
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Review : Minuet 5 in 1 Palette

 Hi guys!!! 

I'm back with another palette review, i hope y'all like it because that's totally what i'm into right now so whenever i receive one i feel inclined to do a thorough review of them and Instagram caption definitely doesn't hold enough characters to let me have the word vomit i always have whenever i have opinions about something *LOL. Also, most people doesn't seem to read captions anyway, so i think (and hope) those who actually bothers to open my blog posts actually read and have interest in everything i have to say!

And today's palette is not eyeshadow palette but a 5 in 1 Face Palette from Minuet.

Minuet is a higher end local brand, they are slighly more pricey than the average local brands as their palette is selling at over 300k (but they are currently on sale for IDR 285,000 , click here if you want to purchase. Hurry, promotion is only until the end of October!) and they took the beauty world by a storm when they first launched. I was always interested on trying it and see if it's worth the hype - read on to know my thoughts!
As someone who appreciates little details, i was impressed by the little pouch that it comes with as it is lined with bubble wrap so we can even use it to bring the palette to travel with more protection!
If you don't know yet, this palette is made in collaboration with Vinna Gracis (MUA) and Cindercella (beauty influencer)
The palette comes with a sleek black outer sleeve

The actual palette. It feels weighty and sturdy, something i'd expect from the price tag haha

It's a local brand... I think, but it's made in Korea - and it's cruelty free which is awesome!

So the concept of this palette is a 5 in 1 face palette where you get a blush, a contour, a highlighter, a bronzer and 4 eyeshadows but all 8 can be mixed and matched all over your face to create various looks from natural to glam. I personally love this concept especially for travel purposes, with this kind of palette i can just bring it and don't have to worry about my face makeup anymore instead of bringing all individual ones.
Complexion side is by Vinna Gracia

While the eyes side is by Cindercella

For this kind of palette, i always appreciate a large, good quality mirror. I can just do my whole makeup with this mirror, no need to lug on extra one! Another extra point!

The colors are warm tones and would be suitable for all skin tones. Personally i find the eyeshadow shades to be a little on the darker side but the complexion side compliments them because you can always use them on your eyes too (which i always do) for more natural looks - that's the whole idea tho, no need to stick to what color is supposed to be what, that's also why all the pans are the same size (which is a little small for face products LOL, i did feel a little awkward dipping my huge blush and shading brush on them

Complexion :
L-R : California, Zoe, Ody, Omy
I find that the complexion has a very nice formula, they are pigmented but not too pigmented (we don't want bronzer nor shading shades that are way too pigmented) and easy to blend. The bronzer shade doesn't really work for me because i have pink undertone (it's way too yellow for me) but i don't really use bronzer anyway so it's not really a problem for me, i use California for eyeshadow instead. The shading shade also doesn't really work for my skin tone (but please note that they create this palette for majority of skin tones in Indonesia, which is yellow undertone so this shade would work for most Indonesian skin tones) because on its own, it would make my skin appear muddy, so i mostly use Ego (from the eyeshadow side) as my contour and i blend California and Zoe to blend my contour (so the shades in the palette still work for me anyway, i just have to be a little more creative haha).

The highlighter is BEAUTIFUL: and it's my absolute fave shade in the entire palette, it's blinding in the best way possible - it just makes my skin glow! The shade is neutral so it'd awesome for all skin tone. The blush shade is also pretty and sweet, but for bolder looks i prefer to use Pixie and Mel. Texture of the complexion shades are smooth and buttery, there are some minor fallout but i never find minor fallout to be a problem anyway.
Eyeshadows :
L - R : Pixie, Ego, Mel, TJ
Pixie is a burnt orange shade, a beautiful shade for a peachy or sunset look - i like to wear it as blush on too. Ego is a dark brown shade, i wear this shade a lot - to deepen my crease, on my waterline and also as my contour. Mel is a sexy brick red shade, it's a bit too vampy for my usual look but when i want a sultier, sexier look i would go for this shade and use it as my blush as well. TJ is a Metallic Deep Orange, also pretty but honestly i don't wear a lot of darker glitter shades so this shade is probably one that i use the least.

All of the eyeshadow shades are very pigmented but blendable, the performance is on par with international brand and the texture is awesome as well. I just don't find myself using most of them for my eyes, but that's just preference. 

I do think that this palette is very handy and versatile, i've been using it plenty since i got it and created various different look with it (but ofc as the shades are more earthy/warm, don't expect colorful makeup with this, obviously) from a natural, everyday look to semi formal ones. 

