
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Etienne's 1st Birthday Party

Hi guys! 

It took me a lot longer than i expected to get my mojo to blog back after the 6-days-long vacay to Hong Kong *sigh*, combination of exhaustion (i actually fall asleep much faster at night now, pray that this will last) and end of holiday blues' prevent me from being productive. Plus KC and CL are here (they went to Singapore, as well as my 'rents and CW+BB to attend my cousin's wedding-after much debacle. You know the whole volcanic ashes from Kelud Mountain's erruption  covering lots of cities in Java so most of the airports went on a shut down for almost two whole days. Apparently my poor parents went to the airport two days in a row and waited there to see if they could fly to Singapore but only managed to two days after their scheduled flight) so we went out with them as usual.

Anyway, here's an overdue post covering little Etienne's first birthday party that's happening more than two weeks ago on the 2nd of February :D
The cute invitation
The party was in full swing already when we arrived because in our true T-Family style, we're fashionably late (but to prove that we are very important guests, the birthday boy's grandmother-L's mum-called my mum to scold her because we weren't there yet even though the party's about to start haha).

Here's a pic of the cute little b-day boy with her parents, birthday boy was a bit fussy when we arrived and was not in the best mood so i didn't attempt to get too close to him in fear to worsened his mood hehe
View that greeted us after the entrance of the restaurant. Actually this picture's taken after the party hahaha so you can see people standing around waiting for their valeted cars. There were two short but long tables for the kids

Baby Boy, who made himself comfortable immediately haha. Don't you think he looked extra handsome in this pic?
View from our table
Eek and L went all out, there were lavishly decorated stage (the whole place as well), a photo corner, photo slides, entertainment, etc. I personally thinks these kind of birthday parties remind me more of a wedding banquet, except for the kiddies decor *LOL*
My friend LL (along with #Undecided-who cannot make it-and A) and her family were invited, so of course what we did as soon as we bump to each other? Cam-whore's the answer.
Borrowed my family's table's deco because our table's a Goofy one :p. Btw, L's very photogenic (i am not) and her face's so angular, my own face looks like a full moon next to hers ZZZ.
Goofy's more suitable for goofy guys, right?
The T-Family. OMG, i just realized that we're that annoying family who cannot stop taking family pictures wherever we go, we must be very annoying to watch.
In case you forgotten, the dress code was "Mickey Mouse Club House", you can see my detailed outfit here. You can never throw a dress code or theme my way without me following it the best i could!

Cam-whoring with the life-sized Minnie Mouse a.k.a L hahaha
Look at the birthday boy smiling so widely on the background!
Us being silly... Oh, A's not in any of those pictures because she was running (really) late. It's never easy to go round with little babies (and no nannies, props to A for that!!!)
Little Elaine, Etienne's big sis on a full Minnie Mouse attire as well haha
What was Etienne looking at so intently, you may ask? That's little Luca he was starring at in full interests! So cute!
Here's little Luca clutching hong bao from Uncle C (my hunny) and Aunty #Pink
Awwww, why so cute, Uca?
Hey, don't look at me like that! My mum put on my pants on the wrong sifde in purpose, to show off Mickey Mouse!
LL and her little family
Little C recently also celebrated her 3rd birthday (she's a Valentine Baby!) and the theme was also Minnie Mouse! Unfortunately i couldn't make it to the dinner celebration since we were in Hong Kong, freezing our butts out at the time!
You will see a LOT of pictures of us in the photo corner. Unfortunately the actual insta-photo was not as good as we hoped to be (then again, most photo corners are like that because they just do whatever angling's convenient for them, which is a disaster for us who looks like a whale on certain angles *down!!!*), it was mostly very dark, but thank God for hunny and i's penchant on bringing our own cameras anywhere we go now (i'm getting more and more comfortable on using NX300 for non-product and non selfie pictures that my poor Pinko's pretty much been neglected in Hong Kong) we're not short of nice photo-corner shots.

