
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Event Report : Cathy Doll Meet N Greet

Hey hey hey :D!

I'm blogging from my new MacBook Air for the very first time #showoff *LOL*, hunny got me a pink one a few days ago because i was struggling to edit videos and photos for my blog and the only thing i can master is iMovie -___-. I guess if i ever question whether or not he supports my blogging, i shouldn't *LOL*.

Anyway, i should stop yapping and focus on this blog post. Today imma share about this uber fun event we attended the Saturday before the last (i really couldn't blog earlier, and it's not even an excuse haha) : Meet and Greet with Cathy Doll!
There are soooo many people in the picture because (much to our surprise), there were not only beauty bloggers invited but also lifestyle bloggers (some of whom i already knew and met in other events) and influencers. We obviously had no problem sharing the space with (most) of them, didn't even think much about it honestly-until a new, disturbing facts was revealed a few days later from those who called themselves "celebgrams" LOL. I'll tell ya more about it later, but for now let's focus on the event.

Most of the other beauty bloggers and i arrived kinda late (i already informed Cathy Doll's rep beforehand) because we had another event to attend just before this event, so when we arrived at Dyandra Covention Center, the place was already quite packed.
The "troubled" table *LOL*
Some of Cathy Doll's products on display and goodie bags waiting for us :D
The lively, funny and energetic MC who kept the energy of the event up up UP. An MC can really make or break an event, and Cathy Doll's smart enough to snag this awesome lady, she really managed to make the event memorable
First in the agenda is the welcome speech and explanation about the blogging competition (which is the main reason why this event was held) they are having. Cathy Doll already had a similar event in Jakarta a while back and now it's Surabaya's turn as part of their road show (they also have a few other major cities as their next destinations). The explanation was quite thorough about the rules etc, i think i won't explain it here because you sort of need to be there to join the competition anyway. Or alternatively you can check Cathy Doll Indonesia's website to learn more about it. For me personally, the most interesting prize would be the trip to Thailand haha, being a wanderlust like me...
Photo taken by Nessya from the neighbouring table *LOL*
After the blogging competition explanation, the second session is brand and products introduction by Cathy Doll Indonesia's Brand Manager.
She immediately tackle the most common question we have about Cathy Doll, where the brand is from! So Cathy Doll is actually a Korean brand, all of their products are made in Korea! Why so many people (me included) confuse this brand as being Thai brand? Well, that's because Thai is their biggest market! That's why their brand seems to be better known in Thailand (and their HQ's even located in Thailand) and why you can sometimes find Thai words in their packaging
Cathy Doll has quite a wide range of skin care and makeup, but one of their main products (which they are best known for) are undoubtedly their whitening series. 
The main ingredient, totally safe of course! All of Cathy Doll products are already registered in BPOM and can be used by people from the age of 12! So if you're looking for safe skin lightening products, look no more!
Instant result! And it's not just marketing hype, they actually proven this result live! Keep reading!
This is probably one of their most popular products, i've seen this numerous of time circulating on the net. I am also lucky enough to receive this in my goodie bag
Like i already mentioned, they immediately look for volunteers to prove their product's effectiveness
You can see how the right arm and hand looks visibly whiter? And it's not just cosmetic either, the brand manager wipe the volunteer's arm off with wet wipes and it still look lighter than the other arm!
To prove that it works for all skin tones, a second volunteer with darker skin tone was chosen
Again, immediate visible result! FYI, i'm a firm believer that people are beautiful regardless their skin tone, whiter people are not necessarily more beautiful than tanned skinned people-but we all can do with BRIGHTER, healthier skin-which is the result one can look for from good whitening products
So people in our table got overly enthusiastic in wanting to try the products ourselves so we forced Kiky to be our victim model hahaha
What sorcery is this???
For best result, it is advisable to use the Ready to White continued with the Whitening Sun Block
The facial skin care also has the same result
I think the result is subtle but still visible, which is good coz we don't want our skin to change colour in one wipe which might make us question the ingredients hahaha
We all know there are so many counterfeits out there, including Cathy Doll products (a true testament to their popularity, i think) so make sure to buy Cathy Doll only from their counters (in Surabaya they are currently available in Boston SPI, and soon to open their counter in TP!) and verified partners
After the beauty talk session, they announce the Best Dressed who happened to be..
Yours truly *LOL*. Thank you Kiky for the pic :D
And Best Instagram photo won by Shelley. WOOHOOO, our table rules :D!
That marks the end of the event... We still continued taking endless pics in the stage though (i was worried if the stage would collapse or something *LOLOLOL*)... It really was a fun event, only marred by one thing. Which is not even Cathy Doll's fault. So it turned out that some of the other guests (whom we did not know personally) said some mean, rude things about some of us (beauty bloggers). And they did it loudly enough to be overheard by one of us... Who happened to be siting next to them. It's so unnecessary and juvenile so it was really shocking for us, especially because we're so used to our close-knit, supportive, family-like community. One thing that i can say is that they're lucky that they sat beside such a nice, kind person who only seethed, if it were me.... LOL. Imagine the worst.

Anyway, let's not sink to their level. I do hope they read this though and at least feel ashamed of themselves. And be careful the next time they see me... :p.

Here are the stuffs i got inside my goodie bag+prize :
My fave is the powder because it's just BEAUTIFUL. I do plan to review all three products, please stay tune for them!



  1. waaa, thats very lucky you, cant wait for the powder review :)

    1. I have reviewed all of their products but the powder >.<! I haven't opened it yet hahaha