Here are some of the makeup looks i did with the palette :
A quick slap and go kind of day, i only used Ody all over the lid and add a little ego on the crease

I think Ody is a beautiful, beautiful shade. Look at the natural but almost wet looking glow, i just love it! I am wearing Omy as my blush here
My basic makeup, this is also the look i would go for whenever i travel (quick n easy is the words for my travel makeup)  haha. Nose contour is using Ego

Sultry, sexier look

Combination of TJ and Mel's simply divine

A more natural but with more effort look haha

I actually did more looks and even tutorials using this palette (different looks than the one featured in this blog post) but as this post goes on air, only one has been posted on my Instagram Reels haha so be sure to follow my IG (@MGirl83, which i've been wanting to change but can't as people already associate me with the name so i guess i'll have to stick with it -__-) if you want to see them!

What do i think of this palette overall? I think it's awesome! From the quality of the packaging, the texture, the pigmentation, blendability and staying power (stays all day long without fading nor smudging) - i would say it's one of the best local palettes i've tried so far and it's totally on par with many household international brands' quality and yes, i think the price tag is justified. Is it a very exciting palette? For a makeup collector like, probably not so much as the shades are quite "safe" (but ofc very wearable) and i have many of similar ones in my collection already. Will i continue to use it? Ofc, and i would totally bring it traveling with me. 

I would most recommend this palette for those of you who are looking for quality product but not looking for gimmick or extra frou frou (as the product is pretty simple and straight forward), or want a handy all in one palette to travel with, or if you are looking to invest on a high quality face palette that can carry you from day to night, from everyday makeup to night/events but prefer to stay in safe color palette. If you're looking for loud or colorful palette, obviously this one's not for you hehe.

Do i think it's worth the price tag? Yeah, especially at their promotional price so if you're interested to buy it, the time is now! You only have 3 days left to purchase at their special price, just click here to get directed to the store now!


  1. Packaging nya menarik & warna nya bagus" banget ❤️❤️😍

  2. Lucu bngett, apalagi warnanya nyata bnget gitu jadi kepengen 🀭

  3. 1 palette tapi dapat Blush, Contour, Highlighter, dan Eyeshadow. Worth it😍 Jadi tidak ribet

  4. Produk nya worth it, hasil nya cantik banget

  5. Selain packingnya yg mini,fleksibel buat dibawa kemana-mana, warnanya juga soft banget dikulit πŸ₯°πŸ˜ keren deh pokoknya

  6. wah packagingnya g terlalu besar, jd bisa di bawa traveling.. warnanya juga pigmented banget����...

  7. Eyeshadow kakak bagus banget, kak Mindy. Love these colors on you!

  8. Wahhh eyeshadownya keren bgt shadenya pigmented dan warnanya cakep 😍😍😍😍

  9. Wahhh... Mantep bgt. 1 pallete dapet 5 sekaligus. Wahh simpel bgt pas dibawa kemana mana, ga ngabisin tempat di tas juga ga ribet bawanya hehehe. Isinya ada blush, contour, highlighter,bronzer dan 4 eyeshadows pula. Dan pilihan isinya bisa request sesuai kulit kita lo. Mantep juga nih.
    Warna2 make up nya juga cantik2, natural2 pula. Ngga menor apalagi nyolok. Warnanya tuh idup bgt di wajah. Emang secakep itu yah si Minuet. Recommended bgt 😍😍

  10. Suka banget sama warnanya ❤ keren si bisa dipakai contour,highliter,bronzer + warna eyeshadow nya cakep banget πŸ’“ wajib punya nihh❤

  11. cantik bangetttt warnanyaa, multifungsi juga aduhhh ��

  12. Wah warna² nya cakep bgt yaπŸ˜πŸ’–

  13. Bagus2 banget warnanya.. πŸ₯°πŸ’•

  14. Bagus2 banget warnanya kak.. ����

  15. Must have item sih. Aku udah 2x repurchase. All shade nya kepake semua

  16. Suka banget dengan reviewnya serinng seringnya kak,aku suka blog kakak..

  17. Warnanya mantulity nihh cocok buat yang suka make up korea

  18. Pallete idaman banget πŸ₯° Suka packagingnya & warna2 dari palletenya super duper cantik 😍

  19. Warnanya guysss���� canci bgt

  20. 1 wadah isinya lengkap, sepertinya ini nih yang di cari kaum wanita yang hobby make up. Lengkap❤️❤️❤️❤️

  21. warnanya cantik cantik bngt kakkk😍

  22. Warnanya soft ya ce,basic jg...jd gampang buat dipadu padan sama ootd kita ��

  23. Dari packagingnya bagus bgt... warna nya itu pasti semua orang syukaaa

  24. Selalu salfok sama softlens yang kakak pakai, cakep semua😍

  25. ������omg warna nya cantik" bgt

  26. Warnanya baguss banget πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜✨ soft gitu, buat makeup yg natural" bisa bgt pke palette iniπŸ’œ✨πŸ€—

  27. pigmented banget, warnanya cantikk bisa untuk banyak look 😍😍

  28. Wow longlasting keren yaaa!!πŸ’―♥️ tapi personally aku butuh warna yang lebih soft lagi untuk blush nya hmm

  29. Warnanya cantik banget kak, otw masuk wish list nih 😍😍
