
February Movies

EEEEEKKKKKK, it's almost the end of the month again >.<!!! Need to blog about February movies before March is over, let's do it!!! 1. Sleepless This movie... Is honestly not something i'd consider watching if hunny didn't ask to. And yeah, i didn't like it all that much... Vincent Downs is a cop in LA with a dirty partner (for a second i...

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Scraps From 2016 : Part 1 (O's 9th Bday, Yuty's Housewarming)

Harrooooo!!! So i think we're all agree that i've been crap at updating the lifestyle and personal posts in this blog since last year. I even stopped blogging about our bday celebrations which was like... a total staple before. I got so caught up in SBB and sponsored posts, and the one thing that i never thought i would ever face happened. I...

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Introducing : Betadine Feminine Hygiene

Hello hello! Hari ini #Pink kembali nulis dengan Bahasa Indonesia ya hehehe. Dan topik hari ini agak khusus nih, khusus buat cewek-cewek maksudnya. Jadi yang merasa dirinya cowok... Syuhh... LOL. Eh tapi bole juga baca sih, siapa tau bisa bantu share info ke temen, mama, sodara cewek atau yayank/istri kamu! Aku mau nanya nih... Siapa cewe-cewe disini yang : a. Ngga pernah bersihin...

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Great Hostel Manners for Backpack Travelers (GUEST POST)

On my trips around the world, I’ve seen a common ground among all backpackers who stay in hostels. Wherever they go, they assume that a shelter means the occupants can behave like they’re the only people who will ever stay there. Just because you’re taking one or two rooms in a hostel doesn’t mean you can use your room, the facilities, or the...

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Introducing : Dan-O Sanitary Napkins (Ad)

Hey guys! OMG, sorry for being MIA for more than a week! This is very abnormal for me, but i had a crazy week and was so busy... I got super tired and in no mood to blog after i got home :(. Anyway, i am back and hopefully with renewed spirit to be a better blogger, ha ha! Today i want to...

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