
Friday, December 21, 2012

Dooms day??? Nah.. I Just Wanna Show You Guys My Haul LOL!

Hiiiii!!! #Pink here! Who miss my shopping reports??? ME!!! LOL

After all, what’s a week without #Pink’s shopping haul, right? It’d be like the night without the moon *dramatic* LOL.  Eh, but before that let’s do a headcount… you guys are all still there right *worried*you know,  with all dooms day talk, I’m still here  (not feeling too well but certainly doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world)  but who knows how it is in the other end of the world? Wahahahah… kidding peeps, don’t be pissed :p.
 By now you should already know that me and #Undecided  are two crazies that cannot take anything seriously, this is how our latest convos goes :

#Undecided : I’m confused, is today the last day on earth or tomorrow is??
#Pink : today’s the last day 
#Undecided : OMG! Then I should forget about diet and eat steak!
#Pink : yeah, me too. Screw diet. I do not want to be a hungry ghost.

Later at night :
#Undecided : BB, I’ve straightened my bangs, because I do not want to wander through eternity with fugly bangs.
#Pink : OMG then I better put on full make up and wear a pretty dress to sleep, I refuse to spend eternity in pajamas!

After midnight :
#Pink : it’s 21sts already, how come we’re still alive?

#Undecided : yeah. But maybe dooms day’s following America’s clock, it’s not 21st yet there
#Pink : oh maybe. But I think should follow Mayan’s!!!
#Undecided : oh right, but what is the Mayan’s time now?
#Pink : How should I know????

The next day :
#Pink : errr… definitely 21st already. Nothing happened ya?
#Undecided : ya!
#Pink : crap, now I gotta go back to diet zzzz.

In case some of you doesn’t follow, we’re being SARCASTIC. Okay. *worried someone will call us dumb to actually believe it’s going to be doomsday today* (or issit tomorrow??? I really can’t keep up)
Anyhoo, this time I’m gonna show you my Daiso and Stroberi haul! Get ready for cuteness overload!! (somehow there are a lot of male readers in this blog, so.. err… I hope you guys won’t puke or try to poke your eyes out seeing so many cute stuffs hehe).
For those who doesn’t know what Daiso is, Daiso is a Japanese shop that sells cute and practical stuffs, from make-ups to accessories to household stuffs to stationary to cooking stuffs etc etc etc. Their selections are too many to mention. And all of their stuffs has only one price! Flat rate for everything! I know!!! Nice right :D no need to check on the price label constantly (oh yeah, I check on the price of everything I touch whenever I went shopping it’s borderline embarrassing,  I just need to know everything’s prices, if only to scoff at the ridiculousness of the numbers). Daiso’s available in many Asian countries (wonder if they are available outside Asia? I really don’t know, I’ve never stepped foot outside Asia yet, FML. But the embarrassing fact is about to change! Soon!). (eh I just googled and apparently Daiso’s everywhere! So you should know what Daiso is right?)
Like most Indonesian, countries that I most frequent is Singapore (because my mum’s actually part Singaporean, almost all of her relatives are there) and Malaysia and whenever I go to Singapore or Malaysia (which is like… almost every year LOL) I’d go to their Daisos. Why, you wonder, since we also have Daisos in Indonesia? Because their Daisos are so much cuter and sells much more interesting stuffs than our local ones (for me lah)! Lot’s of make up thingy! I don’t really remember their price there (ok, just googled again, it’s SGD 2 in Singapore and RM 5 in Malaysia), but in Indonesia their flat price is IDR 22.500 (about USD 2.50), but there are hardly any make ups in Indonesian Daiso (or Surabaya city’s, maybe there are more in Jakarta? Never bothered to go to Daiso there, that’s my mum’s territory), maybe just some nail thingy -____- and brushes and stuffs, B.O.R.I.N.G.
So, I don’t really like visiting Daiso in my hometown (whereas I’d spend hours in Malaysian Daiso haih, now I miss KL’s Daiso FML), my hunny loves it zzzz. There are mostly home and cooking stuffs in Surabaya Daiso, ich… it doesn’t interest me at all (I know I know, my hubby’s more wivey and domesticated than me, let’s just say I’ma  trophy wife okay) but this time I managed to get some cute stuffs! *Surprised* *throw confetti in the air*, here they are!
First thing first : huge diamante hair bands. I’m very big on hair accessories, because I suck at styling my hair, they just lay limply there, the only way to jazz up my hair is by putting on hair accessories, done! Zero effort LOL. And since I’m into gyaru style of course hair accessories is a huge compliment to the whole look. These two hairbands (yes, they are exactly the same only the diamantes are different colors, I simply couldn’t decided on which one to get, and I wanted to use credit card to pay because my OCD won’t let me pay by cash, and there is this weird rule in Indonesia where you need to spend a certain amount before you can pay by credit card, most shop’s minimum’s IDR 100.000, so I just grabbed both) are not very gyaru though, I think they are pretty versatile. It can even be worn to a semi-formal occasion, all for IDR 22.500! (OMG and I went and blog about this so the next time go to a party and wear this you all will know it’s dirt cheap. Zzzz. Oh whateva lah) Whatta steal!
Next : Another hair accessory, a pink cloth hair clip with appliqué. Cute right, so gyaruu *kawaiiii!!! Initially I thought this piece of cloth only, costs IDR 22.500, why so expensive? But I cannot put it down. It’ll match a lot of my girly dresses and it just screamed “ME”, the picture’s not doing it justice (used a flash, I hadn’t managed to find the right setting when I took this pic hehe sorry ya), it’s much softer and prettier in real life :D.
Then this furry black and white pouch, I think I’m gonna use it as my cosmetic pouch. So soft and furry! And love the color too, so MODE hehe. Remember I told you that I am stingy in a weird way? My stinginess also applies when it comes to cosmetic pouches. I think I only purchased one cosmetic pouch, when I was still a teenager huahahhahahaa so embarrassing. The rest are all gifts (mostly from L hiihihihi) or freebies from purchasing other stuffs. LOL. Why I keep on embarrassing myself in this blog? Haih.
The last item that I did not bother to take a picture of is a heart shaped soap dish. I needed one for my Sari Ayu facial bar soap but I am not willing to pay a lot for something so… unnecessary, especially if it’s not cute. Then I spotted this cute heart shaped one so I quickly grab one hehehe.
Those are my Daiso haul! Next!
I actually bought those baby blue/baby pink rug for picture taking purposes, especially for this blog! Am I not such a good blogger *praise self* hahahaha. Okay please ignore my craziness. Carrying on..
I got this sexy snakeskin clutch at Guess! It’s on sale! Original price is IDR 700.000 I think, and it’s on 50% sale. I saw this clutch when I went to GC last time with G (remember my first shopping haul) and fell in love with it. But I just bought a vintage bag at Fossil plus a snakeskin  bag from Charles and Keith like a week before or so, so I was very hesitant to buy it right then (and having G as a shopping partner didn’t help, she kept on NOT buying stuffs I just felt bad if I keep on buying stuffs!!! Where is L or D when I need them! Hahahahaa) but I cannot stop thinking about it zzzz, and kept mentioning it to hubby and I think he got fed up and demanded me to buy it (before they are all sold out and then I’d whine and blame him hahahha). We didn’t get to go to GC yet and when I look for them at GM and TP’s outlets they are nowhere to be seen! The horror!!! But when we went to CW (I think we went to watch Assassin that day) I saw the clutch in brown and I asked (well, I made hubby ask because I’m weird that way) if they have the black one, and they took forever to check but in the end they said there’s one left! And if you use BNI credit card you’ll get additional 15% discount from the discounted price! So of course I was sold right away! LOL. In the end we paid about IDR 314.000 for this gorgeous clutch, so not bad right!

