
Introducing : AHA! Products

Helloooo :D! I am currently down with a horrible case of flu, but i'm still going around because i had meetings to attend >.<-well, i only go to meetings and then go back home to sleep actually :p, i really want the flu to bugger off already because my schedule next week is absolutely INSANE! Anyway, i am pretty productive this month with...

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Lip-Talk 26 : PIXY Lip Cream Nude Series

Hallooooo!!!!! Like i promised, PIXY Lip Cream review is here!!! Loving the new nude shades of PIXY Lip Cream ^^ As you might already knew, last Saturday me alongside some other bloggers from Surabaya Beauty Blogger (and some lifestyle bloggers) attended PIXY Express Your Truly Asian Beauty event and one of the two generous goodie bags consisted of their newest shades of famous...

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Event Report and Treatment Review : Klinik Estetika Dr. Affandi (SPONSORED)

Halo semuanya! Hari ini adalah edisi berbahasa Indonesia lagi yah, it's getting to be a little more often in this blog-semoga kalian tetap enjoy meskipun mungkin tulisanku tidak selancar my usual English written posts >.<. Kenapa kok Bahasa Indonesia lagi, karena kali ini aku akan bercerita banyak mengenai Klinik Estetika Dr. Affandi, adanya emang di Indonesia jadi ya lebih baik aku nulisnya pake...

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