
May Movies

Helloooo!!! I want to wish my Moslem friends and readers an early very Happy Eid al-Fitr, mohon maaf lahir dan batin ^^ - and happy holidays to the rest of my Indonesian friends and readers!!! For the international readers who are not celebrating, i can still say happy weekend hahaha nobody's left behind this time round! Where are you guys going this holiday?...

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First Impression : Cream Leher Naavagreen

Hallloooo semuanya ^^. Kali ini aku akan menulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia lagi yaa! Mungkin kalian sudah pernah membaca review aku tentang treatment facial di Naavagreen beberapa saat yang lalu, di post itu aku juga memberikan sedikit review singkat tentang salah satu produk mereka yaitu whitening body scrub. Nah, kali ini aku akan share mengenai produk OTC (mass products yang tidak memerlukan resep dokter)...

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Beauty Redefined with Shiseido

Konnichiwa minna! I have a fun event report for you today, but it's actually more than just an event report because it covers more than just an event ^^. We (by we i mean me and some of my other beauty blogger/influencer friends) had some fun with Shiseido this month and i'm gonna tell you all about it. We pretty much had  total...

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Aphrodites' Launching Giveaway!

Hallo!!! Just dropping by real quick to announce a giveaway!!! You can win all these : By just following some simple rules! Head to Aphrodites for the details, okay! I talked a little bit about Aphrodites in my previous post, basically it's my new project with my fellow bloggers and vlogger :D, we have a new Instagram page where we share all about...

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Review : Iftar Buffet at 209 Dining Vasa Hotel Surabaya

Hellow everybody... OMG, i had such a good and productive start in June but then pooooffff... No more *LOL*. I am having a quiet week now tho so i should be able to be productive again! This month i'm also gonna touch more in a subject that i admit, is not my strongest suit-culinary >.<. I mean, i love food (or else i'd...

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