
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

W's Surprise Baby Shower


How is everybody doing? I strangely feel super energized... Must have been the coffee LOL. Anyway, this is #Undecided, this is another joint post (seems to be the ONLY kind of post I write lately LOL), and so excited to write this because it features our long lost BFF, W!!

You might have read somewhere in this blog that:
1/ I introduced her to her hubby (read it here)
2/ She moved to the suburban right after the wedding
3/ She's currently preggo!! With a baby girl!!! First baby girl in our little group and still #Pink has no chance to dress her up since they'll get back to Lumajang right after the baby's born LOL.

But I digress!! 

Honestly, we suck at throwing surprise anything. One time we tried surprising my cousin, and to avoid another long digression, let's just say that it went... south... big time. LOL. But somehow, we pulled this one off *grin*. It started with G wanting to try Domicile, and then A was like, "W will be in town by then, let's ask her to tag along" and yada yada #Pink wanted to buy her a faux crown, yada yada let's do a baby shower and so on and so on, so enjoy the pics!!

Hi guys! It's #Pink and what yadda yadda, #Undecided! In my version of the story, i was asked by G who wanted to try out Domicile (how late is she? I am currently getting sick of the place and refuse whole-heartedly to celebrate my up and coming bday next month there!) to join in, and next i heard W's coming so we're fitting the date to make sure she can make it, one thing led to another and within a few hours i was told that it's going to be a full blown baby shower!

It's also the first baby shower we ever had! Coz we're... errrr... lazy pigs *except Av, the newest addition to the team. Now that i think about it maybe Av's creative energy is what's making us do more stuffs like these!* and we suck at surprises like #Undecided said, it's just so much goes into planning a celebration you know *well not really, but anyway*) and of course you need to humiliate the mother-to-be for a bit so i presented the idea for a crown and a sash (which Av made from scratch, isn't she fab?)... Long story short, it was actually really successful-we surprised ourselves!
Finally, a recent picture of ALL of us, full team. LOL.
I did this!! I know, I'm awesome (it's a lie btw, it was Av LOL).
I don't think anyone believed you for a sec, #Undecided
We even had cupcakes! A real proper celebration, that is!
Aren't they super cuuuuteeee??? Love the color too (matches my outfit perfectly hahaha)! Ended up being #Undecided's baby shower gift for W coz she forgot to bring the actual gift! So typically #Undecided!

Something unbelievable happened that day: not only #Undecided and her hubby weren't late, they were the first to arrive to the venue!!! I'm so glad (and surprised) that there was no earthquake or something... We deliberately told W to come later because she's super punctual and ALWAYS early! W's husband's not in town (coz he needs to look after his store, the one in the suburban) so W went to G's place to come to Domicile together-that means it's G's responsibility to delay W (which she did-rather too well, i must add)!

Yes, I actually arrived FIRST. Hubby was like "eh, where's everybody?!" LOL. See, #Pink, I could be punctual. I just... well.. too many distractions at home to be punctual, you know... Reruns of my fave sitcom, lazing around in bed, fighting hubby whom to hit the shower first... You get the gist LOL... (

I think it's a total accident BB, a one time thingy...

Shut up, bb! 

Aaanyway, we had plenty of time before the queen of the day arrive, and what do you expect from us? We cam-whored nonstop, of course...
Our customized tees are adorable, yes?
Yes, they are!! Custom tees are my current obsession. I have 4 now and am awaiting 2 more to be produced LOL.
FYI, we actually established a "Pastel" dress code, since it's a baby shower and the baby's a girl-but everyday up to the D day everybody's panicking about not having pastel clothings (they're lying, i think it's their vanity talking-i strongly believe they just didn't want to repeat the clothes they've already worn in this blog before! LOL), thankfully we have this customized Zodiac tees we made lying around waiting to be used (G wore one too but she haven't arrived so it's not our fault that we took some pics first, yea? And #Undecided arranged to make one for Baby Boy too-but it turned to be a real baby *okay, toddler* size so we had to resell it LOLOLOL), so we have a new dress code : the customized tee+pastel colored bottom!

