
Friday, October 18, 2013

#Pink's Birthday Celebration!

Heyllow everybody!

#Pink's here and since i've showed you my detailed look for #Pink and hunny's birthday celebration, it's finally time to bring you into the little celebration as well :D!
The attendees :p
I decided to have the birthday dinner at the same restaurant as LL's birthday dinner last January,  De Kasteel, It's not that i'm just copying her lah hahaha, it's just that in Surabaya it's not very easy to find a place that has good food, good decor, and be a little bit more private-all at the same time. The private part was a must because we were dressed up to the nines so of course we'd want to snap a LOT of pictures, naturally! (and didn't want to attract too much stares)

Also i really wanted a place to fit the dress code, so the choices got even narrower! Originally wanted to try out a place LL recommended, a new-ish cafe called Daily Sweets (which supposedly was all pinky and girly), i was so sold that i made hunny made a call to the cafe to make a reservation. And whoever answered our call flatly refused our reservation. "We're always jammed packed on Saturday! No reservation! If you don't believe me just come by and proof it for yourself!". And added, even if we showed up without reservation, we'd be shooed off within 2 hours. It's not often that i see my kind and patient hunny's face and tone change from friendly and cheerful to downright dark, gloomy and at the verge of hauling sailor words out. LOL.

So, Daily Sweets' probably forever dead for us (but i am tempted to try it out once and asked to talk to whoever answered the phone to give the person a piece of my mind-or ten) and i couldn't think of anymore places, so we settled for De Kasteel lah!

Didn't snap pictures of the castle styled place properly on LL's birthday but i managed this time :
That's our table in the corner, with our boys busy watching the huge screen-there was a soccer match (Indonesia VS Korea and we won! YEYYY!) playing haha

It ended up being a very fun, full of laughter (that added to my already running for some reason eyes, i ended up with very messy eye make up *LOL*, thankfully it was concealed by my way too long fringes, Ndaru didn't take off enough last time :(...) but it didn't start so well. 

To begin with, i was not very well at all (but of course i totally forgot all about the sore throat, blocked nose, painful headache, etc when i was busy having fun! Laughter's definitely the best medicine haha), then L (who i actually invited with this bunch) told me she couldn't make it because she was very ill (this is not a very bad thing though. I invited her to my second dinner instead, and i was secretly relieved that she wouldn't ruin the dress code like how she always did before... Am i being mean? LOL)

Then G (who already dressed up to the nines!) BBM-ed me telling me she couldn't make it because her hubby's ancient car died! LOL. I can't have any of my BFFs bailing on me, so we picked them up (since they were both ready to go anyway). Apparently A's hubby was also sick so  #Undecided and her husband had to to pick HER up too! Pretty much everything that could go wrong almost did hahaha. But everything went smoothly afterward so... nevermind!
Their unique table centres including the huge (and heavy) bell and knight sugar holder. LL kept on asking me why Baby Boy's nanny not wearing any floral head piece and said she could use the one on the pot -____-
LL and hubby arrived like...five minutes after we did. No sign of #Undecided's gank hahaha so we cam-whored a little bit first :p
The boys :D

And then I arrived!! And photo-taking-session (well what else) continued LOL.

Well hello everyone, #Undecided here :) (must not forget to greet you all properly hehehe). But yeah, another joint entry today and let me start by wishing #Pink another happy 30th birthday (yes, she's officially as old as me now hahaha). Love you loads, bb... Don't worry about being 30, trust me, I've been 30 for 4 months now and it's been fun LOL.

Back to the photo taking session - now with me and Preggo (whom as you know,  flied solo for the night).
I posed with #Pink's unicorn because I was fascinated by it. No idea why G posed with my yellow bag LOL. 
G and her massive avocado juice. Yes, everything is massive here I felt like I was back in Taiwan for a little bit hehe...
It looks yummy, doesn't it...
LL and her drink (no idea what it was. #Pink?)
I'm thinking... Strawberry Mojito?!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's Strawberry Mojito...
LL hubby with her drink (I'm guessing watermelon juice?! Now, seriously this just turned to Guess The Drink Game, didn't it hahaha)
Iced Coffe!??!!? *someone stop me now*
Okay this one I know for sure. #Pink's hunny and his massive jug of plain iced tea hahaha... And yes, he FINISHED the whole thing. Crazy camel...

I have no idea what's gotten into #Undecided, i guess she got really stressed out with work *LOL*. And i dunno what's the exact name of LL's drink but it was strawberry something something and she said it was horribly sour, so maybe it's better that we do not know anyway :p. As my drink was iced cafe latte, in case anyone (i'm guessing nobody really, #Undecided!) cares!

