
Monday, December 16, 2013

Unboxing : December Lola Box (Best Year Ever)


Happy Monday, my dears! Anyone suffering from Monday blues? Apparently i can still suffer from Monday blues even though i am no longer at school or even work! Probably been having too much fun on the weekend, i am feeling very very tired (yeah, stupid cough still lingering stubbornly pfffttt) and sluggish. A little gloomy as well, even though i also dunno why (oh, i do know. What else but stupid PMS. PFFFFTTTT. Need to go to hot yoga class tomorrow and get some dose of endorphin bursts!) zzzz. But i feel better whenever i see pretty things *hahahaha, sounds like a proper beauty junkie already zzz* and get nice things on the mail! And Lola Box December Box certainly is one of those happiness-inducing things!

What's inside my December Lola Box. Did you spot one particular product that sent my heart aflutter?

It arrived sometime late on Saturday (and i only got my hands on them the next day), and i took the pictures last night while i'm already very tired, not a very  good idea-ended up with quite a few blur pictures without me even realizing it zzzz...
Good thinking Lola, for wrapping the box with extra plastic to make sure it'd arrive safe and dry in this super rainy season! I received quite a few parcels soaking wet and sad-looking!
Their theme of the month : Best Year Ever (well, considering they only started this year, it gotta be! Haha)
This month's box' a plain white (snoozeville...) box with the cheerful writing. If i can be completely honest, the cute writings seems out of place on top of such a plain background. a far cry from their festive looking November box, but what's inside more than made up for the plain Jane outer hehe
The list of products featured this month, i took a glimpse before actually unwrapping the contents and of course the last product caught my eyes immediately!
Some invitation for a workshop (snooze snooze it's in Jakarta, will companies do more events in Surabaya already? We have kick-ass bloggers here too you know! It's so annoying seeing Jakarta always have all of the events *green eyed monster peeking through* hahaha) and IDR 100.000 off (min spending of IDR 400.000) in Luxola, which is like worthless in Luxola World (yes, i am now irreparably spoilt ever since their 70% off sale!!!), both going straight to the bin

First up : Kenzo Flower in the Air (vial)
By risking to be an ungrateful B, i must stress once again that i have mixed feelings about perfume samples. It annoys me almost as much as sachet samples TBH. LOL. I mean... it's enough for one time usage only, and (at least overseas) you can get it for free at the counters. At the same time i do enjoy being able to try out various perfumes (at least with perfume you don't need to try it multiple times to know if it works or if you like it or not). And i am quite fond of Kenzo, their original Flower perfume's one of my first perfume ever and remain my all-time-favorite perfume until today.
Tansan Sparkling Gelee by One Piece Hair Studio (no indication on how much product this contains, but it's quite tiny, slightly taller than my chubby middle finger)

Actually you can call your products anything with gelee on it, i'd start raving. LOL. I dunno, the word gellee totally works for me :p. This is actually a jelly (even spelt like this also makes me happy! I guess i'm a jelly-maniac?) hair vitamin that uniquely claims to work as moisturizer for scalp, hair and skin! So weird yet intriguing!
Astalift Moisturizing Mask (worth IDR 145.000/pack. No indication if this product's one pack or not though)

My second favorite item in this box. Am a huge fan of sheet masks, and knowing that this comes from a high end (read : very expensive) brand only makes it better (i mean, you feel like you're getting more than your money's worth this way :p).
Sigma Eyeliner Brush (worth IDR 132.000/piece)

This could me my other favorite product, except that i don't really use eyeliner brushes *___*. That's my problem and not Lola Box' of course (it comes to personal taste and not any fault of the box). I'd be happier if they gave out lip/concealer brush instead (in terms of size, it should be pretty similar, right?). It's my first Sigma brush and i heard nothing but great things from this brand, too bad it's in a form of something i don't really use (i have no interests in gel liner, i am happy with my liquid and pencil ones). So unless one of the beauty boxes i'm subscribed to feature a gel eyeliner in their box in the future, i might try to get a new home for this brush.
Dr. Jart V7 BB (again, no indication of how much product's inside the tube, but it looks like a pretty decent size-like normal travel size BB cream) + Turnover Booster Renewal Serum & Vita Laser)

My other fave product in this box! Been intrigued by Dr. Jart brand and been wanting to try out their BB cream (which BB cream that doesn't interest me anyway? None so far...) so i am happy to receive this. And even happier that they threw in three sachets and call it Must Try-Extras and count them all as one sample. Lola Box never fails to impress me, they really listened to their members criticism and suggestion! You know i whined over and over again about sachet samples-they should never be counted as one sample unless you give out like a mountain of them all (like, you, 5 or 10 could be counted as one, i still wouldn't be happy of course!) and Lola Box' treating them like how they are supposed to be now, as extras. Kudos Lola Box!
Anna Sui Nail Polish in 902 (full size, worth IDR 150.000)

