
Friday, October 3, 2014

Miracle's Beauty Talks About Beauty Blogger Event

Hey guyssss :D!

Like i stated at this outfit post, #Undecided and i (this is obviously #Pink) finally attend a blogger event together!
Jennie and her team from Miracle Aesthetic Clinic told us months ago that they're planning to have a special event just for us Surabaya Beauty Bloggers (and our friends/followers!), imagine how spoilt we immediately felt! A whole event dedicated for us? How awesome! Naturally we couldn't wait for the event and it finally went down on Saturday, September 27th!
The invitation
After plenty of chats, RSVP and the whole shebang (annoying people cancelling at the very last minute, me overloading crazily on my friend list, we should've brought 5 people each but i ended up bringing 12 LOLOLOL, totally invaded #Undecided's list because she only brought two so i chucked the rest of my overload list on hers!)-the day of excitement is here!

The event was held at Center Stage Resto & Lounge (IM Music Studio), and when #Undecided, G (of course we brought her along) and i arrived, it was quite packed already. They had two entrance and #Undecided stubbornly insisted on entering from the back entrance! LOLOLOL. It was so embarrassing, we had to walk all the way (with people staring) to the front entrance to register :p!

On my defense, #Pink, it was HOT outside. I needed aircon pronto hahahaha... And being stared at by our peers was a lot better compared to being stared (and whistled!!) at by some mas2 outside, seriously...  
Anyway, that's me, registering... Look at those goodie bags... One of them was immediately mine hahaha...
While waiting for my turn, my attention was diverted to this prettily decorated photo booth on the right side of the entrance
Miracle Clinic was collaborating with Make Over cosmetics for this event, look at Make Over's booth! *drool incessantly*
Jennie, who as always, welcomed us very warmly and told us to snap some pictures at the photobooth holding Miracle's product, we can upload it to our IG, tag them and join the contest to win a polaroid camera! If you're feeling generous you might want to go to my IG and give us a thumbs up? The vote is being tallied by the number of likes, and we just don't want to get the lowest number of votes if possible LOLOLOL.
Do we look convincing enough to be Miracle's models? LOL
And people, it's #PINK and #UNDECIDED. Read the t-shirts! (read along to know why I said what I said hehehe)
We're totally following the dress code, like one should!
Yes, an those green hotpants were NOT easy to find, okay! But once they appeared, green things started popping up. Craziness. LOL.

Not long after (because we actually arrived on the dot... Okay maybe a little later than the time stated at the invitation :p) we threw our butts on the chair, the event begun with the first segment: Beauty Discussion about Beauty Facts & Myths. There were signs with the words "fact" and "myth" on each side in our goodie bag and we're supposed to hold the sign up to respond to the 10 beauty statements and then check if our answers were correct.
As usual, i totally spaced when the names were given >.< so i'm taking a little cheating note from Nessya's blog for the names haha! The hilarious and fun MC of the day was Ms Terry (who, in my experience of attending events so far is BY FAR the best and most entertaining MC yet) and the speakers were Dr. Nunin and Ms. Muti (from Make Over, i suppose).

