
Complete Your Day with Shinzui Ume Body Mist

Hello girlsss! How's everybody doin'?  Like my blog's name suggested, i am obsessed with the color pink (and anything kawaii) so imagine my excitement when i was invited (along with some of my beauty blogger/influencer friends) by Shinzui Ume last Saturday, January 20th 2018 for their blogger's gathering "Complete Your Day” because : one, it was held in One Pose Cafe, the CUTEST...

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Lip Talk 31 : Odessa Cosmetics Lip Matte Cream (SPONSORED)

Hello hello!!! So this post should be up a while ago but... Life has been crazy, you know? And i am still down with a horrible case of flu FML. Alas, i was determined to make this post happen before January ends at least :)) Like i promised in my last Lip Talk series, i have a full review of Odessa Lip Cream...

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December Movies

Hallooowwww... How ya doin' peeps? Better than me i hope... I've been getting a barrage of sickness since last week, it started with a bad case of allergic (in all my teenage and adult life i didn't use to be allergic to anything but dusts, but now i'm well into my adulthood, i suddenly developed quite a bad allergic reactions to some fish...

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Eye Stories 14 : Absolute New York Eye Artiste Eyeshadow (in Moss, Mystique and Sugar Plum)

Heyyylllooo ^^! 2018 has proven to be a little more productive already for me compared to the last months of 2017, i am literally patting myself on the back as i type this *LOL*. Anyway, i have been blogging here for 5 years but there are still firsts :)), because i think (mind you, i have over 1000 posts by now) i've never...

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