Now here comes the food photos. Yes, #Pink is now obsessed with taking photos of food. I guess food-blogging is her latest obsession.
Mushroom soup (Preggo claimed it was yummy. Both Hubby and G's hubby got them from their set menu. Hubby obvi tossed it aside and Preggo forgetting her diet, finished it happily LOL. Oh, Baby Boy had this too I believe!)
#Pink's salad. She was so ill she could only had soup and salad (being ill is the best kind of diet LOL)
G's hubby's Beef Ribs. This photo doesn't do it justice. It's MASSIVE IRL. 
#Pink made us pose like this. But the expression is genuine. We were quite blown away by the size of the ribs hahahaha
#Pink strived the whole night to pose demurely. Oh yea she did...
See! Another demure pose. Tisk tisk...
Hey! I always act demure-er whenever LL's around! LOL, i guess her vibes makes me behave a little bit (her being older and maturer). But actually i posted this picture because of... look at the background! G looking absolutely mental! LOL
I especially hate hubby's hair that night. It was severely overgrown and needed trimming (yes, I just compared my husband's hair to a hedge) 
Preggo looking gluttonous 

We all (yeah, me the ill-birthday gal included) had a pretty great dinner, even though it was only soup and salad for me pffffttt...I tend to eat less on my own parties though, i don't really know why. Maybe busy hosting? LOLOLOL kidding lah :p i can't be a good host to save my life, too ignorant i guess :p.

Of course, once we put the last morsel inside our respective mouths (blogging at 1.30 AM, high with flu medication makes my choices of words questionable. Don't blame me) of course it was full on cam-whoring sesh!
Snap one with everybody...

I guess we were all eyeing the massive motorcycle on the entrance from the beginning, a very weird decoration for a castle-themed diner (actually they're working together with the motorcycle's dealer or something like that) and a pretty obvious choice to cam-whore. Then we dragged submissive Preggo to climb into the massive thingy (with more forced help from #Undecided's hubby). I was really worried her water might broke or something though, WTF...
Coolest 8-months pregnant lady evah hahahaha
Then snap one of the boys just so that we have one picture of them :p
Then of course, 10.000 shots of us! Too bad LL already took off and stored her head piece (that she claimed kept on bothering her by flying toward her face hahaha) inside her clutch! Actually everybody followed the dress code and wore floral head pieces even though you can't see A's because it was a hair pin (big one!) to secure that bun at the back of her head!
LOLOLOL, plopped the witch's hat on helpless Preggo
Then of course Baby Boy also wanted one, took a lot of snaps to capture this because he wouldn't stand still long enough for my broken camera to finish processing! Resulting in a lot of blurry pictures, especially the cute ones! GRRRRR!!!!
Hunny trying out one of the wooden clogs also lying around there...
Then suddenly Baby Boy shouted at me, asking me to snap a picture of him there. Turned out so well and in #Undecided's words "like a photo studio!" so of course we scuttled off, wanting to cam-whore at the spot as well *LOLOLOL*
Noticing that #Undecided, LL and i were wearing lacey clothes, of course we shooed the other two off and took some of ourselves :p.
Lacey team. #Undecided should've wore a black clutch too and we'd be even more matchy matchy!
Yeah, feeling sorry for them so i told them to be a floral dress/black dress team and snapped this (G insisted that they wore dresses from the same materials, when in fact hers was spandex and A's satin! LOL. Know your material, woman!!!)
Of course, signature preggy pose! Will so miss doing this when A popped! Next in line to be preggy, please!
You do it, #Pink! Go be preggo... LOL.

Couple cam-whoring session next :P
#Undecided snapped this and claimed "You look fab, BB!", well it's a very pretty picture BB, but it's blurry! LOL
Then when i tried taking this picture, she nudged me out of the way because "I got this!!!!" and sure enough, it's blurry as well. LOLOLOL.
Now, this one i obviously took! Sharp and nice, yes? LOL
I took this one, right #Pink?! Or did I show G how to pose?! Anyway, I think of all the bunch, this is the only photo G is satisfied about. This is why it is so important to know your own angle, G!!
Errrrr, i took this pic BB hahaha

After we snapped G's photo we all were sorta looking at Preggo and thought to ourselves. Hmm... We cannot let Preggo have no couple photo now can we... So we gathered our hubbies and lent them to her HAHAHAHAHA... 

And as per usual, my hubby and #Pink's hunny needed no detailed instructions when it comes to posing crazily. I just told them, "pose as if you are saying "the baby's not mine!!", okay?!".

And boy they delivered hahahaha...


They're still warming up... Only #Pink's hunny and hubby obliged. Tisk!
Now G's hubby followed suit, but still... LL's hubby didn't. Hmph!
This one's super funny, right?!? Hahahahaha... 
Yes, apparently it's #Pink's hunny's baby! Hahahaha...
After laughing like a bunch of mental people (and perspiring in the process - yes, laughing is a work out if you're friends with #Pink and #Undecided), we decided to wrap the day. Obviously with some more group photos!

And one more because G wasn't satisfied with the first photo. Angle, G, angle!!! LOL.

We then joined these guys and watched the final minutes of that soccer game. And Indonesia won!!!!! What a perfect ending of a perfect night.

Toodles everybody!
#Pink and #Undecided


  1. kyaaaaa.. ini mah serruuuuu banget!! mana cantik2 smua temen cici :v
    makanannya jg bikin ngilerrrr ci T____T
    sekali lg selamaatt ulang tahun ya ciii :* :*

    1. Hihihihiihi makasi ya Wie :D... Ntar kita2 sm other bloggers juga seru2an gitu donk hahahaha...
