
Thursday, April 18, 2013 Special+Loads of Accessories Haul

Heyllowee guys!

I'm not back yet hoho, but filler entries are still available! As i promised, i also prepared a haul post for a filler entry, so you guys won't miss me too much *LOLOL*. I hope you guys are not getting sick of my hauls yet, because...yes, as the title said, this is another (and other stuffs lah) haul!!! This time is a bit special lah compared to previous haul (for me!), why? Keep on reading and find out for yourself!

Actually, from the first picture you should already guessed why i said this haul is special..
Did you see what i mean??? If you don't get it... Zzzz... It's special because its got SK-II lah!!! LOLOL! I dunno if you noticed, but i don't really buy premium branded cosmetics or skin care :p. I do have quite a lot of them, but none of them was purchased by me, almost all of them were given to me by my mum or sisters (i only have one sis, but i consider my sis in laws as my own sis lah so i call them all sisters :p). I'm just too cheap to buy expensive stuffs like that haha. 

But i've always wanted to try SK-II stuffs, i'm super interested in their pitera water :D. So when i saw selling travel sized SK-II with a big discount, i immediately purchased all of the items that were available then! 

By the way, talking about premium branded cosmetics, just now i remember my haul! It should be in one of my former haul posts, but the photos seems to dissapeared somehow that's why i forgot to write about them! Dammit, where did the pictures gone to??? I'm gonna have to re-take the then *glum*.

Anyway, let's take a look at my 5th haul! (Yes, i told ya already, there's a number 6).
The first three (and most important) items in this haul, SK-II stuffs!
SK-II Classic Care Cellumination Mask-In Lotion (30 ml), this is the priciest item of the bunch, so small yet it costs USD 12.60, still that's quite cheap for an SK-II item so i just snapped it without thinking lah haha. In the middle is SK-II Basic Care Facial Treatment Clear Lotion (20 ml) USD 4.60 only! And the last is SK-II Basic Care Basic Care Facial Treatment Gentle Cleanser (20 ml) for USD 5.10! Very cheap right the last two?
Farmasi Hand and Body Cream in Berries and Cherry (200 ml) USD 2.10 each. I got them because they were dirt cheap lah! LOL. Plus the variants they came in also super tempting ones, would love berries and cherry scented body creams! I was tempted to buy all of the variants they have (since they're so very cheap), but i thought i'd try out these two and see if they works well on my skin first, what if i bought like five tubes and they were crap? I'd be really pissed at myself then! If they are nice i'd definitely buy the other variants, in bulk! LOL.

And the last item :
Sasatinnie Beauty Care Snake Revitalizing Face Mask USD 0.60. Again, i was attracted to the super cheap price haha, and also attracted to the ingredient. Snake peptide? Sounds interesting.
That's all i got from this time, but i still got plenty of stuffs to show you!
Went to Martha Tilaar store to snoop around for my job, then i bought Sari Ayu Bedak Jerawat (Pimple Powder) because i'm loving it so much so i thought i'd stock up. Super cheap lah it was IDR 17.000 *LOL*. 
Still in the beauty stuffs category, i bought some nail stuffs at Elianto new counter in Centro Department Store, GM. I think i wrote that Elianto is a South Korean brand? I did some research and apparently it was actually a Malaysian brand??? There was a lot of confusion even in Malaysia *LOL*, i read some Malaysian were quite angry because Elianto always positioned themself as a Korean brand? I'm not 100% sure. But i then heard that Elianto did manifactured some of their stuffs in Korea and never actually claimed to be a Korean brand. So confusing.

Whether it's a Korean or Malaysian brand doesn't matter lah, i really couldn't care less. As long as they are good and cheap LOLOL. On our last trip to Malaysia and Singapore i went crazy about Elianto nail polishes, i purchased more than 20 of them i think LOL, they were having lots of promotions back then. This time i also bought them because of their Buy 2 Get 1 Free promo.
Strawberry Nail Remover 100 ml, Bamboo and Apple Nail Color Remover 60ml
Elianto Nail Color in Blue Splash (29)
See? Made in Korea :p
I wanted to purchase three big bottled nail polish remover but the BA told me that i have to purchase three different kinds (or sized) items zzzz. So i got the big one for IDR 27.000, the nail polish for IDR 25.000 and got the little bottled remover for free (original price IDR 22.000). I told you some time ago that my sis dragged me to Elianto again when i told her about the promo and she bought me another nail color, i forgot to take picture of the second nail color though, will do so in the future!

We're done with beauty related stuffs this time! I got plenty of accessories to show you now!
Those are all necklaces i got from Grand Palace Department Store in GC. You might remember i also bought lots of accessories there in my very first haul post , Grand Palace is fast becoming my favorite place for bargain high quality costume jewelries hunts! They often hold a huge sale you cannot find anywhere else! And the stuffs are always oh so beautiful i just want to get them all!

I... don't remember the price for each items i got (except for the red butterfly necklace, it was IDR 12.000 or something), but i remember them to be around IDR 50.000 (or less) each, i remember paying under IDR 200.000 for all four of them, which is crazy because for such high quality, party worthy costume jewelries you'd usually have to pay more than IDR 150.000 each! 

Each one are very beautiful (and i must mention again, very well made! Not those cheap, easily broken dirt cheap material ones), here's a close look of each one of them.
The cheapest and simplest one hehe
I also got some Myka bracelets at Sogo, Myka's an accessories brand from Australia and they often hold a huge sale. In fact, #Undecided's wedding favor for her "matron of honors" (me, A, G and W lah) was a pretty Butterfly bracelets from Myka! 
I don't remember the price, but i think it was reduced twice. The price label's still on and it stated IDR 49.000 (from IDR 100.000) each, but i'm pretty sure i wouldn't buy it if it was still IDR 49.000 so i believe it was reduced (again) to half price, i'm pretty certain i bought both of them for IDR 49.000 (so 24.500 each). If you touch the material you'd know that they are made from a good quality material and the price was ridiculously low for such good quality items.
Wanted to buy a matching necklace but it was still quite expensive (compared to the bracelets) so i gave them a pass LOL.

The last items i wanna show you are dirt cheap accessories i got from our trip to Gunung Kawi .
This little plastic full of accessories went missing for a bit once, i was already so frustrated and panicked (i always panic whenever i lost something, no matter how cheap it is) but then we found them in hunny's bag *LOL*. My memory's so crappy i forgot that i placed them there WTF.

All three bracelet was paid by #Undecided's hubby and he wouldn't let me pay him back *Pfffftttt* so i'm not sure of their prices. I think the wooden ones was IDR 5000 each and the blue stones one was IDR 15.000. The wooden ones are the ones we got for A and G (and #Undecided also got herself those two obvi) too.
And the necklaces was... probably IDR 10.000 each, i just remember that all of them were dirt cheap lah *LOL*. Remember i said one of the highlight of going to Gunung Kawi for me is dirt cheap accessories hunting LOLOL.
This one's supposedly glows in the dark hehe
Wah, plenty of stuffs this time, eh? Hope you guys enjoyed reading this! Now i'm gonna go and obsess over the missing photos! So weird! Where the heck did they go????