I loveeeeeeeeeeee Ms. Terry! A successful event depends on the MC and I'll have to say, she did great. No boring moment at all.
I brought my niece Au and her mum CL along for this event. Poor CL kept on being referred to as "tante" (aunt) later because she has a 16 years old daughter, but CL is actually only 36! So FAR from being a tante, please!
1st statement which is one of the rare ones that i got correctly was a myth about how oily skin doesn't need moisturizer-totally wrong, of course!
#Pink and #Undecided
Taking a selfie during the "lecture", but don't worry, we multitasked LOL.
2nd statement, where we started to get every single one wrong (LOL) is "the higher the number on the SPF, the higher the protection against UV ray is", apparently it's a myth since SPF only show the LENGTH of time that sunblock would protect your skin from UV Ray
Yeah, i got distracted and started cam-whoring again, with Nita this time hahaha
While I was busy listening to Dr. Nunin (which btw looked FAB that day). Tisk tisk, #Pink! LOL.
The other table with the always camera ready Shasha and Yennyca
Next statement : Sleeping on one side can cause wrinkles. The MC then asked the audience with different answers to explain why they think it's a myth/fact. We all pretended not to see when Jennie approached us with a microphone LOLOLOLOL
But #Undecided got caught! LOL
Seriously this always happens to me. Always the first one to get picked from the crowd. Maybe it's the headband... LOL.
Yeah, they probably mistaken it as an antennae BB! 
She answered myth but it's actually a fact >.<! Thank God i always sleep on my back hahaha
And I made a mental note to START sleeping on my back hahaha...
#4 is if sleep deficiency could cause dark circle, i know for a fact that it does and i am right hahaha
Tots right, #Pink... We have our own dark circles to back this fact up LOL.
At this point i suddenly realized that i needed to snap this! LOL
Eh I spot my freshly painted thumb!!!
#5 If Hairspray can cause makeup to stay longer, which is actually a fact but highly unrecommended unless you want to irritate your face!
And Ms Muti kept on reminding us. FACE SPRAY, okay girls. Not hairspray! 
#6 Veriscoce veins would appear if you often cross your leg while seating, i knew it was a myth but Wynne (remember her? She's my cousin L's friend from Thai! Yes, i brought them along too, of course) got picked to answer this and she said fact-of course it's not >.<! Veriscose veins are mainly hereditary (as well as standing around for days *LOL*), nothing to do with your sitting position at all!
I'm guilty of this one! Instead of concealer, since I'm quite lazy, I would just use foundation to cover my zits. Okay, doc, no mo... LOL.
While i do not do this (i wear foundie very rarely but when i do i always make sure to apply as thinly as possible), i personally thought that foundation always helps minimize the appearance of zits (even if slightly) so i was quite surprised when the answer was myth haha (Btw the statement was if foundation can be used to conceal pimples)
I knew this one!! 
Me too. Body butter and olive oil can help ease the itch of expanding skin, but it will not diminish stretchmarks itself. I have a few stretchmarks on my hips and inner part of my arm (surprisingly not a single one on my tum-even though i've been pregnant before) and no matter what i apply on them, they won't go away. They do fade in time, but never gone. L got picked to answer this one and she got it right, based on her own experience (and she sounded quite bitter when she said it LOLOLOL)
Apparently they do... didn't know that... But the doc said they're HIGHLY unsafe, so don't try this at home, kids!
We were shown a video of some Korean show about plastic surgery. The person was flat as a dry board and we immediately laughed because she reminded us of #Pink and her *ahem* non-existent *ahem* front. Hahahaha... 
I am not that flat though! Well, i might be if i'm as skinny as the skeletal Korean woman, which i am nowhere near. I'm probably 3x her size so i'd say my flat boobies are definitely 3x hers (before surgery) too...
At the beginning of the discussion, the MC told us that there would be some gifts for the most active participants. I was chosen with L and her friend Wynne hahaha... So funny, but apparently I got myself a big bottle of body lotion and CC cream from Miracle, thank you!!!

CC Cream, really? I'm jealous :(!!!
That's me!! Read the t-shirt hahahaha... :D
I do feel a bit bad that all of the winners are from our gang! Seems like we invade whatever events we're in LOL
Showing you what I won that day LOL.
What's inside
That wraps up the first session! But before we were let loose to have our break
The MC explained about the photo contest #Pink talked about earlier.
And then it was time for the blogger award. I actually had no idea what this was all about, sure i read about that part at the invitation but never gave it much thought, but apparently it's got to do with the Blogger Experience and how active the bloggers share/write about their experience with Miracle in their blog/social medias. When the MC asked us if we knew and joined this, and majority of us said no hehe.
Here are the winner : Xiao Vee (3rd winner), Lala (2nd winner) and Yennyca (1st winner)
But wait, there's more!! Apparently there's one more winner and it was...
Our very own #Pink!!!! LOL. It was so funny how the MC mispronounced our blog name, you know... She was like "Mindy Tedja from www.pingkandut errrr errrr... gimana ya ini bacanya errr" LOL so funny!! And for future reference, Miss Terry, it's (read here to know more about why we chose our blog name) hahahaha... No hard feelings, though, it is a difficult line to read all at once... Even hubby keeps on teasing us about it LOL. Maybe from now on we write it as, bb? 
I seriously doubt it'll help BB LOL, but actually Ms Terry even had difficulties recalling the words "Polaroid" so of course reading our blog's name would be quite impossible! We still love her though, she's hilarious :D
Thank you for awarding me too, Miracle :D
Honestly i was really in shock when i heard my name because i was so distracted by snapping pics of the winners on stage, i think i shared a shocked look with someone-probably CL *LOL*. And... Errrr... I kinda refused to go to the stage >.<, it was really embarrassing and the MC even said "People want to give your presents you don't want?" LOLOLOL, but seriously-i was in panic mode and couldn't control my own reaction >.<.

