
Goodbye 2020 - Hello 2021!

Hi guys!!!Can you believe that 2020 is ending in a few hours...The strange years that feels super long yet gone in a blink of an eye at the same time.The year which for a of us were supposed to be "our year", where so many plans and dreams are supposed to go down but instead all of us hide at home to be...

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Eye Stories 26 : Etude X Hersey's Play Color Eyes Mini Set (SPONSORED)

Hi guys!!!If you're a follower of my IG then you'd probably saw me mentioning about these products quite a bit both on my stories and also feed but i sure take my sweet time to review them because i already planned to do an in depth review on the blog since i got them in the mail. Now that i pretty much used...

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Smart and Easy Life with Bardi (SPONSORED)

Hi guys!!!Hari ini aku mau review produk yang agak beda dari biasanya nih dan yang pasti ini produk-produknya bikin hubby ku super girang, jadi dia seneng banget pas nyetting-nyetting gitu kayak dapet mainan baru :)) secara hubby emang super into tech. So without further ado, aku mau ngenalin kalian ke Bardi, brand produk-produk Smart Home yang berkualitas, dengan harga terjangkau, mudah di dapat karena...

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