
Friday, October 4, 2013

#Pink's Birthday Giveaway WINNER Announcement


Hehehe... For me (and the sweethearts who joined the giveaway lah) :p. I'm here to announce the winner!

Okay, a little back story first. I must admit i really struggled when i tried to find the way to pick the winner of this Give Away! I didn't want to write the names on a piece of paper and shook it (coz we've already done it before LOL), and i began regretting my decision to pick this GA winner randomly because... Omooo, there were so many sweet girls who entered and i really wanted one of them to win!!!

But i already stated that the winner will be picked randomly right so i cannot just somehow change the rules because i feel like it *whatta jerk i am if i do that!!!*, but i already knew that i am not going pick at random for my next giveaway (yes, i already thinking of the next one!), i would want the winner to write something or do something that i can *ahem* judge. Haha *drunk with power*.

Oops. I got carried away. Anyway, i don't even know how rafflecopter works yet *sobs, can somebody enlighten me please... is there no free raffle thingy? LOL* so... i Googled and spent some time searching for something that would draw a truly random number. And i found

So, this is how i do it. I think i should've told all of the contestants to tweet as much as they like coz every tweet would worth one vote *pfffftttt i'm such a rookie, i just realize that now!* because some of the sweet girls tweeted about the giveaway virtually EVERY DAY (thank God the winner is actually one of them!). I feel so guilty just giving them the same odd as the others (who only did it once). Still, rule is a rule, yes? I never asked them to tweet more than once so i cannot do anything about it (some girls also tweeted many times but only left the link to their tweet once so i got more and more confused in the end. Sorry lah, old age and all). 

Anyway, there were 17 (a vast improvement from last time LOL) girls who entered, and i just gave them all numbers in order of their admittance to represent them. And the winner is.... 
And more importantly, who's the lucky number 5 really is? Jeng jeng jeng... CONGRATULATION : 

*Throw confetti*

Congratz again Winda, i will be contacting you right this minute! Please respond to me within 1x24 hours or i will have to choose another winner! (come to think about it, Winda's having a winning streak too, yesterday she also won the Elianto Give Away with me haha! I wonder if Winda's like #Undecided who always win something whenever there's a door prize or whatever? Some people do have a real talent in this kind of thing you know! I am not included though haha

As for the other participants... Thank you so so much for entering! I'm so sorry i couldn't pick all of you as the winner! I wish i could! Please please please don't be disheartened and more importantly, don't let this stop you from joining my future give away, okay? I have lots of GA plans in the future, plenty of those stuffs to win! 

Finally, i wanna congratulate Winda again and i hope you'll like the presents! I am looking forward for that blog post showing off you loot (that's part of the Give Away's rules :))!

Have a nice day, everyone!


  1. aaakkk makasih :* ga nyangka hahahaa
    aku sering ikutan kontes tp jarang2 menang wkwkwkk
    aku udah inbox ya ^_~ sekali lagi thanks dan happy birthday #pink

    1. Iyaaa, aq ikut senang hahaha... Oh jarang menang juga ya? Kalo gitu, double congratz! Hahaha... siiip, aq krm secepatnya hadiahnya say, enjoyy :D

  2. Huaahuaaa hokiiiii si windaa,congratz.......
    Cieeee sih mindy makin keceeeeee

    1. hahahah iya Winda lg winning streak :p
      Aiiii, apa si Lina ini *gigit* LOL

  3. Congrats yaa winda :)
    Buat #Pink ama #Undecided, ditunggu lagi GA selanjutnya *secepatnya* :D