I think i was half crying half sulking while finally dragging myself to the stage, it's all got to do with my hatred for stage/being the centre of attention-doesn't mean i didn't appreciate it, i do! BIG time! As a lifestyle blogger (i can never state this enough haha. I am a Beauty Blogger i guess, but i am a lifestyle blogger first and foremost) and only been blogging for less than 2 years (while the other winners are much more senior than me, although age wise i am the oldest FML) i never expected to be rewarded, so thank you again Miracle! This means a lot for me :D!
#Pink - being the ever so shy person that she is - immediately exited the stage once the photo session is done. She was like GET ME OFF THIS STAGE NOW. Hahahaha...
I didn't even know this, but apparently i was supposed to shake hands and cipika cipiki (cheek kiss haha) with the reps from Miracle and Make Over (not that i could, both of my hands were busy holding the sign and the pressie), but i was so stressed out that my first reaction is to flight the stage once the MC said i could LOL. G pointed it out to me (about how the rest were still busy being congratulated and i immediately ran off) and apparently it was even caught on camera! LOLOLOLOL, how embarrassing!
Ugh bb, of course you should have shook their hands!!! Didn't you watch me earlier? 
Errr, i guess i didn't... 
I had no problem posing once i was no longer on stage, of course!
A closer look in case any of you're curious *LOL* #excuse
Pretty and very useful pressie, i haven't had the heart to open it yet hahaha
Then it's tea timeeee!

Food = Happy #Undecided
Yes, guilty! LOL.
I already told them i'm gonna caption this "my slaves"...

After stuffing our faces silly and before the next session begins... We camwhoooooreeee :D!
#Pink, G, Lyd (Av's friend), Av and #Undecided
Lyd is actually my ex bf's current gf. They knew each other because Av and I played Matchmakers (yes, Madam #Undecided has a partner now LOL). And while we're on the subject. Av is my bro's ex gf which is now seeing my sis' ex bf. The craziness continues LOL. Oh btw, did I ever tell you that hubby is my sis' ex? And yes, I only have 1 sissy, so both Av's bf and hubby dated her LOL!!!
Insert Wynne and L :p
Shoved them off again :p
Av being silly with the decors
And for once she doesn't look mean hahahaha
Replaced G with Lyd who was wearing a customized top too like us!
With L
And of course, when i am with my nail sponsor i am forced to show of my (sponsored) nails LOLOLOL... #Undecided also just got her gel nails done in Me-Nail so it's only appropriate!
Next session is beauty class! Once the BAs put all the play things on the table, we all started grabbing things (and secretly long to drop it into our purses hahaha).
The box that was placed right in front of me
LIPSTICKKKKKKKSSSSSS *greedy greedy #Pink!*
Make Over rep explaining the right preps you need to do before starting doing your face, including doing a little massage on your face!
Errr no bb, I think this Miss is Miracle's rep... Anyway, she was indeed explaining how to prep the face. 
OHH, OOPS, sorry sorry, yeah-from Miracle hehe 
Make Over had a professional team that would show us the step by step to do your make up on stage and asked for a volunteer to make over (no, no pun intended)-somehow we're always eager to make over my niece Au (btw, her name's Aurene, not Aureen hehe *wink at Nessya*) so we pointed her out happily :D!
She was oozing a very resigned aura the whole time that the MC kept on mentioning it too *LOL*

