
January Movies

Hey guys! It looks like the slight return of my writing mojo last month is once again trumped by my crazy schedule *sigh*, and again i waited until the last days of the month to share my movies review haha (btw this month we only watched one movie WTH is happening...), whatever i am just determined not to skip it. Watched a total...

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Scent-O-Logy 04 : Emina Body Mist in Indian Summer and Rain Forest

Hello guys! I've been missing for quite a bit again, haven't i :(... I took a break during Chinese New Year to celebrate with my family (i planned to blog a bit about our celebration but honestly at the moment i am in no mood to share about my personal life...) and then i got super busy again! By busy i am not...

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Japan Trip 2017 : Part 7 (Kiyomizu Dera)

Hellloooo!!! We're getting to close to wrap up my Japan Trip, excited excited :D!!! As the title suggested, we visited Kiyomizu Dera that day but before we proceed with this post let me warn you first that this post is very self-centred and almost narcissistic *LOLOLOL*, be ready of endless selfies and #OOTD type of photos because we actually rented kimonos and we...

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