This is my Stoberi haul : five super kawaii rings. I love cute and quirky rings, I usually wear one or two of them (not with my Otona outfits of course) and I have lots and lots of them. These are my latest collections. I do not remember the prices of each ring but the are all around IDR 6000 (around USD 0.75 hahaha) to IDR 10.000 (USD 1.10), dirt cheap or what? So dirt cheap that two of them fell off the metal ring once I got home hahahaha. But it is very easily fixed, with a little glue gun and they are stronger than ever! Haha.
Huge hot pink flower and black Hello Kitty’s ribbon rings. Wah, my fingers looks really stumpy here, horrible angle T.T, it’s not very easy taking picture of your left hand using your right hand alright! My fingers are not that bad in real life okay
Ivory rose (saw very similar looking and material-wise rings in more upscale brands store like Mango, Dorothy Perkins, etc. I’d get more than ten of these Stroberi store rings for one of those branded ones hahaha) and daisy rings. So feminine and girly, LOVE!
Big baby pink glittery rose.. so pretty it deserves a picture by itself! And I was trying to capture the tiny glitters too but not really successful in doing so, much prettier and expensive-looking IRL! Love my new rings :D!
 Also bought this fake Bath and Bodyworks pocketbac and its holder hahaha (not from Storberi, bought it from a friend’s online shop) Why would I buy a fake Bath and Bodyworks item even  though the real deal’s very cheap also? Because it’s pink and Hello kitty! Paid IDR 40.000 for both, I might get the real ones by adding a few thousands rupiahs also but I don’t think the original ones has Hello Kitty pocketbac?? So what’s a true-blue (or true-pink? LOL, please excuse my lame jokes) Hello Kitty lover to do???

Oh, I also bought this sandal sling gel at Metro. So uninteresting but they are super expensive, IDR 99.000 for four tiny skinny strips of gel *arghhhhh* so I have to show it off! Super reluctant to buy it but my baby pink jelly shoes has a skinny strap and it’s hurting me, so I had to buy this stupid thing grrrr… what’s ironic? My shoes’ cheaper than those stupid gels. FML. Huh!
In case you guys are wondering, why I never seem to buy any clothes (since #Undecided already told you how obsessed I am with clothes).. it’s because I do not want to show you lah!!! No clothing haul, noh! Maybe if I go overseas or something I’ll let you peek into my clothing buys too but on a daily basis I won’t show you! I’m scared #Undecided will plan an intervention if I let you all see how much clothes I buy hahahhaha.
I still have a lot of stuffs that I bought, but I’m gonna do another post since they are all online-shopped and all are beauty products! Hope I don’t bore you guys hoho! TTYL!


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