
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Princess Bubblegum


How's everybody doing? Having a great weekend so far? I had a very tiring but immensely fun Saturday and totally looking forward to do nothing on Sunday haha. More about my Saturday in another post, i have a rare thematic outfit post for ya'll today! 

I played a Princess for a day!
Did i look convincing as a princess?
Well yea, princesses don't wear t-shirts (let alone a customized tee that's supposed to be a cropped tee but turned out 3 sizes too big that it ended up being a normal length-oversized tee!) but this is 2014, i think they totally do-you know... in private. LOL.

Anywayyy... I need to clarify something first... I know i look like (and act like) someone who has a princess syndrome (actually Rosemary was the first person who made me realize that *LOL*), and i am forever my daddy's Princess (or just recently stated by one of my aunts "You're daddy's Queen!") but i actually never wanted to be a princess. If some little girls' day dreamed to be a princess while growing up, i never had that kind of fantasy. I wanted to be a popstar, or an actress, even an athlete (yeah, i also pissed myself laughing thinking about that) even though i was painfully shy as a child (i still have that side of me until today, it's just that a lot of people mistaken my shyness as arrogance...) i guess i still crave that kind of limelight somehow *LOL* (no, i don't want it now, i realize that i hate being the centre of attention so... forget it!), but no... Hard as it may to believe, being a princess is not something i ever give a sec of daydreaming. 

I also never planned to do a "princessy" themed photo shoot, until the day when i had the idea to get W a little tiara (it's a plastic tiara for little kids but somehow the size is quite huge) to errr... humiliate her on her surprise baby shower (post coming up, i promise. As soon as i finish resizing the pics and make #Undecided blog, that is).
The tiara
Then i plopped it on for fun
And thought it was so cute!
Plus it matches my outfit so well, so i decided to have a "Princess Bubblegum" themed shoot! I mean, it didn't look like Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time at all (if you have a son under 10 you gotta know these stuffs), but it think the colors matches the name "Princess Bubblegum" so well :p.

And yep, that's the outfit i wore for W's surprise baby shower!
Yes, i did wear a plastic tiara on a daylight, in a packed restaurant (we had the baby shower in Domicile, one of our fave hang out place apparently hahaha) with people staring-no less, but seriously-sometimes i just don't give a shit. I don't know why i should (i bought a blue, light up bunny ears in Losari Beach and plop it on my head, wore it the whole time and CL made fun of how i was not ashamed to wear it, but seriously-why the f should i? I should be able to do whatever the shit i want to do without caring what other people think, and i intend to do just that! And if i haven't make myself clear, any unkind comments in this post-or any other post-will be deleted *LOL*). W was embarrassed when we forced her to wear it, but i seriously felt nothing. I guess i'm desensitized to any kind of reactions when it comes to weird head gears...

Anyway, we snapped a few pics in Domicile, but even though the background was nice-i didn't really like the result (i hated the way my face looked, and my hair, etc). We did had a big photo shoot in our walk in closet prior to the baby shower (big as in hunny snapped a LOT of pictures instead of three and announced that it's done) and i loved the result there instead (maybe because i felt a lot more comfortable snapping pics in our private place) so here are a lot of pics!
Stuck up little princess *LOL*
Yup, i only have three poses and then repeat...
Mirror selfie is always the most flattering so gotta feature at least one >.<
Of course, i didn't wear the tiara as part of my outfit (that'd be so wrong too since i bought it for W *LOL*, i just borrowed it first-slyly :p), even i am not that ridiculous (yet i would wear a much more outrageous head piece out in a heartbeat...)... Here's my real OOTD :

Customized Tee : Online (#Undecided ordered them for us from some IG Seller)
Soft Purple Organza Skirt : MKG, Jakarta
Frill Socks : Rubi
Jelly Shoes : Online (i have three of them, all bought from an IG store. I want a neon pink one still but couldn't justify New Look's price so if anyone saw a neon pink version of this one under IDR 200.000 please please please lemme know!)
Bag : Aldo
I actually had another top prepared to the baby shower but the others at the last minutes still couldn't find any pastel clothing (actually they all have them, they're probably just looking for some excuse to wear something new-or in #Undecided's case she thinks her pastel colored clothes are too dressy for this occasion) so we ended up wearing our uniform zodiac tee *LOL*
Accessories of the day... 
Necklace and Earrings from some cheapo chain accessories store-i couldn't remember which one. Pink pearls and bow bracelet from a now defunct handmade Lolita OS, cat ring from New Look

NOTD : Crystal Nail A5 (Review here)
FOTD (i like to take selfie from my Ipad now so lots of my FOTD pics like this one's taken from my IG @Mgirl83). I also finally used my lilac hair clip, i LOVE it!
A close up the make up, all purple, pink and blue :D
I had so much fun having a thematic photo shoot! I think i should do it more often... If i'm not too lazy, that is! I have another outfit post lining up, much sooner than normal for a reason that would be revealed in that very post :D. In the mean time... Have a great rest of the weekend!



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