
Eye Stories 30 : Popsynote Shine Lasting Glitter Gel

Hi y'all!I'm about to be super busy in the weekend (offline events, first full blown one in 2 years, woohooo) so i figured while i still have the time and energy to blog... Better do it now.I always have a thing for glitters, like cats and crows - i'm attracted to all things shiny *LOL*. So other than blings *ahem*, i am also...

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Hair-O-Logy 10 : Control Zero Illipe Shampoo Bar

Hallooo semuanya!Sooo... Aku aslinya ngga ada rencana untuk review ini di blog (Control Zero approached me to try their product to review on my IG) tapi karena ini Shampoo Bar pertamaku, aku merasa kayaknya ga afdol kalau aku ga ngoceh in depth di sini >.<!Aku tuh uda lamaaa banget tertarik sama yang namanya shampoo bar. Menurutku unik dan menarik banget tapi at the...

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