
Clean-O-Matter 13 : The Yeon Vita7 Peeling Gel

Hey guys! Can you tell i'm really trying to revive this blog again? I honestly don't know if the spirit will stay, but we shall see! I really cannot remember for sure, but i think... I've never talked about peeling gels before in this blog..? I'm not 100% sure but i sure think so. It's pretty weird because i actually LOVE peeling gels! Though i...

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Food4Skin 28 : FarmStay Cica Farm Recovery Ampoule

Hey guys..It's been a long long while since the last time i reviewed a skin care product out of my own will *LOL*. Yes, i admit that 100% of the skincare reviews i've been posting in the past few years had been paid posts, but i can assure you that it'd never impact the quality or the integrity of my reviews, they all...

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Eye Stories 29 : Dasique Shadow Palette (01 Sugar Brownie)

Hi guys!How y'all doin? Omricon is creating another havoc in our country after a few months of peace :(, but they said that Omricon is actually gonna be the shifter for Corona virus from a pandemic to endemic, so that's at least a hopeful news! Let's all stay strong, pray, stay safe and manifest it! We'll get through this pandemic in 2022!!! (oh...

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