
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Dear Zoe: #Firsts

Dear Zoe,

You finally managed to roll over on your own this morning!! (remark: if this gets posted on a different day - which it will LOL - today is 25 Apr 2016).

Normally when I wake up in the morning, you would still be sleeping soundly, Zoe, but no, not this morning. You nursed and instead of dozing back to sleep you decided to be extra cute and cuddly and made it real tough for mama to pry herself from bed. LOL. You opened your eyes, saw me and then beamed happily. What a perfect way to start mama's day, thank you bunny...
You're welcome, mama!

So anyway, you started by rolling to your side then giving me kisses (open mouthed slobbery ones which made me wonder if you were giving me kisses or if you were trying to eat my face LOL), and then to my surprise you just went ahead and fully rolled over. To your tummy! On your own!! You didn't know what to do with your right hand though (it was under your chest), and I had to help you with that. But flip you did. Kudos, baby!! #milestone
Didn't snap a photo of her rolling over on her own the first time, so this super adorable pic of her on tummy time will do. Oh and that's her nanny!
And while we're speaking about milestones. Lemme brag some, okay.

1/ Zoe always looks up to Jerome's painting (the only decoration my house has LOL) and then giggles joyfully whenever asked (in 3 diff languages): "where's your dog?". The other two being Indonesian and Mandarin. Sometimes she would scout the floor because well, that's where Jerome normally is, right... LOL. At first I thought this was a flux, but then I would repeat my questions over and over again, and get the same reactions. 

2/ She loves being outside. Probs bored to death being inside doing nothing tho. I should stop wasting my daughter's IQ and start buying her more toys and books. But they're so darn expensive wtf. Do you know any online stores that sell reasonably-priced baby books? Please let me know, okay!

Oh more on being outside, she also loves car rides (this counts as being outside, right!). She would demand to be seated upright and would marvel on all the lights. For 10 mins. And then she's off to dreamland. LOL.
Look at that face, if that's not happiness I don't know what happiness is LOL.

3/ She's been doing tummy time since she's around 2 mos (for new moms, you can start doing tummy time as early as possible, okay. Don't listen to those that say you need to wait until the baby is 3 mos. Obvi the baby needs supervision, but the sooner the better!). And now she can hold her head up for quite a while. However she still hates tummy time no matter all the coaxing and encouragements we throw her way. Her cheeks are probably too heavy hahaha...

4/ She can find her left thumb easily now. A pro thumb sucker that one. And whenever people complain about it, I secretly whisper to her ear: "you do you, baby, you do you!!" LOL.

5/ on 11 Apr, which marked her being 3 months old, she managed to push herself to the side (which is not as cool as rolling over, but I want to write it so I can remember, okay!) and all it took was her fave blankie.
Laughing and munching on the blankie at the same time LOL
Then she would roll over to the side like this still hugging the blankie. Seriously don't if you're trying to comment on how dangerous this is. I'm not dumb. She always has supervision, okay.

6/ Managed to hold the milk bottle on her own. Insists to. No idea when babies are supposed to be able to do this, but I think it's quite early for her to be doing that, right? The nanny has been going on about this for a while, but since normally when I'm around she nurses directly from the source (hello mama cow), I didn't get to see this myself. A few days ago I got home and there was still some milk in her bottle, so I tried helping her with it and she swatted my hands wtf. Hahaha... 
Told ya I can!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm trying to enjoy myself here...
And here's another photo of her taken from her first trip to a real mall (GM that is haha).

When I read about Capricorn Baby, I was warned that they're very independent and sometimes are mature beyond their age. Still I wasn't prepared to get dismissed so soon.

Bragging time over. Hahaha...

Am I now one of those annoying mamas that talk only about their kid(s)? Sorry ah, I'll try to write something other than Zoe. As a matter of fact I am trying to write one post to submit to one blogging competition.

The prize is an iPhone 6.

Which I'm gonna win using my mad affirmation skill.

I'm going to win that iPhone 6 and give it to hubby as a present.
I'm going to win that iPhone 6 and give it to hubby as a present.
I'm going to win that iPhone 6 and give it to hubby as a present.
I'm going to win that iPhone 6 and give it to hubby as a present.
I'm going to win that iPhone 6 and give it to hubby as a present.
I'm going to win that iPhone 6 and give it to hubby as a present.
I'm going to win that iPhone 6 and give it to hubby as a present.
I'm going to win that iPhone 6 and give it to hubby as a present.
I'm going to win that iPhone 6 and give it to hubby as a present.
I'm going to win that iPhone 6 and give it to hubby as a present.

There. No cheats no less. Typed all 10 myself - no copy paste. LOL.

And hubby says I don't love him as much as he loves me. What nonsense.


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