
Live on TV!

Hullo people!!! Yes, i am having a very sudden blogging mood spurts in the end of January for some unknown reasons! As these moods are hard to catch these days, i gotta make the best out of it... I am actually drown to the neck with sponsored posts, event reports and reviews' deadlines, but i've been enjoying a more personal post since the...

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Happy Chinese New Year!

Helloooo peepsss.. I gotta wish y'all (who celebrates) Happy Chinese/Lunar New Year!!! Hope this rooster year brings us all success, prosperity, health and happiness!!! Gong Xi Fat Cai from #Pink's family! No no no, not late at all, you know that Lunar New Year is technically 2 weeks long right (so i had to google this, i thought it was a month long...

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Wearable Lunar New Year Look Tutorial

Hello!!! My God, how is it almost CNY/Lunar New Year again >.< (not a very happy news for married people since we have to provide hong baos hahaha)...  For a collaboration with Blogger Ceria members, i created this rather dramatic but still highly wearable look : My version of Lunar New Year Makeup ^^ When you hear Lunar New Year, the color red...

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December Movies

Hello... OMG, i'm really terrible in updating my blog this month >.<, life has just been crazy for me! I will do my best to be more productive next month (can't promise anything for the remainder of this month) and for now-let's finally talk about December movies, shall we? We watched 8 movies in total, some are good, some are fine and some...

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Unboxing and Introducing Althea App (SPONSORED)

Hey peeps! So i've been home for nearly a week now, but i am still SO... TIRED OMG. Not only CL made our schedule with inhumane consideration to our stamina, i also fell sick halfway through the trip and THEN there's the emotional shock when i realized my phone is gone (stolen. No other way to explain a disappearance of a phone during...

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