I have to be completely honest, i didn't listen to a word they were saying on stage...
Because i was busy doing my own make over on my victim #Undecided!
G insisted to be on the pic (the ones that she tried to look like she's putting on makeups on #Undecided look crazy so i am not posting them!) but they all turned out blurry LOLOLOL (BAD Av!)
Do you mean the one with me exposing my double chin, bb?
Okay, this one is really candid. #Undecided was for once willingly let me mess her face up because she's going to her little bro's errrr.. night before wedding thingy. It was really really dark in Center Stage and that would be my only criticism for this event, if you want to have a beauty class type of activity-it's crucial to do it in a perfectly lighted place. I could hardly see anything, let alone if i put on enough/too much make up/in the correct place! And yeah, i managed to poke #Undecided in the eyes while at it, sorry!!! 
And yes, it was pretty painful bb!! LOL. And do you remember why you poked me?! It was because you were distractedly posing for Yennyca!!! *stare*

Finishing up with the lip color i mixed up myself (two different lipsticks and one lip gloss that turned out so gorgeous CL wanted to purchase it! I should start my own line of makeup... LOL)
There! Hope you're not too disappointed with the result BB, i seriously couldn't see much!
It was fab bb, thank you, love you!!
While i might be biased, but i think she looked fabbo :D
After finishing upon #Undecided, i begun fixing G's makeup (that she did herself LOL, i am no expert but i can give some advises on those who are more helpless than me haha) and the experts on the stage finished up on Au.
The result
Then we were asked to stand up because they were about to choose the Best Dressed, i was very distracted because i was finishing up G's makeup when they announced the winner. It was Jessica who came with a simple but chic white and green outfit, no pics sorry i was very occupied!
Then we all were asked to go to the stage to take group pics
Which was quite an effort, right girls?! Hahaha... Some people bumped their heads on the TV that was hanging low, some people had to squat real low, some people had to knee, but someone (G!!!!!) should have moved further to the left! Look at the pic, clearly she was the one blocking the way so the right part is super crowded and not the left part (grrrrrr, G!!!!)
Have to show you this attractive staircase hehe, the whole cafe looks nice in general but i was really drawn to the staircase for some reason!

Then we all mingled (some more) and snap more pics!
With Nessya, who's always so sweet and friendly ^^
With Xiao Vee and Shasha (you looked gorgeous that day btw, Sha!)
#Pink and #Undecided with Nita and Shasha
Then Shasha insisted on taking a pic with the two of us coz she liked our tees LOLOLOL, they were sure a big hit that day!
Yes, the producer should totally pay us for the advert, bb! Hahahaha...
Gotta take some with CL and Au too
The goodie bags from Miracle and Make Over
What's inside (anyone in Surabaya wants that Make Over voucher? I have two! IDR 50.000 off for minimal purchase of IDR 150.000!)
bb, those could only be used during the event, Av checked. So although it did say valid until 30 Oct bla bla bla, they're pretty much useless now. BUT in case anyone's interested and wanted to give it a go, you're more than welcomed to ask around.
Actually it CAN BB, i know the BA said that, but i checked with Miracle via IG and they told me that the voucher can be used in Make Over's counters until the end of October. So... Anyone? Hehe 
Gold eyeliner and Goddiva trio eye shadows from Make Over and Green Tea Lily room fragrance from Miracle!
LOVE the Lily room fragrance. Been spritzing it all over my apartment now hahaha...

It really was a great and fun event (i must say that it's one of the BEST events i've ever attended in my whole 22 months of blogging life haha), it was double the fun because i have #Undecided (and all of my other friends/family, glad to have you all as my support system!) with me this time round! 

Yea, it surely was fun, and educational at the same time! Thank you so much Miracle for the invite and basically taking the time to appreciate us bloggers :) 

Special thanks goes out to Jennie whom made sure that it went down on a Saturday and basically wouldn't take no for an answer hahaha... I meant it when I said you whipped up one kick-ass event :*

#Pink and #Undecided


  1. Seruuuu ce, eh aku bacanya dari awal sampai akhir loh . hihihi

  2. wah tau kalo hadiah e cc cream aku harus e aktif pas beauty talk e ce wakakakaka lol

  3. You look gorg as well cece <3 love your flower crown and also the couple tee with ce pauline :)
    btw, happy bday~~ wish u all the best!
    Ce, ijin save beberapa fotonya yaa~ nanti aku credit ke sini ^^
    Thank you~

  4. Congratulations! Just discovered your blog from the gathering :D
    Your t-shirts look nice :D

  5. See you next time ce Mindy and ce Pauline ^^
    I love your both shirts XD