The last and favorite product out of the entire box! I remember seeing Lola Box sending hints about possibilities of getting Anna Sui polishes for some lucky members, i assumed it was on the ballot, so i am very very happy to see one being featured on the box! I love Anna Sui a LOT so if you put anything from then inside a box, it'd be sure to make my day! Never mind that the shade i got reminds me so much of my Nature Republic Manicure Color Waltz GR 605 Lime Green (at least it's got shimmer on them so it's not that similar), i am just super happy to get a new Anna Sui nail polishhh (i only have one other Anna Sui polish in very bold red color and i used it so so much, one of my most over used polish ever, i got so bored of them)!

In short, i love love love December Lola Box! Especially the nail polish! How can i not, the polish alone more than covers their box' price (which is IDR 135.000 because i subscribed to their three months plan, montly box' IDR 145.000), so it's super value for money! I think Lola Box only improved with time, and i sure am happy that i decided to renew my subscription! If you like what you've seen here and want to try them out for yourself, please use my referral below :

Thank you very much!



  1. Setuju Ce!

    Event2 yg dikirimin baik via box langsung atau via email selalu diadain di Jakarta. Kayaknya Indonesia kotanya cuma Jakarta aja yang ada Beauty Blogger-nya, di kota lain masih primitif gitu pikirnya -_-"

    Box bulan ini lumayan high-end ih isinya! :D Semoga tahun depan makin seru isinya :))

    1. Iyahhh, ngga adil yah :(... pdhal d Indonesia kan byk kota besar nya, apalagi Sby kan kota no 2 terbesar di Indo, org nya juga fashionable2 n suka dandan gitu :(... Sedih aja koq d anak tirikan banget yah. Udah mikir dr kapannya tp baru kmrn banyak cerita2 sm blogger2 Sby lainnya, tyt banyak yg sama perasaanya kirain sendirian nih ahahahaha

      Iyahh lumayannn, not bad at all :D!

  2. I received this month's Lola Box too! Aku juga sama dapetnya, kuteks Anna Sui itu. Tadinya aku seneng abis dapet kuteksnya, tapi pas dicoba... Warnanya enggak banget, enggak pigmented. Hiks..Tapi tapi aku ga dapet sigma brush... Padahal udah dapet kartu yang tulisannya dapet sigma brush buat eyeliner trus udah hepi hepi taunya ga nemu..
    Btw, nice review :D

    1. WHAT???? Sigma nya ga ada? Buruan di protes ke Lola nya sis, CS nya Lola bagus koq, mrk pasti langsung bales. Di Twit aja sama di e-mail, aq bbrp kali ada masalah dengan produk (rusak, pecah) selalu di ganti segera koq :).

      Thanks for dropping by :)

    2. Waah, gitu yah. Oke deh aku email aja Lola nya. Thanks a bunch ya mba!

  3. Replies
    1. Lah koq lama Win? Biasanya bkn Bandung dtg duluan yah?

  4. Isinya mantap ce yg bulan ini..ngiler sigma sama anna sui-nya.. >_<

  5. punyaku gak ada astalift mask sama stigma brushnya, dapetnya Rudi Hadisuwarno Hair Intense Serum (lagi) sama Maybelline Clear Smooth BB Silk Compact Powder. Padahal hair serum-nya baru dapet dari box Oktober, ini dapet full size lagi :( kurang beruntung juga jadi gak dapet Anna Sui-nya. Huhuhuhu

    1. Waduh aneh banget, kirain isinya Lola Box isinya sama semua? List product nya sama dengan punya aq apa emang beda sis? Oh, emg Anna Sui nya ngga di semua box ada ya? Jd bingung juga nih hehehe

  6. aaaa enak banget dpt eyeliner brush sigma *u* anna sui nya jg cakep yah packagingnya :DD

    1. Hehehe tp aq ga pake gel eyeliner nih Cel... Ya semoga ada box yg ngasi gel liner deh supaya bisa kepake (soalnya ga ada rencana beli gel liner) hahaha... Anna Sui emg paling cantikkk packaging nya *LOVE*

    2. kalo ga ada jual aja ato kasi ke ak ciiiii *kabur*

    3. Hiahahahah baru juga dapet, biar di kekepin dulu donk LOL

  7. halo...
    kita dapet isi box yang sama. dan seneng banget ama isi lolabox di bulan ini hehehe.
    gak nyesel subscribe :))

    1. Halo juga :)... Iyah, it's a very nice box yahh :D! Thank u udah mampir ^^
