
Unboxing : Althea Massive Haul! (SPONSORED)

Haiiii guyssss!!!!! I just got back from my fun trip to Penang, Malaysia and been bombarded nonstop with endless events and meetings right away (i need my beauty sleep T.T) so only now i got the chance to sit down and brag share with you my latest, massive haul from Althea! Yasss, i got a LOT, so so SO SPOILT by Althea i...

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Food4Skin 12 : Royalty Cosmetic Skin Care (SPONSORED)

Hellooo everybody! I am about to leave for a fun little trip in a little bit - but not before i let you in on my not-so-secret current skin care routine :D. Let me introduce you to this awesome local Indonesian cosmetic brand : Royalty Cosmetic ! Royalty Cosmetic Skin Care range I initially thought that Royalty Cosmetic is a new brand but...

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Review : The Great 50 Show

Hello hello! Today i want to share with you a rather unusual (for this blog at least haha) but super fun review of a circus! It's called The Great 50 Show and it is currently on going in Surabaya and we were one of the super lucky ones to be able to catch the premiere last Wednesday :D! It was a family affair...

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