
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Event Report : WomanBlitz Relaunch and Surabaya Beauty Blogger's Website Launch

Hello hello!!!

I got some exciting news to share with you :D! Well, if you follow me on Instagram then it's not much of a news anymore *LOL*, but if you don't (why not? #dirtystare), here's the low down!

So ever since i met the woman behind WomanBlitz, Ms. Lilies, she'd been encouraging us (Surabaya Beauty Blogger) to really establish ourselves as a community. I've actually been thinking about it for sometime (for once i stopped thinking about myself first but feel passionate for this community to grow together, wow me-i've grown up finally *LOLOLOL*) but i guess i just needed that extra push (like when we started this blog, i needed that extra push which #Undecided provided or i might never start...). After meeting up a few times, Lilies proposed to do a collaboration with WomanBlitz and she even offered to launch our community together with their relaunch. Of course i pretty much pounced on this opportunity (kiasu as always)-long story short.. I managed to form my small but solid team (i will tell you more about them in another blog post) and Surabaya Beauty Blogger's website is born!

Last Friday, we finally officially introduced and launch our website during WomanBlitz' relaunch :
SBB with WomanBlitz, sponsors and colleagues
If you read the invitation, it's supposed to start at 4-i would normally be there before 4 and i was ready to go at around 3.15-but my cousin L (the lady boss of Me-Nail, who is one of the sponsors for this launch) bugged me about going together so i relented. She promised to pick me up at 3.30. She never showed up until 4.20 -___-. Imagine how freaked i was -___-. Fortunately, lots of the other guests were as spectacularly late as we were *LOL* and the event started at almost 5.30 PM. Surabaya traffic was really bad that day, btw...

Anyway, i can say that i was glad the event was so delayed coz at least i didn't end up being late!
Even had time so snap some pics, red carpet style (except that this was... Wooden floor? LOL). The lighting at Bumi Surabaya City Resort was yellow and quite dim (combined with the gloomy, dreary days we have lately) so the photos turned out quite yellow
#OOTD (dresscode is flowery)
To match with the decoration
The attendees
The MC opening up the event
So according to the timeline in the invite, i thought that the awarding would go down first, so i was quite taken aback after we watched videos of the sponsors the MC suddenly introduced us >.<.
It sure was a proud moment when we saw our logo (created by SBB's Graphic Designer, Dyta) displayed on the screen tho!
Lilies should've given me a head's up *LOL*, i was literally in panic when i realized people expected me to go up. So i dragged the other Surabaya Beauty Bloggers that attended (we have 30 members but since the event was held during week days, most of the bloggers couldn't come, even our own Editor, Shelvi)
And from looking though the photos, i realize that when i'm nervous my expression can be divided into two : disgust and apologetic *LOL*, i look like a kid being chided in this pic. Thank you again for WomanBlitz for allowing us to share your moment with you and introducing us to everybody ^^, we're forever grateful!
SBB and WomanBlitz are now partners and we'll be one one of the columnists (they'll have a section called The Blogger in the website. At the moment it's still inaccessible, Lilies still have plenty in her plate haha). If you notice some of the bloggers in that pic were showing off their their nails, that's because some of us had our nails done by Me-Nail especially for this event.

Check out my beautiful mermaid chrome nails :
Then the event's continued with the awarding ceremony for two inspiring woman :
First is Mrs. Aryani Widagdo, founder of Arva School of Fashion. I almost became a fashion designer (it was my dream when i was a kid. And FYI, i can't draw but i sketch clothes! #funfact) and i think most Surabaya resident must heard about Arva, so it was quite a chilling moment to be able to meet Mrs. Aryani (and for her to actually remember my name >.<)
And the second is for dr. Lanny Juniarti, Founder and President Director of Miracle Aesthetic Clinic
They truly are inspiring women! Btw, so sorry for the blurry pics, i don't know what's gotten into my camera >.<
Next is a presentation and explanation from WomanBlitz' founder, Ms. Lilies
Do you know that?
Top 5 topics women searches online
The content of the new WomanBlitz
Also attending this relaunch event, Lilies' personal friend and a well-known Indonesian fashion designer, Embran Nawawi, who was immediately dubbed by the MC to pick the Best Dressed.
And the winner's : Ms. Yuni Chandry from Emdee Clinic. Not only he picked the winner, but he went on full Fashion Police mode and gave criticism and advises for the outfit!
Here's the always pretty dr. Leni (Emdee Clinic) giving WomanBlitz a bouquet to congratulate them ^^
And it's a wrap, woohooo!
But it wasn't over for me, i kept on being ambushed fo interviews >.<. If you know me then you'd know that i'm actually very shy (yes, really. I'm an introvert-extrovert) so.... It was pretty stressful for me...
Default interview position : a child being disciplined pose. Btw, you should notice that the interviewer (i think she's from SBOtv) is very petite, with me on my heels she barely reaches my shoulder (actually i think she didn't), and me shot from below? Oh God... please no...
Nessya was on a full papparazzi mode hahaha. I didn't know she took my pic and why did i look disgusted again??
Must took a pic with the fabulous Mr. Nawawi
With Emdee Clinic's dr. Lenny and Ms. Yuni, my God this is such an unflattering angle for me T.T
WomanBlitz' article on Surabaya Beauty Blogger's website launch
You can head over to our website now to take a look,  but i will be talking in depth about it in a special blog post!
Goodie bags from WomanBlitz and the sponsors. I wouldn't lie and say i didn't squeal when i saw the new variant of lipstick from Wardah... #lipstickjunkieforever
Representation of Surabaya Beauty Blogger and a guest. Wulan Wu, who's a fashion blogger, and a personal friend. Thank you for coming y'all!!!
I'm super excited for what's to come, please keep on supporting us!


PS : Not very excited of turning 33 in precisely 2 hours -___-



    Btw, yay for us and thank you for those who came to our community launching event :* Semoga ke depannya SBB makin banyak kerja sama dgn brand yang kece-kece ya cee ^^ AMEN!

    1. BAHAHAHHAHAHA NINDY PLEASEE CAPSLOCK JEBOL! secara badan saya yang sexy ini membuat saya harus muter2 ke seluruh mall Surabaya dan akhirnya menyerah! Karena Dress Flowery terlalu sombong untuk badan saya! Hiks, thanks for the critical nindy ��������

    2. Mungkin dalemannya dia flowery Nin wkwkwkwkwk... AMENNN

  2. looks like a great event many friends and look at that goody bag :)

  3. Akhirnya kita selangkah lebih maju. *terharu*
    Masih banyak yang harus kita kejar untuk membuat nama SBB makin berkembang dan besar di Indonesia. Ayo rek impian SBB go international! Hihihi. Hope it so much!
    Mr. Nawawi itu lak MCnya acara fashion di SBO itu kan ya ce? Aaaaa I wish I was there :3

    1. #mindyforpresident

      Waduh aq ga tau nonton SBO e Dis wkwkwkwk

  4. Horeeeee, kita sudah official. Selamat ya Ce Mindy. Selamat semuanyaaaaa. I love you guys!!! Semoga kita makin hitsss tralala trilili

    #VoteMindy #MindyForPresident

  5. wahhh decorasi dan dress code nya suka..touch of floral banget.. suka.. pasti seru ya mba acaranya..