Which turned out to be fab for pictures, so, me happy LOL.

See!! My cute custom tee, perfect for pictures LOL. Showing you my gift for Preggo.

My fave one! With adorbs unicorn in it!
Told ya the cupcakes matches my whole look that day (you can read more about my outfit here)
Our insider "creative brain" Av
I can hear #Pink's mom in my head, "Ave, kenapa pake celana tidur?!" which translates roughly to why are you wearing your pj bottom, Ave? LOL.
And the sporty mumsy, A (now that #Undecided said that about Av, i can totally vouch that my mum would repeat the same thing to A. And my sis would too LOLOLOL)
Let's have a family pic as well! Green fam
VS purple fam haha
One of me and hunny ^^
We posted pics of Domicile during the night and now, here are the daytime views.
Looks pretty candid, eh? We actually POSED hahahaha... 
Coz you'd totally kill me if i post the ACTUAL candid one BB!!!! ROFL
Yes, bb, I tots would *stare*
I asked G to tell me when they arrived so we were ready, with cupcakes and tiara on hand LOLOLOL, you know like a proper surprise party! And W really was surprised (i double checked later, she totally didn't suspect a thing! Yay!!!), also a little flustered when we unceremoniously plopped the sash and tiara on her :D!
Put a big handbag in front of her tum, you wouldn't know she was preggo now, would you!
Showered her with gifts! (basically that's what "shower" in baby shower means, FYI).
Case in point. She doesn't look pregnant when the tummy is well hidden, right...
And how she actually looks : absolutely radiant+gorgeous!
BFF Forever, girls *teared up* *start playing Spice Girls song at the back* LOL
I snapped some pictures of food that we've never ordered before, but then #Undecided forced me to snap a pic of her dish, which is the very same dish she has every single time! So i ended up snapping majority of the pics anyway *sigh*.
Shut up, bb! But yes, we had this yum yum pizza last time hahaha
Pork Quesadilla - turned out to be super delicious!
Av's chicken something something (i think our my food photography skill's increasing but not my brain capacity on food names/prices/whatever *sigh again)
I remember!! It was half chicken something something...
Yes, I'm the type of person whom would repeat the dish I love whenever I go to one resto. Can't risk it. This one's the Black Ink Fettucini with seafood. The seared tuna is TDF.
Someone's carbonara?
Aswin's bb!
And my Vongole Linguini, i'm exactly the same as #Undecided-i order the same thing over and over again *LOL*
W's lasagna
Looking serene on the outside. Doing my happy dance (because you know, good food makes me happy LOL) on the inside.
Baby Boy tucking in a slice of pizza in a proper, barbaric way (for the first time) LOL, there's a nicer pic of him eating but i want to post this because the cute dimple of his was making a rare appearance here!
I could make a series on what activities Av can do and look mean at the same time, the previous one is here
LOL!! So true. I don't know why but she looks super mean like all the time :D However, she is very kind at heart (disclaimer: she made me type this)
Once we're done with eating (didn't take that long LOL), it was time to open the presents we got the mommy to be. And #Pink did mention how I forgot my actual gift, in my defense, I was busy being on time and trying to contact the cupcake baker because I had to pick the cupcakes up, but had NO IDEA where she lived... She just BBMed me saying they were ready, but didn't mention her address. BBMed (and Lined, and BBM call, and Line call) her back, but my messages weren't delivered... I was actually quite pissed at that time.

Luckily my (almost) sis in law helped out and got me the direction to her house, however her friend also didn't know the EXACT address. I took a wild guess, stopped in front of some random house (because I saw a lady going out, might as well ask her) and goodness I couldn't believe my luck, it was HER house!!!

