
June Movies

Hey guys! OMG it's crazy how little i wrote in this blog in July :(... I really thought i would be writing more since i kinda picked up the pace by the end of June, but instead i ended up really abandoning my baby for so long! I truly didn't expect July to be such a crazy month for me, one surprises after...

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One Day Princess : Gyeongbokgung Palace (South Korea)

Hey guys! I remember i promised a more detailed post about my Princessy Hanbok (ofc i am aware that this hanbok is not exactly like the one worn by real princesses back in the day, i'm pretty sure they didn't appreciate pastel colors back then and there are most probably details that can only be worn by royalties) in my One Day Hanbok...

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Visiting Althea Korea's Head Quarter

Hey guys! I know i know, this post is so darn backdated i should be stoned, SORRY! I just kept on getting sidetracked and suddenly it's July already T.T. BUT, there is something good out of my procrastination, that Althea Korea is actually celebrating their 3rd Anniversary so i can use this post to pay homage to them heheee (am i good at coming...

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