
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Event Report : Blogger Meet Up and Clinic Tour with Clariskin

Hello helloooo....

So this month is pretty much packed with super fun events, one which i am about to tell you right now is a blogger meet up held by Clariskin last week!
With my fellow SBB (plus Claresta who's almost an SBB and Fika our honorary member), Lilies from WomanBlitz (who organized the event) and Clariskin team!
The dress code that caused a bit of a mass hysteria-including the organizer who actually chose the dress code *stare at Lilies intently*)
So if you never heard of Clariskin before, well in Surabaya they are kinda new-but even though they are new, you can be assured of their quality. The Head Aesthetic Doctor (as well as the founder) dr. Junivan had some wonderful experiences in his portfolio, he was trained by some of the best aesthetic doctors in the world like dr. Arthur Swift from Canada (you can read more about it in their website which i have linked) and he actually worked on some Hollywood actors and actresses! I mean, what's good enough for their faces should be more than good for us mortals :)).

I actually attended their grand opening (which you might know if you follow me on Instagram because i shared a photo during the night)-from which i received a free facial voucher and i can honestly testify that it was the most pleasant, painless facial (but still managed to clear my skin from all black and white heads!) i've ever had. So when i got the invitation for the Blogger Meet Up-i already know that it's a GOOD clinic.
Jl. Sulawesi No.52, Ngagel, Gubeng, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60246
Phone: (031) 99443223
Clariskin clinic is very very cozy, comfortable, sparkling clean and pleasing to the eyes. 
Their cozy lobby that was turned into our meet up point
The event was ofc, opened by Lilies ^^
And here's dr. Ivan that i already told you a little bit of earlier. FYI dr. Ivan is very highly qualified as a thread expert and he actually trained lots of other local aesthetic doctors! I mean, if you want to have a non-surgical face lift then who's the best doctor to go to other than the master itself, right??? I think that totally make sense!
Clariskin's resident doctors, dr. Dina and dr. Diana
Some of my fellow bloggers
The theme of the presentation was "Beauty Mathematics"
First we were asked from the first to the sixth picture (of the same person haha), which one is the most attractive?
Naturally we all chose 5 or 6
Why is that? Well, because our brain unconsciously measure the face and look for the "perfect measurement"
Leonardo Da Vinci insisted that there is mathematics in beauty
Therefore a lot of arts are created using a specific ratio : Divine Proportion. Like Mona Lisa (even though i personally think Mona Lisa is not pretty at all :P)
The Divine Proportion is called Golden Ratio
The closest a person's face to the golden ratio, the more attractive most eyes would find them
Golden Ratio in Mathematics Ratios is Phi therefore Clariskin's follows the "Beautiphication" theory
No matter that your race and ethnicity is
Your beauty can be measured with the Golden Ratio
Even eyebrows can be measured with Phi Ratio
And lips too
Angelina Jolie is knows as one of the actress with the most perfect Golden Ratio-as well as Amber Heard (whom i don't personally think as THAT pretty *LOL*. I guess my taste is a bit different :P)
In order to reach that "flawless beauty" our faces can be fitted and modified according to the Phi Ratio. This client's face is definitely a lot more attractive after being altered to look closer to the Phi Ratio
Another person with the most perfect Phi Ratio is the ancient Egyptian Queen, Nefertiti
Beautiphication can not only be applied to younger people but also on mature skin. Not only Clariskin strive to make you look younger, but as close to your own perfection as possible. So can you look prettier than your younger selves? In the hands of dr. Ivan, the answer is : TOTALLY
As an example, Lilies dragged Nessya to demonstrate  what dr. Ivan would work on if a client come up to him for an advise. I like how dr. Ivan is very open and honest with what he can and cannot do-and he also told us that if he thinks he can't do anything to reach a good result that he would not accept the patient! Definitely the kind of doctor that would not push unnecessary procedures just to make a buck!
Mr. Indra who's the head marketing of Clariskin giving us some testimonial on his own experience with thread lift (apparently when he was about to work for them, dr. Ivan insisted on doing the work on him so he has first hand experience and can explain better to their clients!)
Do you know that if you use Korean threads you might need up to 100 threads? And if you use American threads then you'd probably need only 2 pairs? But FYI, the price of the 100 Korean thread is still lower than 2 pairs of American threads *LOL*. The doctors in Clariskin would give you advices and honest opinions on which type of threads should be used though-the older you are the more powerful thread you're gonna need.

Then we went to have a little clinic tour
with dr. Dina who showed us around and gave us explanation on the machines
One of the facial rooms
The smaller rooms are for medical procedures
After the clinic tour was over, we pretty much hovered around the snack corner *LOL*
This is a huge hit that night
Infused water that actually tasted alright for me for once
Nom. Not a fan of sweets so i stick to the savory
Sweet goodie bags that we get to bring home. Inside are a miniature BB Cream and Facial Wash (both i have received before and used. I quite like both although since it's sample size i can't form a proper opinion on them). We also receives a free facial voucher-much to my delight ofc since i enjoyed facial in Clariskin so much!
Clariskin is also so photogenic that us vain bloggers pretty much hog the spots for some photo sesh!
With Nessya and my cutie-pie Chelshea :D
These two pictures were taken using Chelshea's dreamy camera. Her camera is simply.... Crazy. And yes, i want it badly now.
I mean, compare it to my crappy Samsung that's actually around the same price as her Olympus. But then again maybe i simply dunno how to set my camera -___-
Anyway, we had such a pleasant and educational time! The next time you want to have a non-invasive facial work done-or simply having a facial, i strongly recommend checking Clariskin out!

Thank you Clariskin for having us and WomanBlitz for organizing!


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