
November Movies

Hey guyssss!!! It's almost another new year, how insane is that??? This December also means that this blog has turned 5 and yes, i didn't even notice >.<, the fact that i used (i should say still) to think of this blog as my baby means i'm probably the worst mom in the world *LOL*. If you follow me on IG then you'd...

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Lip-Talk 30 : Odessa Cosmetics Matte Lipstick (SPONSORED)

Helllooooo :D! So hunny (who was just playing on his PS4 as usual) suddenly commented "Wow, why is the lips so big?" while i was editing the photos for this post and i was like -___- this is called lips swatch, dude. I thought he'd know by now, having a wife who blogs for almost 5 years now! Anyway, very exciting post today!...

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