With L and A, who are about the same height. Me on a heel? Immediately became a giant next to them zzzzz
Seriously, i really missed #Undecided at that point. We need you to balance out this piccies, BB!!! Taking pictures with girls who are more than 5 cm shorter than you... well... It takes a toll in my self esteem after a while
Grab the props after the photog's suggestion *LOL*. I dunno why (it's a compliment, don't kill me LL!) but the witch hat suits LL to a T, it also matches her dress really well! Great costume LL!!!
Cute family portrait, no? Hehe
I was too busy chatting with LL and A to take pictures of the food (as well as warding my mum off, she keeps on telling us to da bao everything if we couldn't finish-since the table's supposed to be for 10 people but because #Undecided, who was in Sragen at that time, couldn't make it we were two people short and had way too much food for ourselves. She just kept on hovering and shrieking the orders, it was embarrassing okay! At least i was embarrassed at LL, A's been used to my mum's antics from being my BFF for 16 years!) but everything was really good! 

In the middle of of stuffing our faces, we heard hunny's name being called over and over again by the MC, he has a very common Indonesian name though so we were sure they were calling some other dude with the same name until Eek (i think) deliberately came and dragged hunny to the stage *LOL*.

They were forced asked to participate in a game
While waiting for their turn, i snap some pics around the kids table
Baby Boy was supposed to keep on handing as much balloons as hunny could possibly hold in his body
The balloons kept on slipping off. LOL. Hunny claimed it was because his new jeans was so slippery....
I secretly thinks that he's just bad at games *LOLOLOLOL*.
They didn't win but got a pressie anyway (because this is a kiddie's party okay) and then my family members also managed to answer some questions on the quiz part (mostly due to KKN :p... ) and won more pressies. Easy to say, the T-clan dominated the party for being the loud, shameless people that we are. I love my family, LOL!
After a while, i heard Baby Boy's name's announced to be the male Best Dressed! LOL. Who knew five minutes styling's enough to get best dressed? I am talented huh *LOLOLOL*.

Simple (but dapper, right...) outfit i whipped up for Baby Boy. A sign that boys' mother needs to amp up their game and dress their sons better (since such a simple look won him best dressed title already hahaha)
I think the MCs asked him to strike a pose, of course my super cheeky Baby Boy delivered...
One more
Hahahahaha to the leg!

L totally stretched her resources, as the owner of Me-Nail, of course a nail art booth was unevitable hahaha

True to my words about the party becoming more and more like a wedding? There were photo sessions on the stage as well! That's the whole T-family clan (well, almost) there already crowding the stage. Making so much noises and fuss, we're so embarrassing zzz
Go back to the photo booth for some more snaps hahahaha

Party's over and it took forever for the valet guy to get our cars...
The always obliging KC
Hahahaha looked a bit like it was his party, yes?
Mickey Mouse looked kinda diabolical on the cupcake...

Complaining while i snapped his pictures, but he posed non-stop anyway. Truly my son, yea?

KC with Baby Luca :D. I guess he misses having a baby now that his own kids are all so big. I get that feeling now even though at 6 my own Baby boy's hardly all grown up :p
Last piccies i snapped with my most fave cozkie in the whole world. Oh, and little Elaine who totally refused to be included in the picture *LOL*. Pictures with people my own size's a lot easier for me hahahaha
The super cute favor. See the little bow used to cinch the favor? Baby Boy pointed it out and said "Is that a tie, mum?" because it looked like HIS bow tie *LOL*, and that gave me an idea to DIY it into a bow tie! I'm not super crafty (at all) but i do DIY from time to time, as bizzare as it might sounds
Very convenient party favor, especially for frequent traveler like me. Would be so handy for long haul flights!
That's all for now, hopefully i will get my full energy back soon and can start to think of blogging about our Hong Kong trip! #Undecided and i planned to finally finish that Taiwan Trip first though!




  1. keren banget party nya! especially dekor panggungnya... bagus... :)

    1. Bagus ya, ada bagusnya juga si L punya byk bgt tmn n kenalan, semua dpt diskon besar tuh incl decor nya hahaha
