
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Event Report : Breast Cancer Awareness 2015 with Clinique Indonesia

Hey guys!

I pride myself to seldom post similar contents back to back, variety is my motto :p, but what can i do when this event actually happened on the 1st of  November and it's closer to mid Nov already-need to get it done!!!

So as usual, Sabsab (who's like, bloggers' spokesperson for Clinique *LOL*) informed us about their annual Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign (you can read about our experience at the same campaign last year here) event-what's even more fun is that the quota's rather huge (so huge we didn't even manage to fill them hahaha) and we're allowed to bring our friends and families!
Was rather kiasu so you can see that i dragged my niece AU, my BFF G, my friends Lid and Shelley hehehe
The campaign itself actually went for 6 days (from 26th October to 1st November) but we're specifically invited for the last day starting from 1 PM, but when we arrived (just slightly late as usual *LOL*), the stage was still taken by their previous events involving singing/instrument playing kids.
Since the seats were still full (mainly by the parents of said kids, i suppose), we weren't very sure on what to do *LOL* besides huddling together like lost chicks and eventually when i saw the backdrop free
Pose like celebrities and harassed the photog to snap our photos (endlessly, from the same angle, with the same pose *LOLOLOL*). Dress code was (OBVI) pink

We're also asked to sign the backdrop as a sign of our support for the event

The participating brands (all under the same company) are : Bobbi Brown
(Of course) Clinique
Estee Lauder
The crowd dispersed and we stalked like hungry lions to claim our seats, lest we don't get the desired spots #bloggersproblem .

MC of the day who's very vibrant and probably the most entertaining thing that day *LOL*
First up is Clinique's Skin Care demo
Sabsab was the victim model that day. The first person who introduced me to skin care routine when i was around 13 was my sis in law CJ, and she's a loyal user of Clinique so i learned about their 3 steps routine from years ago and never look back since
Using proper skin cares is a vital step for the perfect canvas to start your makeup
Next was the everyday makeup demo by an MUA from Jakarta (by Bobbi Brown)
Yep, heard all the other blogger debating on how she looks like a local celebrity, according to Dyta she looks like Nikita Willy, i personally think she looks like Astrid
She explained step by step the makeup that you can use daily without looking too much
The result. Not gonna lie to you, definitely not my cup of tea, the eyebrows scared me stiff *LOL*, but it's definitely a good demo for makeup beginners who are not sure on what to wear daily

Weather's crazy HOT in Surabaya so Shelley finally brought her portable fan after suffering for days (i've been going out nonstop with her those days hahaha)
Selfie :p
After all of the demos' were done, we were entertained by some dancers with some crazy head pieces
Followed by sleepwear fashion show by Wacoal
Errr. The event area's suddenly super crowded and i was shocked when i looked up and saw people flocking to the rails to watch those sexy ladies strutting their stuffs. Most of the newly formed crowds were of course, made of males of all ages with scary grins upon their faces. Some immediately flipped their phones up and started recording *while grinning maniacally*. It was disturbing to say the least -____-.
Then Mr. Mario Joke gave a brief speech in preparation for the next agenda
Which was a talkshow about Breast Cancer with a doctor, survivor and representatives from Wacoal and RSS. One of the thing that piqued my interest was the fact that the doctor stated that the youngest breast cancer victim during his career was a 17 year old girl. We can never know who and when breast cancer strikes, there's no proven "reason" or "cause" for breast cancer but we can always do our best to live a healthy lifestyle and do self-examinations at home periodically, never ignore any bumps!
Last but not least was another fashion show by Musa Widyatmojo, all of the outfit can be purchased (price started from IDR 1 mill) and all of the profit will be donated.
My fave is the middle one, loveeee the whimsical and romantic loose top!
The event was a wrap but of course, bloggers gotta be bloggers and we were busy taking pictures with all combinations possible :p
Irritating duck face with Shelley
Selfie with my pillow/personal photographer/camera holder
With lovely Trixie ^^
And the rather awesome goodie bag
Even Better Essence Lotion from Clinique and a pantyhose from Wacoal
Thank you Clinique for having us and always try your best to spread awareness for breast cancer, we're definitely stronger together!



  1. Hidup clinique haha. Gw pake moisturizer nya clinique. Belinya pas bonus time, bonus nya generous banget bisa dipake sama esther.

    1. Wah apaan tuh bonus time, dsini gak ada bonus time bonus time an Man *jealous*

  2. Aku baru nyadar ce G ikutan wkwk.. :D

  3. Ijin minjem foto all bloggersnya ya cee ^^