Now with all the commotion that day, could you blame me for forgetting to bring my actual gift?! LOL. And for the record, I wanted to give her Batiste Dry Shampoo because new moms are not supposed to wash their hair for a month (Chinese tradition - don't ask me why, never been preggers before) and this magic dry shampoo would come in handy for her... But I forgot, so it's NOW MINE muahahahahhaa... Wah, buy one yourself, okay? *grin*
But first a bonus pic, maternity shot of the gorgeous mum-to-be!
Okay, first gift was from the only person in the group that's actually shorter than her, G!
G looked a bit...errr... in this pic, i snapped another one but she looked EVEN crazier *sigh*, and the mom-to-be looks super happy here so i gotta upload this anyway
G got her a pair of new shoes and other girly stuff 
Thank God they're pink, including the adorable baby boots, because guess what? She contemplated buying W a LEOPARD baby boots!!! I actually like leopard prints now, but NOT ON A BABY *screaming in frustration*
A's turn, is the little boy in green part of the pressie? LOL
Apparently not! LOL. She got her baby headband, bib and gloves.
From the meanie kind hearted Av (yes, i'm spluttering in laughter as i type this)
She got her baby-first-towel!
From me me me me me!
A cute hat and a pair of socks from #Pink
The hat actually matches a baby blue baby hat i got Baby Luca, that his mom totally forgot to use for him until it's too small! Don't forget to use this on Baby K, W, i demand!!!
Cupcakes from yours truly. Btw, they turned out to be super cute - the baker is totally forgiven once I saw them LOL.
We each picked our fave cupcake and posed with it. Obvi, W got first dibs. Her choice: a baby in a blanket.
A's pick: a onesie!
Totally got photobombed (unconsciously) by G's hubby there
Milk bottle and pacifier for Av.
Errr... did she just dismember the cupcake?! LOL.
Yup, and then plopped it back with her dirty dirty hand. Lemme rephrase that, her dry dry hand. LOLOLOLOLOL *sorry, insider's joke*
LOL she'd kick you, bb!! Thai boxing style LOL. 
My cray cray hunny representing moi
Actually... #Pink had first dibs LOL. She was all about the unicorn the moment she laid eyes on them hahaha... 
Righto! Didn't you see the uber cute unicorn on my pic up there? LOL. Nobody else wanted it anyway, weird!
I picked the stroller! So cute, I can't even...
Even Baby Boy got his turn
Of course Baby Boy got his turn, Mama!!
Love this pic!!!
Pretended to eat them. We ended up returning them all to the box and sent W home with it. LOL. Checked with her. She said they were quite nice and loved that it was chocolate cupcakes *pats own back*
Finally. Group pic, get in!!
Hunny suddenly went missing, turned out he was ordering these chocolate truffles
I was very full already so just had a bite and i think it was okay. Nothing earth shattering or whatever
Of course, not going to miss the signature preggie post, especially now that W's about to pop sometime soon!
And I can't reach that far, so I hold another baby instead!! LOL.
The high sofa's so cute, makes you feel like Alice in the Wonderland when she shrinks, a little bit
And that's a wrap! What a fun afternoon! I always have fun whenever i'm around my BFFs, of course! I think W really enjoyed her baby shower too, if i may say so myself! Again, i'm wishing you a painless (okay, as minimal as possible, anyway) delivery and a healhty baby K! And as the mother's request, as soon as possible baby!

W actually told me that the due date is on 20th, so, any minute nowwwwwww... LOL. Will post pics of the baby for sure!! See you real soon, Baby K!

Auntie #Pink and #Undecided


  1. I love these sweet, funny photos that you shared! It was so cute and oh, the dress of the mommy-to-be looks fabulous. It seems like everyone of you is having their own moments with your expectant friend. I enjoyed reading this post of yours!

  2. Waaa I bet it's going to be an exciting experience for her. Your skirt looks so pretty. The cupcakes are matching with its color haha. I love it. :) I'm sure she appreciated everything you've done to make the baby shower a successful, memorable and happy one.
