review, write more review, write more review *LOL*. As someone who's majorly recognized as a beauty blogger, i definitely don't write enough beauty-related posts nowadays, in fact the number's dwindling down like crazy-and that's not from any lack of material! So for today imma review a product that has fast becoming a holy...

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Event Report : Rever Academy Graduation Show 2015

Hello hello... How's everybody doin'? Y'all had a great weekend, i hope? Mine's not too shabby either, but i've been bugged with this piercing headache for the past three days even my usual Neuralgin doesn't do its wonderful work like usual :(. It's still pretty fun regardless (once the Neuralgin did its job, that is... LOL). Anyway. Event report. Yes. I was contacted...

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