
Sunday, December 29, 2013

#Pink and #Undecided Taiwan Trip : Taroko National Park (Hualien)

Hellowwww everybody!!!

It's been so long since our last Taiwan Trip post! #Undecided's been very busy (and equally lazy) to blog much, and finally everything's kinda calm in her office today (G said that's because most of their suppliers are on holiday already *LOL* poor them-and we wrote this on Friday btw) and she has nothing to do, we decided to finally continue the story! We're on to Day 4 and we're going to Taroko National Park!

Touristy photo at the entrance : CHECK!
Let's back a little first to the start of the day in the hotel though hehe. I was taking my usual OOTD piccies, and of course, also as usual, #Undecided couldn't stand seeing it without photo-bombing :

I miss my short fringe

And then i insisted on cam-whoring a bit more in the lobby (they have quirky decors there) while waiting for out rented taxis :

Then we're off to Taroko! Taroko's a mountainous area and we're driving (not literally, the uncles drove us of course) on and off a lot. They dropped us off many times for us to enjoy the scenery and take countless pictures (cam-whoring was proven to be a bit difficult though since the sun was shining fiercely, it was so bright that lots of our pictures turned face-less. Scary stuffs). There were a few (very few) crazy tourists who were on foot the whole time, wow! It was a very very very long hike okay, we spent hours there even when 90% of the hike we did was inside the car!

First stop : Entrance
Taiwanese are very discipline, they stop and drive on cue *they won't let too many people go in at once in fear for overflowing inside, very dangerous!*
Change photog
Obligatory honeymoon picture, ciggies was not a must prop of course (no, she doesn't smoke)
No, of course I don't smoke. Look at how I hold it. So awkward LOL.
Been married for almost 7 years and honeymooning every year hahaha

Helloooo Taroko!! *lost focus - ate too much chocolate LOL*

So yeah, after some photo taking (and helping Boss Re's family took theirs), off we went to explore. Like #Pink said, we went both by car and feet and it was quite the workout because it was so so hot that day. Craziness. And of course you don't expect us to start hiking right?! LOL. 

So Taroko's view was quite breathtaking. I mean, the kind that makes you realize how small you actually are... See for yourself... 
Some landslide.
Landslide from another angle. 
There were lots and lots of tunnels like this.
See the green bridge? Imagine walking on that thing! *shudder*
My hair looks fab here *so vain*.
The green bridge - different angle - as scary.
I'm quite sure it's a river. But since it wasn't a rainy season, it's looking quite dry. 
Not even sure there's water down there at that time.
People were wearing safety helmets. They were distributed for free. But my bangs and helmet?! No thank you, I'll risk it...
Can't take fab pictures with helmets on now can we?! (Honestly, can't take fab pictures when you're dead, #Undecided!! LOL).
Wonder why Joe looked so shocked?
Not sure if i was really walking or just pose like i was walking hahahahaha
I am so bad at geography (even though i'm a certified Tour Leader, yes, i bluffed my way through graduation) i didn't even know that Taiwanese natives are Aborigines prior to this trip and #Undecided's hubby told us they (used to, or still?) live in those holes in the mountain!!!
My ever-so-curious hunny, and he wonders from whom Baby Boy inherited his curiosity
Crazy pair of kiddies hahaha
#Undecided trying to look stern and warn you about what to do (or not do) here

Made #Undecided's hubby pose exactly like the sign and he happily obliged as usual :D. Those signs were hilarious, i mean.. I believe it won't stop people who really plan on flinging themselves down there!
Wakakakakaka at Boss Re's act-cute pose
Continuously being photo-bombed
And again

Then our hubbies decided to do a pre-wed shoot WTF
A normal pic after the not-so-normal one. I still marvel at how gorge the view is.
At this point we were exhausted and parched. So we decided to go up there to scout for some cold drink.
The little kiosk on the right!

From which we got ICE CREAM!!! The lady that served us ice cream was actually Indonesian! LOL.
Yup and she told us "Don't worry, i'll give you lots of ice cream. Indonesian must look after each other, right?" Hihihihi such a nice lady!
Pay attention to #Pink's bowler hat.
We made hubby pose with it hahahaha
Hahahahaha that guy is cray cray I tell ya...
Our drivers asked us to get down and see something which I forgot what.
Can't be this bridge. There's nothing special about it, don't you think?!
Maybe that temple up top?!  
OMG BB!!!! It's the frog looking rock with the temple as the crown! It's the frog king!
White rocks *stupidest caption ever* LOL.
#Pink posed scandalously here! Big hair don't care, baby!!
Another one LOL. SMILE #PINK, SMILE!!! 
Can't BB, too busy fighting the cray cray wind
Oh!!! I didn't even realize #Undecided's hubby's in this pic! And still wearing my hat hahahaha
LOLOLOLOL at my pose!

Scary, swinging bridge
This is when i realized that Joe was not joking when he said he's afraid of heights
Going in
Asked Joe to snap this pic, he obliged with a stony face. Then i realized he looked pale and scurry off back because he said he couldn't do it. LOL. Poor Joe! I'm not a fan of heights either and the naughty people (the taxi uncles, #Undecided's hubby and Boss Re, OMG all the heavy weight people!!) started bouncing up and down on the already very unsteady bridge! GRRRRR
View from the bridge
We reached the other end of the bridge only to be greeted by a DO NOT ENTER sign LOL. As to not waste the trip, i made hunny pose for a bit

Back to where we started
The next stop was the last, even though we weren't at the very top yet. Unfortunately because we're Indonesian (LOL) we got a bit of a late start in the morning (i hate mornings zzz) and so our time in Taroko was cut shorter than it should since we have a train to catch at 4!
Another amazing view!
On a rainy season the waterfall must be breath taking!
I think that was our original destination, wayy up there
Yes, this
There were cafetaria, shops and toilet on that stop but the uncles were so worried we're gonna be late that they won't even let us go to the toilet hahaha
Cute pic, even though all four of us looked so chubby-cheeked so it must be blown up
LOLOLOL OMG what is this???
And that was out visit to Taroko Gorge! Beautiful, beautiful scenery, yes? I'd still say the most beautiful nature views i've ever seen in my entire life would be China (and we locally also have super beautiful nature scenery as well), but this is one of the top contenders! Too bad we had no time to go all the way to the top :(.. Btw, #Undecided's hubby said he used to go there (when he was living in Taiwan) to drag race. Whatta bad bad boy *LOL*. Please look forward to the next installment, we're going to Shihlin Night Market and feasts! (hopefully it won't be another two months before i can make #Undecided do it)

#Pink and #Undecided

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